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"Is it this one?" BlackStar asked, pointing to the poster of a movie. "Yeah, is that one. It's about to start, we gotta hurry!"she said happily, grabbing him by the arm. 'Why is she so excited over a stupid movie anyways?' he thought, taking their seats. "Hey, Maka" he called, as she turned to him. "What is this movie about?" he asked, shoving a handful of popcorn on his mouth. "It's about twins that were inseparable until some mistake tore them apart. Now that they're in their twenties, one of them is trying to hold together a life as a magazine art director, while the other one is kind of destroying herself, with drugs and alcohol and stuff. When the other twin finds out that her sister is dying, she comes back to her town to find her and to face the problems that made them separate when they were little." she explained, as BlackStar listened to every word that left her lips. "Interesting, isn't it?" she asked, since BlackSar didn't say anything. "Yeah, it seems cool." he admitted, as the lights went off, the movie started.

Half and hour later, BlackStar turned to the blonde girl, whose eyes were glued to the screen. Those eyes seemed incredibly cute to him now. Yes, he admitted to himself that Maka was beautiful, but that didn't mean anything. Or so he thought. The green-eyed girl turned to him, as he flushed a little. "Is everything okay?" she whispered, as he just kept staring at her. Maka frowned. "BlackStar?" she asked him, as he snapped back. "Um, yeah. I'm fine." he said, turning back to the movie. 'Crap, what the hell is wrong with me? this girl has to be a witch or something, she has some kind of spell on me.. it has to be that." he assured himself. This movie was turning out to be boring as hell, but every time BlackStar glanced at Maka, she had her whole attention into the movie, and the concentration she had made him chuckle. Once the movie finished, he stretched and stood up, but when he looked at Maka, she brought her sleeve to her eyes, rubbing them. "Are you crying?" he asked, as she stood up. He thought it was dumb to cry over a stupid movie, but a part of him made his chest tighten as Maka stood up. "It was very emotional." she laughed. "Okay.." he didn't exactly know what to say. It was an emotional movie, but BlackStar didn't even remember the last time he cried. Once they were on the way back home, he spotted two guys smoking, leaning against a wall. One of them had a plain white shirt and jeans, he had dark brown hair and was sitting on the floor, but the other guy was the one who made eye-contact with BlackStar. He had black hair and his eyes were big and black, and had wide dark circles below them. His pale skin made him look like a ghost. He wore a leather jacket and black jeans, as his eyes trailed to Maka, as he smiled a little. 'What's this guy smiling at? asshole.' BlackStar thought, as he felt Maka a little uncomfortable. Once they past them, he looked at her. "Who were those guys?" he asked, as she sighed. "The one sitting is Roy, and the other guy is Izaya. I know them since years." she explained, as BlackStar frowned. "You know them?" he pressed, as Maka nodded. "They were in the academy with me, but they got kicked out." she took the keys to open her house. "So they're partners." he stated, as Maka opened the door. "Roy is a broadsword, and Izaya is his meister, they were really good." she sat at the kitchen counter, as BlackStar sat on a stool, close to her. "What happened?" he said out of curiosity. "They were really disrespectful and independent, they didn't do anything Shinigama-sama told them to do, and one day he got tired and expulsed them. That was three years ago, since then they've been wandering on the streets." she finalized, then yawned. "That Izaya guy was looking at you in a very creepy way." BlackStar opined, as he stood up, going downstairs. Maka frowned at that last sentence, as she just shuggered. Once he close the door behing him. he couldn't help but think about the way Maka talked about those guys, it was obvious that there was something she didn't tell him, and it was bothering him. He would ask her later, but right now he walked towards his window, and glanced at the two figures on the streets. 'What the hell...' he took a better glance. Yes, it was those guys again. Roy and Izaya. They stood in front of the house, smoking, and just watching. He didn't like them at all, just the sight of them pissed him off. 'Creeps.' he closed the curtains, and laid in bed, grabbing the remote to watch something on TV.

The hot water made Maka less nervous as she shut the water off and got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her body. Seeing Izaya today created an ache on her chest that only got bigger when BlackStar started to ask questions about him. Izaya was definitely a shocking part on Maka's life, but that was something of her past that she decided to forget long time ago, and BlackStar doesn't need to know the whole story for now, the pain that he black-haired guy had caused on her was still present. She put on black leggins  and a plain White shirt, and she got into bed and grabbed a book, drowning into the story.

Once she had finished the chapter, it was almost seven. She closed it and left it on the bed, as she went to BlackStar's room, knocking. When he opened the door, she noticed his messed hair, and she flushed a little. "Hey" he greeted. "Um... I was thinking about ordering a pizza, what do you think?" Maka suggested. "Pizza's okay. I'm starving." he complained. "Okay then, pizza it is. I'll goo order it." she said, walking away from him.

 The rest of the afternoon was spent in laughter. Once the pizza arrived, the two of them sat down on the couch and watched some movie, which was horrible. Maka thought it was funny how BlackStar was complaining all the time about how the movie didn't make sense at all. They watched the whole movie though, it was really funny. Once they finished and cleaned up, it was almost ten and they were both tired. They said their goodnights and went to their rooms. Maka laid on her bed, smiling unknowingly. 'Today was really fun... and BlackStar is really nice with me... I wish he didn't complain about everything... oh well, I like him anyway...' she thought, drifting into a deep sleep.

A loud whimper made woke her up, as she glanced at the clock, two in the morning. 'Not again' she thought, sitting up. The whimpers slowly transformed into sobbing, then into screams. Maka couldn't hold it anymore, as she got up and almost ran to BlackStar's room, opening it. The guy laying on the bed had a frown in his face, as Maka's chest tightened as she ran to his side. "BlackStar" she called, but he just screamed again. "BlackStar, wake up!" she said louder, as he sat up, sweating and tears on his cheeks. His breathing was heavy as he threw his arms to Maka, hiding his face on her neck. Maka was surprised by his ourtbust, but didn't hesitate to hold him back. The sobs slowly died down as he calmed down and let go of her. "I'm sorry." he finally said, not looking at her. "It's okay." she smiled, standing up. He grabbed her wrist, as she looked at him. He didn't have to say anything to make her get into  the bed with him, hugging him, both falling into a deep sleep.


If you know what's best for you, DO NOT WATCH TITANIC AT 2 AM. I'm still crying.

Hola! how have you been? I had a great time with my brother, I'm sorry I couldn't update, but know I'm back and I'm going to be updating everyday! Thanks for reading, love you all, bye!

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