Chapter 15

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Jungkook's pov

' why did I fucking buy her this dress?' I  glared at the male staff who were basically eye raping her. " Close your mouth," I said as I grabbed her waist and pulled her close. She was startled by my sudden behavior as I could feel her shivering in my arms. 

"Jungkookie!" the high pitch voice caught our attention, It was none other than Jimin's hyung voice.  " Hyung, stop it! " I said while trying to escape from his koala hug.

" Hello Shi, you looked beautiful. Jimin hyung greeted her as he pulled her into a hug.

" Such a slut," I let out a breath as I saw her blushing in another man embarrass.

*cough! cough!*  where are the others, hyung? I tried to avoid the uneasy feelings emerged within me.

Author's pov 

The couple followed the elder as he guided them to their tables where the rest were enjoying themselves. Shi smiled genuinely as she bowed to the boys, she remembered them from her wedding, they were all very kind to her when Jungkook literally treated her like trash. She sat between Jungkook and Seokjin, for a while she forgot all her pains as she talked to Jin, she felt like she was talking to her elder brother while Jungkook was giving her death gaze which was unnoticed by her.

" You will get it from me tonight bitch," he whispered as he clenched the fork tightly that it could break any moment.

"Did you say something kookie," Taeghyung asked as he drank his wine.

" O-oh yeah, the food is really good." He lied as he looked at his wife enjoying her night while he was clearly losing control by the way she interacted with his hyungs.

Shi pov

" Shi ah, do you know whenever I am sad, I read my blood donor Id!

"why?" I asked" Because it always says that B Positive!"

"haha-ha op-opaa, you're unbelievable" I wiped my tears which came from too much of laughing.

"ahh!" I looked beside me and saw Jungkook grabbed my hand under the table. He acted normal as if nothing is wrong . I smiled weakly as I did want to cause a scene and tried to eat with my left hand. thankfully no one noticed as they were all engaged in the conversation.

"shi ah why are you eating with your left hand?" Eun Jae unnie asked me and now everybody's attention was on me. Jungkook gave me ' I dared you to say something ' look but instead of leaving my hand, he tightened his grip.

" Actually, my right hand is dirty unnie, that's why." I laughed awkwardly and continued to eat.

After having dinner, we were all waiting for Jimin oppa special dessert when suddenly the lights went off and only dim white light reflected on Eun Jae unnie and soon there a melody was played where Jimin oppa was singing promise and at the end of the song he finally went on his knee and took out a ring ,

" Eun Jae, remember  5 years I was a complete jerk to you, I had always played with girls and broke their heart, I thought love was just a 4 letters bullshit until you came and taught me the meaning. Even tho I have done many mistakes, you taught me how to reconcile them and today I can't be more happy to give you my surname, to give the right over my life, to have you all by myself for the entire life. Eun Jae, will you marry me."

The proposal of Jimin oppa touched our heart as unknowingly a tear escaped my eyes. Eun Jae unnie had tears of happiness as she accepted his proposal and they both shared a passionate kiss. The oppas and Jungkook were already teasing them. As they stood up to congratulate them, I held back by Jungkook who still had my hand but luckily he let go as he went towards his hyungs and I hugged Eun Jae unnie.

Author's pov

" Jimin ah, after our maknae you are the second getting married, I am so jealous how the maknae line is so fast with their love life. Jungkook is married, you are engaged, Taehyung is already planning to ask his crush out." Hoseok whined as he took a bite of his ice cream. They all laughed at the elder's behavior while there was one person who was impatient to go home since the beginning itself.

hello,cherries! finally here comes another update I hope you enjoy it.

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