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*warning! This is a really smutty chapter*

Maka laughed at the way Goro and Soma were fighting over the football game, discussing which one was best. When they asked for her opinion, she just shruggered, not really knowing what to do. It was just five o'clock now, and when the football game finished, they stood on the living room, talking. They asked Maka what her job was, and she told them she was a teacher at the academy. "That's really cool! Then you have a partner, don't you?" Goro asked, as Maka scratched the back of her head. "Well, I used to have one, but he moved so it's been long since I don't see him." she explained. "It must be nice working on the academy you went to." Hana said, standing up and grabbing the empty cups, putting them on the tray. Maka offered her help, but she just rejected it with a "you stay there, it's okay." and a smile. While the rest of them were talking about another things, Maka thought about Tsubaki. She decided not to tell BlackStar about that, but it still bothered her that the girl was so nice to her. She ended up forgetting about it.

The rest of the day went by quickly. They talked a lot, Maka helped Hana with the food and everything and BlackStar tried his best not to snap at any member of his family, succeeding. He felt comfortable with all his family, something he thought wouldn't happen ever again. He thanked Maka quietly, realizing she had helped him a lot. She had helped him having his life back. Once they had eaten and it was very late, BlackStar's family left, excepting his parents. "Maka, you don't need to do that." Hana said, seeing that she was helping her doing the dishes. "It's okay, really." Maka assured, drying her hands. "I'm really tired, so I'll just go to bed now." Hana said, as she nodded. "Good night." they both said, as Hana left to her room. Maka sighed, leaving the kitchen and walking towards her room. Once she was in there, she started change her clothes, then grabbed a book and sat in her bed, but a knock in her door stopped her from starting her novel, as she stood up and opened the door. BlackStar stood there, surprising Maka. "Hey, I just wanted to talk to you." he said, as Maka nodded. 'What could he possibly want to talk about?' she thought, letting him in, as BlackStar closed the door behind him. "What is it?" she asked, a little nervous. He walked towards her, embracing her in a tight hug. Once Maka was out of her surprise, she hugged him back, still not knowing what was going on. "Um... is everything okay?" she said, as BlackStar chuckled, pulling away. "I just wanted to thank you. Even though it was hard at some moments not to get angry, I actually had a great time today." he said, as Maka smiled sweetly. "Oh, you don't need to thank me. You were the one that acted nice to them. I'm really proud of you." she blushed lightly, as BlackStar looked at her, hypnotized. Maka noticed he didn't say anything. "BlackStar?" she said, a little confused. "Are you o- mmphf!" she was cut off, but his strong arms around her waist and his lips against hers. It took her a couple of seconds to process everything that was happening. A part of her wanted to pull back and ask him why he was kissing her, but another part wanted to forget about that and just kiss him back. Maka listened to that last part,as she put her arms around his neck, kissing him back. Their tongues battled for dominance, as Maka let out a moan, blushing deeply. BlackStar grabbed her legs, hooking them around his waist as he deepened the kiss. He told himself to stop this before he did something he was gonna regret, but feeling her fingers shake lightly on his hair and her body having goosebumps at his touch, he realized ending this would be impossible. Like a drug, he was now addicted to her wet lips. BlackStar walked back until he walked into the bed and fell on it, with Maka on top of him. When their bodies collided, it felt like an explosion for both of them, as she reached under his shirt to carres his chest. He pulled away for a moment, so he could take it off and then went back to kissing her. They changed so now he was on top of her, and then grabbed the hem o her shirt, pulling it over her head as he started to kiss down her cleavage, then down her bare stomach. She moaned again, feeling him pull down her pants, along with her panties. BlackStar separated her legs, as she grabbed the sheet strongly, as he started to suck down there. Maka felt her body on fire all over, moans escaping her mouth every once in while as he stood there biting, licking and sucking. "B-BlackStar..." she moaned, arriving to her climax as he pulled back, connecting their lips again. She reached for his pants as he pulled them off, biting her neck. BlackStar took of her bra, cupping her breasts in his hands as Maka moaned again. Taking off his boxers, he sat up and put her on her lap, thrusting her strongly as she moaned loudly, calling out his name. She pulled him closer, hiding her blushed face on the crook of his neck as the room was drown by their passion.

That night, Maka laid on her bed next to him, breathless. They were way too tired to say a word, as she pulled the covers up to her chin, falling asleep quickly.

The sunlight woke Maka up, as she opened her eyes slowly,  and the memories from last night came back, giving her a little heart attack. She sat up, thinking that maybe it was a dream or something, but when she noticed she wasn't wearing anything, she covered her face with her hands. 'I can't believe this. No, this is wrong. This is so wrong.' she told herself, as she looked to her side, finding it empty. 'What was I expecting. Of course he left. I'm such an idiot.' she stood up, walking towards the bathroom to take a shower. Maka started to think, as the hot water trailed down her body. 'Now what? everything's gonna be very awkward between us. But... he was the one that kissed me in the first place, so theorically it's his fault. No, I can't blame him. I'm not a teenager for fuck's sake, I have to take responsability for my actions and face him. Maybe he did it because he felt bored or something, or...' she contemplated the option that maybe he liked her, but she shook it off quickly. 'No, that can't be. He still has feelings for Tsubaki, that's a fact. He just did it because he felt lonely. Yeah, that must be it.' she finally concluded, wrapping a towel around her body as she walked back to the room again. 'Well, if he feels lonely I'm not gonna be his toy. I'm his friend but I can't let him play with my emotions like that. I have to talk to him and make it clear that last night was just wrong. As much as I enjoyed it... it was wrong.' she put on some jeans and a lonng sleeved red shirt, as she left her room and went to the kitchen, where Hana was. "Good morning, Maka. Did you sleep well?" she asked. 'Oh my god, she knows!' Maka panicked. "Um... yeah, I slept fine." she cracked a smiled. "I'm glad to hear that." Hana assured. 'Stop being a scaredy-cat. No one knows anything. Just relax.' she told herself, as the woman spoke again. "BlackStar went with his father to buy something to eat, they should be back any time now." Hana explained, as Maka just nodded, sighing. A knock on the door was heard, as they both turned to the front door. "That must be them, could you get it for me? I need to put the table and everything." the woman asked her, as Maka politely accepted. She went to the door and opened it. The person that was on the other side made her gasp, as her eyes went wide.


Who do you think it was? muahahahahaha!

I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I had to do some stuff! 

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