First day.

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That's how BlackStar ended up on his way to Death City. His mom was right though, he's been having problems lately. Coming home late at night, screaming for everything, punching things when he's angry... and it all started with a girl. A girl named Tsubaki. He fell in love with her very hard, harder than ever before. But she broke his heart. Right now, he didn't want to think about that, he just wanted to kill himself. He was forced to spend the whole summer with some stupid girl he didn't even remember. What was her name again? Right, Maka. Who cares, anyways? Some girl is not going to make him change. He was not going to make that mistake twice.

He arrived in Death City with his bag and a suitcase. 'What now?' he thought. Her sight traveled over the place until it landed on a dark blonde girl waving at him. Her hair was falling over her shoulders an her eyes were very green. He started walking towards her as he watched her smile grow wider. "Hi, BlackStar!" she said happily. He nodded at her, not really wanted to talk to her. Maka started walking as she spoke again. "I live right over there, so we'll walk." BlackStar sighed annoyingly. The next three minutes were dead silent. BlackStar looked discretily at Maka, who still had a smile plastered on her face. How could she be that happy, when the person right next to her was going through hell? He was the first to talk. "Why are you doing this?" she looked at him. "Well... your mom sounded really worried. I just wanted to help. After all, we were friends as kids." she explained, smiling at him. "Okay, how much did my mom pay you?" Maka laughed at BlackStar's question. "She didn't pay me. I offered to do it." she said, as he frowned. Well that's dumb, it's not like he needs someone to look after him. He's twenty-one already. They walked for a couple of minutes until they arrived at a small house with two floors. Maka opened the door as both of them got in. "You live alone?" he asked. "Yeah, it's just me." she answered, leaving they keys on the table. "I'll show you your room." Maka smiled. BlackStar followed her upstairs until they reached a room. It wasn't too big, and it wasn't too small. It had a TV and even his own bathroom, but something strange about this room caught BlackStar's attention. The smell. It smelled as if someone had lived in this room before. Which is weird, because Maka had her own bedroom. 'Oh well, who cares'. BlackStar put his bag on the bed. "I'll leave you to unpack." Maka said. "If you need me, I'll be downstairs." BlackStar saw her leave, as he lied on the bed, tired. 'Why would I need her? I can take care of myself perfectly'.

A knock on his door caught his attention. He closed the closet and opened the door. There stood a blonde girl smiling, looking straight at him with her green eyes. "Dinner's ready."

"Actually, everybody's been saying that we were friends as kids" BlackStar said, sitting in front of Maka, facing her. "But I don't really remember you." "Well, it was years ago, we were like six." Maka responded. BlackStar tried again to search into his memories. To find a girl with blonde hair and very green eyes. Nothing. Why he couldn't remember her? "For what I remember, you've changed a lot." Maka continued. "What was your job again?" he asked. "I teach at the Death Weapons and Meisters Academy." she said. "So you have a partner." BlackStar stated. "Actually, I don't. I used to have one back when I was a student. But when I turned him into a Death Scythe he moved to England. I was nineteen when he left so Lord Death asked me to teach at the DWMA, and I accepted. What about you?" BlackStar looked down. "I used to have a weapon too, before summer." he said sadly. "What happened?" Maka digged. "Shit happened, I don't really want to talk about it." he responded angrily. Just thinking about how stupid he was in the past made him angrier. He tried to calm down, not wanting to scare Maka the first day, his mom would kill him if he exploded on her. Plus, why would Maka think he was going to talk about his life to a complete stranger? "I'm sorry." Maka apologized. BlackStar looked up at her, but her green eyes were at her food, which she had already finished. He stood up, walking straight up to his room. Maka looked at him as he left. Great, she had made him mad the first day. BlackStar sighed angrily as he closed the door behind him. He wanted to hit the wall as hard as he could, but he realized it would be dumb. He laid on his bed, thinking. 'Maybe this room was her partner's. She said her partner left her, but she looked like a strong meister. Why would he want to leave her? well, who cares?' He decided to take a little nap, since he didn't have other thing to do.

A knock on his door woke him up as he groaned. He looked at the clock; 21:00. Goddammit. He stood up and opened the door to find a worried-looking Maka. "What?" he snapped, but he immediately regretted it. The look on her eyes made him feel kind of... bad? 'no. Why would I feel sorry for her? seriously, I need to stop going to be after eating.' "I just wanted to say sorry. The last thing I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable here." she said sincerely. BlackStar decided not to snap at her and make things uncomfortable between them, he didn't feel like fighting right now. "It's okay. I guess we're cool." he admitted, making Maka's sile grow wider. "I'm happy to hear that. Maybe we could... hang out tomorrow and show you around the city?" she asked. "Sure, why not." he said before he could stop himself. "Great! well.. goodnight." she said, a little blush on her face. "'Night." he said before closing the door. Realization hit him like a truck. 'Did I just agree to hang out with her? What the hell?' he said before sitting in his bed.


I listened to Baby I'm Yours by Arctic Monkeys during writing this and I'm so emotional right now. Hope you liked it! 

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