Will you stay away forever?

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"I really don't mean to cause any trouble." Maka said, sitting on a couch, next to her was Goro, and in front of them were Rina and Soma. "Don't you worry, honey. I already called Hana and told her that you were gonna stay here. It's way too late to go out now." she explained, as Maka nodded. "You should rest a little, I bet you're really tired." Rina stood up as well as Maka, as they both walked into an empty bedroom, with a bunk bed. "This used to be Goro and Soma's shared bedroom, before they moved to university. Now they just come visit in holidays." Rina told her, opening a drawer and pulling out a shirt that was either Goro's or Soma's. Then she took some sweatpants and gave them to Maka. "You can sleep in these, they are a little big but they're warm." she smiled, as Maka looked down. "Thank you, Rina. You're really nice to me." she thanked the woman, as she hugged her. "You're welcome, dear. And don't worry, I'm sure everything will turn out to be okay." Rina assured, leaving the room so Maka could get changed. Maka sneezed as she took off her pants to replace them those dark blue sweatpants, and then put on shirt Rina had given her. Maka felt the diziness from before growing, as she had to sat down on the bed from how hard her head was spinning. After a few minutes, she calmed down, and a soft knock sounded. The door opened to reveal Goro, with two cups on his hands. Maka smiled at him, as he entered the room and sat down next to Maka on the bed. "Thought you needed something hot." he said, handing Maka a cup of hot chocolate. "Thanks, I really needed it." she smiled. "My aunt Hana told us what happened. BlackStar went a little harsh on you, huh?" he stated. "Actually, I don't think he knew what he was doing. It's just... sad, you know?" she frowned, as Goro tilted his head to the side. "BlackStar acted as a really nice guy when he was in Death City, I had a great time with him. It'll feel lonely when I get back home." she stated, as Goro's eyes widened. "You're going back to Death City?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "There is absolutely nothing for me to do here, Goro-kun. Like everyone else, I thought that BlackStar could change and stop being angry all the time if he went to Death City, but it didn't work. I hate to admit it but I can't do anything else. I was thinking of grabbing my things and leave tomorrow morning." she told him. Goro sighed, knowing he couldn't do anything to stop her, if she wanted to leave it was her decision. "Alright, but BlackStar will be sad when he finds out you're leaving. He really likes you, you know." at that last sentence, Maka looked up at him. "Just to be honest here, I've had a crush on you ever since we were kids." he admitted normally, chuckling. "Goro-kun... I-" Maka tried to say something, but he stopped her. "Hey, it's okay. I know you like BlackStar, I'll go through it." He chuckled again, as Maka blushed softly. "Why do you think I didn't try to make a move on you when you came back? Because I was scared of BlackStar beating the crap out of me." he laughed. "What?" Maka said, dumbfounded. "Oh come on, it's just the way he looks at you. I can tell he's really happy when you're with him." Goro stood up, walking towards the door. "You should think this through before you make a decision. Just sayin'." he adviced, leaving the room.
That night, Maka couldn't sleep, thinking about everything. She had to go back home, that was for sure, but Goro was right; she did love BlackStar, and he deserved at least one opportunityto talk to her, if he had something to say. Maka's head hurt, probably from all the trouble she's had in just two days. She just wanted to go back with her normal life. Thing was, her 'normal life' without BlackStar wasn't that exciting.
In the morning, after a tearful farewell to Rina and Soma, Goro had offered to take Maka to BlackStar's house, as they started to make their way there. Maka didn't talk, the diziness in her head was still present as she thought that it was a cold. Once they arrived, both of them got out of the car, as Goro walked up to Maka and hugged her. "It was so nice seeing you again, Maka. I hope everything goes well." he told her, as Maka pulled away and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for everything, Goro-kun. If you ever go to Death City, give me a call." she smiled, as Goro nodded, then went back to the car. She waved at him as he left, but then sighed. Now it was the hardest part, facing Hana and WhiteStar and what was worse, talk to BlackStar. She walked to the front door and knocked tightly, after a few seconds it opened to reveal Hana. The woman hugged Maka immediately, without saying a word. "Rina called. Said you were going home today, is that so?" Hana asked, once they had pulled away. Maka nodded, as the woman took her into the house. "At least let us take you to the station. Are you okay to travel now?" they went into the room, as Maka started to pack everything. "I'm fine, really. There's a train for Death City in about an hour, I'm taking it. But I was thinking I should talk to BlackStar first..." Maka explained, closing the bag. "Of course, hun. Let me take that to the car. Call us when you're ready to leave." Hana left the room, probably to call WhiteStar. Maka went to BlackStar's room and knocked lightly, then opened it. She found the blue-haired guy lying in his bed, looking at the ceiling. "Hey" she called, but he didn't move. "I just wanted to... you know, say goodbye. I'm really sorry this whole thing didn't work out." she apologized, not really sure about what ''thing'' she was referring to. He still didn't answer, as Maka looked down. "Okay, I get it. Bye then, BlackStar. Happy Birthday."  she said, before leaving the room for good.
The whole way to the station was dead silent, and awkward. Maka thanked when WhiteStar parked the car in front of the station, as she got out, as well as BlackStar's parents. "I'm really sorry Maka, I'm sure he'll realize his mistakes, just forgive him." Hana asked, as Maka felt her eyes watering. "I already did, really. It just wasn't meant to happen, that's fine." she assured the woman, hugging her tightly. Then, she hugged WhiteStar, and then grabbed her bag. "I should be the one apologizing, I couldn't be of much help." she said. "That's not true. You helped BlackSTar a lot more than we had expected, he'll be different from now on, I'm sure." Hana assured, as Maka nodded and turned around. "Goddbye then, thanks for everything!" she waved, as both adults waved back. "Have a safe trip, Maka!" they said, as the girl turned a corner and finally dissapeared.
Maka sighed, walking towards her train. As she did, she remembered when she went on the train with BlackStar; when he fell asleep on her shoulder, when a old woman looked at them happily and called them a couple. It's amazing how everything changes in just a couple of days. Right before entering the train, she looked at her sides and behind her, then she chuckled. "Yeah, right" she whispered to herself. "Like he would come to the station and stop me."


Only one or two chapters left, maybe three, I'm not sure though. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it!

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