A surprise?

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It's been a whole week since that, and Maka and BlackStar's relationship had grown stronger since then. She kept on showing him around the city, having fun and hanging out all the time. Most of the time, Maka would be all excited and talking all the time, a huge smile and a light blush on her cheeks. BlackStar would just be quietly staring at her, his hand on his pockets. The girl who at first he found annoying, turned out to be the only person who could make him forget about everything. Maka even showed him the album, explaining almost every picture she remembered, earning a smile from BlackStar. Even though sometimes they would have little fights that would end up with BlackStar going to his room, and going back downstairs and apologize to Maka for 'being an asshole', and then she would laugh and hug him, apologizing as well. BlackStar's nightmares did go away, however he kept remembering about his past, not being able to let it go. He had thought about talking to Maka about it, but he appreciated the friendship they had way too much to let it break like that. He preferred to keep it to himself. They didn't talk about Izaya, or about anything that had to do with Maka's past, BlackStar didn't want her to be uncomfortable. Right now, Maka was doing the dishes while he was watching something on the TV. She knew something was bothering him, he had this weird look on his face since this morning, but she had decided not to say anything. Now it was starting to worry her, so she dried her hands and went to her living room, sitting next to him. "Are you okay, BlackStar? you seem a little sad." she opined as BlackStar sighed. Yes, something was bothering him, but he's never had anyone to talk to before, someone he could actually trust. "You know you can talk to me." but that was before he came here, though. He knew Maka cared about him, and she trusted him enough to tell him about her past. Maybe it was time to tell her his past. "Well... it's about this Tsubaki girl, remember?" Maka nodded. "She called me this morning. I didn't pick it up, but it's just that every time I remember about her I get this really bad memories, it really pisses me off." he explained. "Was she your girlfriend?" she asked, a little pain in her heart. "Yeah, but not only that. She was my weapon." he said, sadness in his voice. Maka looked at him, asking him to continue. "At first we were a pretty good team, but I guess we both started to change as we grew up. Tsubaki started saying she didn't like my attitude, she complained all the time about how angry I always was, but I didn't listen to her. She ended up leaving me." he finished, as Maka frowned. "I see. You loved her very much, right?" Maka looked down, understanding. "I did, but it's not the same now. It's her fault for leaving." he defended. 'Why does she keep calling you then?" she said, as BlackStar shrugered. "Don't know. She made it clear that she didn't want to see me ever again. It's not like I care." he looked away. Maka didn't believe him, he did care for Tsubaki. She could see it hurt him every time she called him, and that he didn't want to get involved so he wouldn't get hurt again. But BlackStar would never admit that out loud, that's just the way he is. "And... you don't wanna talk to her?" she tried persuading him, but he quickly shook his head. "I'm done with her. Seriously, women are so weird sometimes, Tsubaki was the one leaving in the first place, and she won't let me be!" he complained, as Maka laughed, grabbing a pillow. "Oh, shut up!" she hit him repeatedly, as BlackStar grabbed another pillow, fighting her back. 

In the evening, they decided to take a walk down the streets of the city, since the weather was particulary nice today. They talked about everything, well, Maka talked. He just stared at her, thinking she looked... adorable. This past week BlackStar had allowed himself to have this kind of thoughts towards Maka, but never expressing them out loud. They walked until Maka abruptly stopped, her sight focused in front of her. "Is everything okay?" he asked awkwardly, since she didn't even look like she was breathing. She towards a shop BlackStar identified as a book store, as he sighed, walking in as well. "You know, people are looking at you." he adviced, glancing at the weird expressions some of the people on the store had, all focused on Maka, who was looking at a shelf, a frown on her face. "Well I don't care, even if you don't believe it, there are people who actually care about books, I bet you don't even know how to read." she sutck her tongue out to him, as he chuckled at her cuteness. "What are you doing?" he said, when he saw her jumping with her hand raised. "I can't reach that book, it's way too high." she said, pointing at the top of the shelf, where a white book rested. "Put me on your shoulders!" she demanded, as BlackStar's eyes widened. "What?!" he exclaimed. "It's the only way I can get to that book, please BlackStar!" she pleaded as BlackStar sighed and ducked, so she coudl get on his shoulders. At first she hesitated, but then he felt her thighs around his neck, he blushed deeply. Thank god she couldn't see it. "Careful" he adviced, standing up. Once Maka had grabbed the book, she told him to put her down, as he did. "What book is it, anyways? he asked, as she hugged the book tightly. "It's one from a collection I have. I've been looking for it for a long time now!" she smiled, running out of the store after paying for it. Thye walked a while more, Maka talking about that collection of her entusiascally, and BlackStar staring at her again, that was something he couldn't help anymore. They started to make their way back home once they sky was starting to turn dark, but the atmosphere was nice. BlackStar felt comfortable, but then he felt Maka shivering. Without a word, he took his jacket off and put it around her bare shoulders, surprising her. "You don't need to" she blushed deeply, as he chuckled, assuring her that it was okay. Once they went back home, Maka ordered chinese and then sat on the sofa. "You tired?" BlackStar asked, leaning against the door frame. "No, just relaxed." she smiled, as he phone started to vibrate. He looked at the screen, 'BlackStar's mother?" she asked herself, standing up. It may be something important. She excused herself from the room and went upstairs, taking the call.

"Um, hello?" she asked.

"Hi there, Maka! How's everything?" the woman greeted happily.

"Fine, thanks. Is everything okay over there?"

"Well yes it is dear, I just wanted to talk to you because I have a suprise for you and BlackStar!"

"What kind of surprise?"

"In two days is BlackStar's birthday, and I was thinking about you and him coming here for a couple of days, so he can celebrate his birthday with all of us." she explained, as Maka's eyes widened.

"That sounds lovely, really. But I don't know if he'll be happy about that..." judging by the way he acted when he came here, Maka was kind of unsure.

"Maka, I know my son. I know how he is, and I also know that he's changed since he's there with you. The way we talk through the phone, I can tell he's a different person. I don't what you're doing, but it's working, and I really want him to come back just for a couple of days. If you could talk to him..."

"I'll... I'll try." Maka finally gave in, as the woman thanked her joyfully and they said their goodbyes. Maka sighed, realizing she was still wearing his jacket. She smiled, admitting that it was actually true the fact that he's different from when he first came here.

'Maybe... maybe it's not that bad of an idea.'


Hi there! I'll probably update again in the evening, so I'll see you later!

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