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©2017, Olan L. Smith

"Well, of course, I would have to say yes." Replied Ruben.

"You can't think that in this situation because you're deep undercover, you will be an SDL member in every respect. Leave your morals back in Washington, D.C., as well as any murderous intents. If anyone reads your mind and finds any reluctance that is other than pure, our cover is blown, and the lives of many will end. When we get home, I will end you. Is that understood?"

"Yes, since you put it so nicely, but where am I going to find that type of mental fortitude in such a short time?"

"I will hypnotize you."

"I thought you couldn't make someone do something they wouldn't do naturally—uh, I mean normally.

"Naturally, is it more like it, George? Naturally speaking, a woman is ready to have sex when she begins to ovulate. In the time of Jesus, they began at twelve. Mary, the mother of Christ, was about twelve to fourteen when she conceived Jesus. People started early because their life span was short. As soon as they could physically pop a baby, they got to it. It was a matter of the survival of the species. Today, we prolong childhood. Many people in their twenties act like children. Men are programmed to have sex with younger women as they age to increase the number of children they will hae once their mate has stopped being able to have children. What I have to do is find that genetic switch in that sexy brain of yours and turn it on in your head."

"With so much sex going on in this cult, no wonder they are such a popular religion."

"They are not popular because of their openness to sex; never forget that. They are popular because Levi Jackson is so powerful and charismatic. They have their own doctors and their own hospitals, and nothing gets out about their beliefs or their activities. They are also popular because they believe every religion is the way to God, and they are very persuasive. Once inside the group, you are always in. No operative who has infiltrated the group has ever returned to their former lives. If we make it out, we will be the first."

"It sounds like to me they are a combination of many cults wrapped up in one, and add the naturists and nudists to the list."

Greta heard Alicia as she turned onto Brentwood Drive. She would be here soon. "Ruben, I mean George, Alicia is about here. Dr. Alicia Santos is a scientist. We need to protect her because she is our way in, and if other agents find her, it will blow our cover."

"Scientist, huh. Every woman will seem attractive to you when I am through with the hypnotism. You will desire and want to have sex with anyone who seeks you out. The mission is too important to the country's security to think, 'Scientist, huh.' These people will conquer the world. If we do not stop them, now."

"Okay, I will stop it. But this means you'll be having sex with a lot of men, right?"

"So, this is the real problem; you are jealous; you should have read that one. Alicia is here to help with that. Don't worry, you won't be jealous. I promise you that after I am through with you, you won't have a jealous bone in your body."

"What about homosexuals? Do they tolerate them?"

"Stop it, Ruben, err, George! What do you want me to do? Put a mental sign over your butthole saying off limits; give me a break. They will not expect you to have sex with a male if you have no homosexual tendency, George; they can read minds. You don't like men, do you?"

"When you read my mind, you didn't find anything like that, did you?"

"Oh, for God's sake, George, no! You're not a closet homosexual because you wore your mother's bra," she giggled. "Alicia is here."

"Aren't you going to put on some clothes?"


"What about the neighbors? What will they think?"

Dearest, they will either think we are nudists or members of the SDL. Plus, I might make a few pizza delivery guys very happy." The doorbell rang, and Greta said, "Hear that, George? The doorbell works." She went to the door, opened it wide, and said, "Welcome to our home, Alicia. I know you, but you don't know us. I am Betty Freeman, and this is my husband, George." They hugged each other as she walked in, and Greta closed the door. "You will have to excuse my husband's clothes. If you would like, I'll have him take them off."

"No, that's quite all right, but I must admit that, from my experience, clothes seem quite burdensome. I wish everybody could go nude."

"Well, Alicia, that's the way God first planned things."

"I do, now."

Reuben asked, "Alicia, what kind of experience did you have?"

"Not now, George. We can discuss that later; let's make her comfortable. Alicia, why don't you come with me to the kitchen, and I will fix you something to drink? George, go to the bedroom and take off your clothes, pretty please." She placed the thought in his mind the old-fashioned way, with a wink, so she would spend ten to fifteen minutes alone with Alicia.

Reuben excused himself as the two women went into the kitchen. Greta was a good ten years older than Alicia, but you couldn't tell by how she looked. Alicia was a slender, small-breasted woman with a pretty face, dark brown hair, and golden brown eyes. Greta watched as she got undressed, folded her clothes, and placed them on the counter. Greta said, "I love your tattoos. They're beautiful." She ran her forefinger over the outlines.

"Thank you. May I ask you why I am here?"

"Certainly, I have been asked by Levi to protect and teach you."

"How did you meet Levi?"

"We are cousins by marriage; his wife Venus is my cousin, but I also happen to be an assistant chief detective for the FBI, so I guess you can say I am a triple agent or a spy pretending to be a double agent. I work for the FBI, pretending to spy on the SDL when I am working for Levi, but shush, George is not a believer yet. He is a Homeland Security agent sent to spy on the SDL and me. What he isn't aware of is that I know and I have the power to alter his thoughts, but I am not going to do that, because that will be your job."

"Why me?"

"Because you're going to be his wife, as am I."

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