Hot chocolate

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While Maka was on the supermarket with Hana and Rina, she tried her best not to worry about BlackStar, but she couldn't help it. She just stood quiet while both women wondered what to buy. "Maka?" Rina called, as she looked up at her. "Are you okay?" she asked, as Maka just smiled. "Yeah, just a little concerned about BlackStar, that's all!" she tried to drive the conversation away, it ended up getting worse. "How cute! Looks like someone had a crush on your son, Hana." Rina said, as Maka blushed deeply. "What? No- it's just- I don't-" she tried to complete a sentence, but failed terribly as Hana just smiled. "Maka, don't try to hide it! A mother just knows those things!" she assured, as Maka looked down, defeated. "Don't worry, I won't tell him." Hana smiled, as Maka didn't say a word and kept looking down, embarrased. "Oh my, I forgot to get coffee!" Rina exclaimed. "It's okay, I'll get it." Maka assured, walking down another hallway of the big supermarket. She wanted to stay away from them for just a second, she was feeling very uncomfortable talking about what she felt towards BlackStar. 'I have to be more careful, I can't just let my emotions show like that.' she told herself, a deep shade of red still present on her cheeks as she looked on the shelves. 'Now where is the coffee...' she searched, way too distracted that she bumped into another figure in front of her, landing on her butt. "Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" the person asked, as Maka looked up to a girl, around her age. She was taller though, with long black hair and violet eyes, and pale skin. The girl helped her up, apologizing one more time. "It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either." Maka assured, as the girl smiled. "I haven't seen you around here, what's your name?" she asked sweetly. "Oh, I'm from Death City and I'm just here for a couple of days, I'm Maka." she introduced herself. "I've never been to Death City but I've heard it's very nice. My name's Tsubaki." she said, as Maka's eyes widened. 'Shit.' she cursed under her breath.

"So, BlackStar" Goro called, next to him. They were playing a little game with cards, all around a table. BlackStar turned to him, as the guy spoke. "How's Death City? You like it better than here?" BlackStar chuckled at his question. "It's obviously hotter than here, it's really nice. But I kinda like this better." he explained, as Goro nodded. "I see. Maka has changed a lot, she's really cute." he opined, as BlackStar lightly chuckled. A bit of jealousy started to grow on him, as he tried his best not to snap at his cousin, remembering the promise he made to Maka. "Yeah... I guess." he found himself agreeing, and then Soma talked. "Yeah, she's definitely not the same girl! she's really tall and adorable!" the guy smiled, BlackStar frowned and opened his mouth to say something, but his father stopped him. "Yeah like you would have any chance with her, you're a small fry!" he patted his head. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean!" Soma pouted, as all of them laughed, even BlackStar. He felt comfortable around them, like he really liked hearing their lame jokes and everything. "I remember playing house with her, and Soma would always be the dog!" Goro laughed, as Soma glared at him. Then, a memory hit BlackStar. He remembered playing house on his garden with Maka and his cousins, Soma was the dog, Maka was the mother, Goro the father and BlackStar their son. He remembered when it was his 'naptime' and he would put his head on Maka's lap, blushing terribly, as she would carress his hair with a smile on her face. He smiled at the thought, finally being able to remember something from her. "Goro-kun wasn't a good actor either, Maka would get all frustated because you just never knew what to say!" BlackStar laughed, as the rest of them did as well. "You weren't a very good son either!" he complained, as they heard the door opening. "We're back!" Hana's voice sounded, as the three of them appearing, carrying bags in both of their hands. "Just in time, we were just talking about how useless Goro, Soma and BlackStar were while playing house!" WhiteStar laughed, as the three of them glared at him. Maka laughed, remembering those times. She walked into the kitchen, setting the bags down, and thinking about what happened back in the super. ´Out of all the people in this damn city' she thought, 'I had to run into her.' She felt really confused about her encounter with Tsubaki, she didn't exactly know what to feel towards her, she seemed so sweet. Not a person who would do what BlackStar told her. After they introduced themselves, Maka looked for an excuse to leave, as she said the first thing that came into her mind and left the hallway, leaving a very confused Tsubaki there. She felt so stupid, but now there was nothing she could do. 'She's really pretty, though...' Maka told herself, as she sneezed. "Oh, you're not used to the cold from this city, Maka-chan! Here" Hana said, putting a blanket around he shoulders. "This will keep you warm." she smiled, as Maka thanked her. "Go sit on the living room, I'm gonna make hot chocolate for everybody." she said, as Maka nodded and left to the living room, where the rest of the people was, watching some football thing, she didn't understand anything about sports. She sat down at the sofa, next to BlackStar, as he glared at her. "Hey, don't keep it to yourself." he said, grabbing the blanket and putting it around both of the, as Maka looked away. "If you're cold, go get one for you." she joked, chuckling. "You selfish brat." he frowned, as Maka stuck his tongue out to him. She rested her legs on his, as they shared the blanket. "Maka, do you remember when we used to play house?" Goro said, as she thought for a moment. "Yes, unfortunately. You guys weren't good at playing house, none of you." she joked. "Well sorry little miss perfect." BlackStar looked at her. Hana came into the living room with a tray with cups full of hot chocolate. Maka smiled at her grabbed one, noticing BlackStar had one arm around her waist. 'He probably did that to make himself comfortable. Yeah.' she assured herself, grabbing a cup of chocolate and sitting cross-legged on the couch, the blanket still over her and BlackStar.

In another couch in front if them, sat BlackStar's parents, who looked at the way BlackStar stared at Maka while she drank her hot chocolate. Hana leaned a little towards her husband, whispering in his hear, "I think your son is in love."


This chapter is a little shorter. Sorry about that. But it's so cute!

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