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BlackStar's P.O.V

It's been two days, since Maka left. When she came into my room before leaving, I could tell she did it because she wanted me to stop her. I wanted to stop her, more than anything, but what would have happened if I did? We would have started dating, maybe? If we'd done that, she would have ended up hurt. That's what always happens, I hurt the people I love. Yes, I love Maka, that's why I'm scared of hurting her. This past few days, her scared face and her eyes full of fear have been the only thing I could think of. I made her scared of me. I can't risk hurting her anymore, she deserves way better than me. I haven't slept these days, the nightmares came back. This time were worse though, I would dream of me yelling at Maka, or even hitting her. It's a terrible image, really, that's why I don't want to fall asleep. I don't want to see it. My parents haven't tried to come into my room and talk to me, they know this is my fault, and I don't blame them. I'm an asshole, that's a fact. Even though I want to leave Maka alone so she can be happy, there's always that part of me that regrets all that has happened and just wants her to come back, to stay with me. But that isn't gonna happen, she thinks I don't want anything with her (which is an absolute lie) but it's better that way. Eventually, she will move on, find someone that makes her happy and spen the rest of her life with them.
Two days after Maka had left, there was a knock on my door. My heart started beating faster, but I was wrong to get my hopes up. Tsubaki stood in the middle of my room, while I just sat on my bed and listened to her. "You look horrible, I guess you haven't slept." she stated, but I kept looking down. "I didn't have the chance to properly apologize for what I did. It was my mistake, for not realizing how much Maka means to you, how much you love her." she sat next to me, and I could tell she was serious. "I took her away from you, because... I guess I wanted what she had. The way you look at her, you look so in love. I could tell when you came back, that you weren't the same." it was that last sentence, that made me think. "I don't snap at people anymore, I know that, I'm not as angry as I used to be. I talk differently too, expressing myself with words and not with punches is better, and healthier. And about you... I realized that most of the times we fought, it was because of me. Maybe because of something hurtful I'd say, or because of the way I'd look at you, I was an ass, I still am. I'm sorry for that." I told her, my eyes glued to the floor.  I heard Tsubaki chuckling. "Alright, I forgive you. But I really screwed things up between you and Maka, and I won't be able to sleep at night until you two are together." she said, as I was the one who chuckled now. "Why didn't you go after her?" she asked. "Come on, how do I know I won't hurt Maka the same way I did with you? I don't want to screw up again." I explained, clenching my fists. "I can assure you, BlackStar, that is not going to happen." she assured, as I looked at her, frowning. "You love her way too much, you wouldn't hurt her even if you wanted to. Besides, you're not the same guy, you've changed." Tsubaki smiled, sure of herself.  "How can you be so sure of that?" I asked, out of curiosity. "Several reasons. For starters: I've known you for a long time now and I can tell that you're different from when you left. Secondly, the expression of your face and the look in your eyes. You don't look pissed, you look happy. You aren't frowning all the time or cursing at every little thing. And thirdly, this conversation. The BlackStar I know would have screamed at me the very second I entered the room, hit the wall or broke something. You just stood there, relaxed, and had an actual conversation with me. You apologized to me even though I was the one who screwed everything. I have to say, you need to be completely blind to not see how much you've changed." she rested one hand on my shoulder, and smiled. "Listen BlackStar, we are who we are for a lot of reasons, and maybe we'll never know most of them, but you can't spend your whole life thinking about what could have been and was not. Stop thinking about your mistakes, and start doing something to make up for them." she finished, standing up and walking towards the door. "Feel free to do whatever you think it's best." she opened the door, and left. Her words started repeating in my head; "Stop thinking about your mistakes, and start doing something to make up for them." and it literally took me five seconds to stand up and ran to the bathroom to start getting ready, almost falling on the way.

I have been regretting what I did to Maka, but letting go of her for good is a much greater weight, and I don't want to carry it. Fuck everything; I'm going to Death City.


So... BlackStar is gonna go for it, because YOLO. Okay, no.
I'm sorry if it's short, but I wanted to make a whole chapter of Tsubaki and BlackStar talking, because their whole conversation was important.
Next chapter will be longer and it'll have more action! what do you think it's gonna happen? 
Hope you enjoyed it!  

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