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Think about the most awkward moment you've ever lived in your entire life. What Maka felt when she opened the door was ten time worse. There stood Tsubaki, holding a surprised expression. Well, who wouldn't be suprised? Maka wanted to talk, but she couldn't make out any word, her throat was completely dry and she couldn't make out any sound. "Oh, my." she heard Hana's, voice, as she quietly thanked her for saving her from such an uncomfortable situation. "You're here again." she emphazised the last word annoyingly, as Maka started to feel the air tensing up."I heard that your son came back  form Death City, and I just... came to see BlackStar." Tsubaki said, a bit sad. "I know. He's not here though, so you should go home." Hana said strictly, as Maka's eyes widened. She's never seen Hana acting like this towards someone, she almost thought she would slap her in the face any secong now. "Can you-" the black-haired hair asked, but Hana interrupted her. "No, I will not tell him you came. Tsubaki, this isn't like all those times you two fought and he would forgive you. BlackStar' changed, he moved on and you should do the same. Going to Death City was the best thing he's ever done." she told her, sincerely. Then, Tsubaki started to understand everything when her eyes laid on Maka. That one time she called him and a girl answered, when Maka told her taht she lived in Death City, everything started o make sense to her. On the other hand, the blonde felt totally out of place, as she saw how Tsubaki almost broke down crying, as she felt bad for her. "Okay then, sorry." she turned around, leaving the house. Hana sighed sadly. "It's such a shame, she is a nice girl, but she seems to have some kind of obsession with BlackStar. Weird. Anyway, let's go back to the kitchen!" Hana said happily, leaving the room like nothing had happened. Maka just stood there, not really understanding what just happened.

Tsubaki's P.O.V

That woman! Saying that BlackStar doesn't love me anymore, like she knows anything! I'm not only BlackStar's girlfriend but also his partner in battle, we've killed uncountable kishin eggs together, and I am the only one he can relay on, not that Maka girl! She is cute, so what?  He's only known her for like a couple of days, and she already thinks she's special or something! But I don't really care about her, what bothers me the most is what Hana said. BlackStar's already moved on? Could that be true? I walked down the street, almost bumping into someone, as I gasped. "BlackStar!" I exclaimed happily. He was with his father, and he was holding a bag. Since when does he hang out with his father? I thought he hated him? His eyes widened, he was really surprised to see me. "T-Tsubaki." he stuttered. I felt his father's eyes on me as well, maybe I need to say something. "I heard that you came back from Death City for a couple of days, so I went to see you and you weren't in your house. Do you think we can talk?" I asked sweetly. I really need to know if he actually feels something for Maka. Not that I hate the girl or anything, she seemed nice, but I have to know for the sake of our partnership and relationship. He looked at me, then at his father, then back at me. "Yeah. Guess so." He finally said, as I smiled. "I'll just get going. Don't take too long." His father excused himself, grabbing the bag from him and leaving. "So... how was Death City?"  I asked him, once we were alone. "It was nice, I liked the place. How have you been?" he asked me, as I felt like gasping. Since when is he this nice? He really has changed, the normal BlackStar would've snapped at me already. Now I'm scared, is this all because of that Maka girl? "I've been good. You know, just in the city. But that's not what I wanted to talk about." I confessed. "Oh, what is it then? Is everything okay?" he asked me. What? Is he saying that seriously? "I can't handle this anymore. What's wrong with you? you're not acting like you're usual self." I told him, completely mad now. "What are you talking about?" He chuckled. Chuckled! "Look at you! You're all different- the way you act, they way you talk, even the way you look at me! You don't seem..." I wanted to finish the sentence, but I stopped myself. He did it for me, though. "... Angry? You mean I don't look as angry as before?" he said, a little annoyed. Now that's the BlackStar I know. "I didn't mean it that way, you know that. Look, let's just not fight now. I'm already a bit sad form what your mother told me." I said, before I could stop myself, as and idead popped in my head. I can't risk having Hana fill his mind with absurd thought, I don't know what I'd do if that ever happened. So... maybe a little lie would keep him with me for a bit. It won't hurt, right? "What did she say to you?" he asked, as I expected. To hell with it, if I have to lie just to keep him with me, so be it.

No one's P.O.V

They had already finished breakfast, and Maka was all the time wondering where BlackStar had ran off to. Her heart broke a little when his father came back, saying that he was talking to Tsubaki. Hana just sighed annoyingly and cursed under her breath, which Maka had found a little disturbing. She was snow helping Hana with the dishes, as the woman started to notice the younger girl's sad expression. "I know what you're thinking, Maka." she stated, as the girl snapped out of her thoughts. "I never really understood why he dated Tsubaki in the first place. He was alone, and then one day, all of a sudden, this girl came along and he fell for her. They looked really cute together, but I guess that as time passed, their relationship kind of degraded. She was the source of his anger, every time BlackStar stumbled in here, hitting and cursing everything, we knew it was because of Tsubaki. It's like she did it on purpose, the poor girl, she just didn't know how to deal with people like him. She just loves him so much she's blinded. I wish either her or BlackStar could understand that." Hana explained, as Maka dried the last plate. "Just you wait, I already know what will happen. I can see the future, you know?" Maka laughed at the woman's statement. "BlackStar will eventually find out about how he feels about you, and then you two will get married. Just wait until this whole riddle of his ends, just wait!" and with that, she left the kitchen. Maka wanted to believe her, really. But she was just very confused. Could BlackStar really feel something for her? Or maybe he still loves Tsubaki? And what about last night? All those things they did last night meant a lot to Maka, but what did they mean to him? Ugh! Her head was about to explode, and they haven't still shared a single word. Her thoughts were interrumpted when she heard the door opening forcefully, and then a loud sound again. Maka's eyes widened as she prayed that it wasn't BlackStar, as she walked to the front door to find the blue-haired guy infuriated. 

'What did Tsubaki tell him exactly?' she panicked. 

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