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It was around seven a.m when Maka woke up, feeling his thight grip on her waist. Her heart ached remembering the events from last night, as she started to process everything. Ever since BlackStar came to her house, she has been awakened in the middle of the night by his loud whimpers and cries. Maka hadn't had the courage to get up and help him, until last night. He sounded so fragile, so... hurt. Maka couldn't take it. Still, she had a warm feeling when BlackStar asked her to stay with him, grabbing her wrist softly. But, she was still a little scared. What would be his reaction if he woke up realizing what had happened last night? would he be angry? those thought tormented Maka as she stood up, slowly getting out of his strong arms and looking deeply at him before leaving the room.

BlackStar opened his eyes, taking a while to fully wake up. Glancing at the clock in the wall, he noticed it was almost ten. He sat up and yawned, remembering last night. 'Damn... I had that dream again... but this time was different.' and it was, because the other nights he woke up in the middle of the night sweating from that horrible nightmare, and he wasn't able to go back to sleep out of fear that it might repeat itself. But last night, when he woke up... he could go to sleep again. He slept peacefully, and it had been a long time since he didn't feel so safe. BlackStar couldn't exactly remember why he could go back to sleep, but it didn't matter to him. He just prayed that the nightmare was over. He stood up and went straight to the bathroom, washing his teeth and changing his clothes. BlackStar admitted that he was in a good mood today, as he made his way downstairs, hearing the usual sound of Maka doing the dishes. Just as he expected, he saw her drying her hands and a plate of pancakes on the kitchen counter. "Good morning" he said, sitting on a stool. She turned to him, smiling. "Oh, hi BlackStar. Did you sleep okay?" she asked him, frowning. Maka had expected him to ask her why did she sleep with him, or anything from last night, but since he responded with a simple "I slept fine" she assumed that he had forgotten about what happened. "Are you doing something today?" he asked her, taking his empty plate and putting it into the sink. "Actually, yes." Maka took her apron off. "I have a reunion on the DWMA today, and I have to go in about half an hour. Will you be fine by yourself?" Maka smiled. "Yeah, sure. I'll just watch TV or something." and just as he said, BlackStar watched the television four a short time after Maka left. She said she was gonna be back before lunchtime, but BlackStar was beyond bored when an hour passed. He walked uptairs towards his room, but something got his attention. Maka's room. Even f he tried, curiosity gor the best of him as he entered her room. It was very clean, the bed was made neatly and the smell was fresh. He looked over at a nightstand, something laying on it. BlackStar took it, realizing it was an album. His eyes widened when he started to look at the pictures in the album. They were pictures of them, when they were little. A seven-year-old BlackStar playing with a little blonde girl with pigtails on a playground. Pictures of them playing football, but what made BlackStar's heart tighten was a picture were Maka was hugging him by the torso, a smile plastered on her face. His young self was looking at her, a light blush on his cheeks and a smile. He felt himslef smiling, but it dissappeared quickly. He started to wonder, why couldn't he remember those times? Maka seemed to have them in her mind, but he didn't. BlackStar seemed so happy... his smile was so wide and true, he wanted to remember those happy times... he wanted them back. BlackStar closed the album, putting back on its original place. 'I was very joyful back then... when did everything change?' but then, the question answered himself. A picture of a black-haired girl appeared on his mind, as he shook his head, not wanting to think about it. He tried to get some air, and he walked towards the window that was on Maka's room. He frowned, seeing two guys standing in front of the house. BlackStar made out their faces, they were those guys Maka talked about, Izaya and Roy. The guy sitting on the floor, Roy, was distracted trying to light his cigarette, but it was Izaya what was making BlackStar sick of his stomach. He was staring at the house, as if waiting. He was smiling, just the same way he smild when he saw Maka the other day. 'That fucker' BlackStar thought, walking straight to the front door, and opening it. When he made eye contact with Izaya, an expression of surprise came across his face. "Not who you were expecting?" the blue-haired asked cockily. "And you are...?" Izaya smirked, seeing the guy approach him. "Don't you have somewhere else to be? are you stalkers or something?" BlackStar asked them, as Izaya chuckled at his question. "I just happen to have a special connection with the girl that lives here you know." he responded, as BlackStar's fists clenched. "Well too fucking bad. Go home." he got close to him, as Izaya did as well. "BlackStar!" a voice said, as the two of them turned to a blonde girl with pigtails. Maka had a frown on her face, as she walked towards them without hesitation, grabbing BlackStar's arm and taking him onside the house decisively, not even looking at Izaya, who just left with his friend. "Um, Maka" BlackStar called, once they were inside the house. She looked at hm, sadness in her eyes. "Is there something about that guy that you haven't told me?" he asked, frowning. 'It's not that I'm worried about her... it's just that I want more reasons to kick his ass, that's all.' he assured himself, not entirely sure about that statement. Maka tried to make up an excuse, but it was pointless. He already knew she was hiding something. "Well... remember when I told you that when they were students they were very disrepectful and Shinigami-sama kicked them out?" she said, as he nodded. "Before that, when I was studying in the academy, Izaya once saved me from being killed by a kishin." she confessed, as BlackStar raised his eyebrow. "He had a bad reputation on the school, everyone thought that he was troublesome and no one ever approached him. But... when he saved me, I didn't see him as the kind of person everyone was talking about. I got to know him better, and I realized he was actually a kind person. We spent a lot of time together, I even stopped hanging out with my friends in order to be with him, because he was nice to me. Or so I thought." Maka pressed her back against the front door, trying to remember. "All my friends and even my partner told me to stay away from him, but I didn't listen. My mind had already created the illusion that he was my hero, and I wanted to spend more time with him. One night, when I was hanging out with him, this huge kishin appeared. It was very powerful, it had a very strong soul. It even hurt me." Maka said, pulling up her sleeve and revealing a scar on her forearm, BlackStar's eyes going wide. "I thought Izaya could be able to defeat it, but... he ran away, and left me there. I was injured, and scared. I thought I was gonna die..." she sat on the floor, her back still pressed to the front door. "My partner came and saved me, though. After that, I never spoke to him again. I guess that affected me a lot, my realtionship with my partner wasn't the same, neithe it was with my friends. I'd see Izaya on the hallways of the academy and I felt like breaking down, and that changed me." she felt her eyes watering, but she refused to shed another tear for that guy. "Nowadays, he's just part of the past, but..." Maka looked up, staring at BlackStar with teary eyes. "...the sad thing is, I thought he was different."


Okay, I know you hate me. I'm sorry I've been missing this pasts months!

I had a few family problems, but the reason doesn't really matter now, I'm back baby!

I've been having a lot of ideas lately for this story, and for others in particular that I might upload as well! (About Soul Eater of course).

I'm sorry again for dissappearing so suddenly, please put the pitchforks down and let's hug each other. Now, prepare for the next chapter, because it's very important! don't forget to comment so I can know what you think about this story though. Have a nice day!

Just to know about you guys a little... what's your favorite anime/manga?

(mine, apart from Soul Eater, is Blue Exorcist!)


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