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Once the three of them were in the car towards BlackStar's house, his mother was still surprised from how Maka had changed. "It's just incredible. You are so tall now and... your hair is longer! Oh my, it's amazing." she complimented, as Maka thanked her for the fifteenth time. BlackStar, from the back seat, sighed annoyingly, wanting to make a rude comment, but Maka turned around and looked at him with a you-promised-to-be-nice glare, so he decided to shut up. "How are your parents, by the way?" the woman asked. "Oh, well. They got divorced a couple of years ago." she said, trying not to sound sad. "Really? I'm so sorry." she apologized, as Maka smiled. "It's okay. Mom's traveling around the world like she always wanted to, and my dad retired as a Death Scythe, so he's now relaxing at home." she explained. "Kami has always loved to travel, even when we were teenagers. You really resemble her." Maka smiled sweetly at that last comment, as they arrived at their home. "My sister is now home, I don't know if you remember but you also used to play with her childs, BlackStar's cousins. They'll be glad to see you." the woman said, as Maka got off the car, the same side BlackStar did. "I'm trying really hard not to run to the station again." he said, giving Maka her bag. "Hey, I want you to promise me that you won't make any rude comments these days. Anything you want to say, just don't say it." she asked, as BlackStar looked at her. "But-" "Please, BlackStar. Have you seen how happy your mother is?" He raised his eyebrow, as Maka tried to make up another reason. "Okay then, if you won't do it for her, do it for me." she said, looking deeply at his eyes. After a few seconds of thinking, he sighed, defeated. "Alright, you win. But I'll warn you, some people of my family are really crazy." he said, as they made their way to the front door, Maka stopped walking. "Hey, I remember this house." She said, a lot of memories flooding over her as she went inside after BlackStar's mother opened it. Maka felt like sneezing, the inside of the house was just as cold as outside. The woman took her to the living room, BlackStar following. Maka's eyes widened when she saw several unknown faces on the living room, there was around five people, all of them staring at her. "I'll give the bigger piece of pie tonight to whoever can recognize this girl first!" the woman laughed, as most of the people frowned, except for a guy, whose eyes widened. "Is that Maka Albarn?" he said, as Maka took a better glance at him. He was tall, with long black hair that was tied in a ponytail, and he looked around her age, maybe older. His dark eyes were fixed on her as Maka tried to recognize him. Somehow he looked familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "We have a winner." BlackStar's voice sounded, as all the people smiled. "Welcome back, BlackStar." a woman around BlackStar's mother's age greeted, as BlackStar waved at her. The guy that recognized her stood up, examining her closer. "What, don't you believe it's her?" Hana, BlackStar's mother, laughed, as the guy chuckled as well. "She sure has grown up. It almost seems hard to remember the little girl with pigtails, it was a long time ago when we used to hang out together." he said, as the memories hit Maka like a truck. She let out a short scream when she remembered the guy. "Oh my god! You're Goro-kun! I can't believe it!!" she said, as the guy chuckled. Maka hugged him, remembering the uncountable times she had played with BlackStar along with Goro-kun and his younger brother. Wait, his younger brother! She looked for another familiar face on the room, and she found abother guy sitting on the sofa, his dark hair hidden by a beanie, but she recognized him anyways, as she held back another scream, the guy smiled at her. "Soma-kun! I remember you too!" she exclaimed and the guy stood up. "Long time no see, huh?" he hugged her, as Maka laughed. She remembered coming to this house to play usually with BlackStar, but sometimes his cousins Goro and Soma would come and they would play together. She recognized the rest of the people that were in the living room. The woman that greeted BlackStar was Rina, Goro and Soma's mother and BlackStar's aunt. A man that was also in there was Ken, his husband, and at last was Toshio, BlackStar's father. But she remembered everyone called him WhiteStar. BlackStar watched as all of his family greeted Maka with hugs and kisses, like they were really happy to have her here. When it came to him, they just waved at him. He felt a little hurt, and then he started to wonder. 'Was it always like this before I left?' he wondered is they had always been like that with him. Not even bothering to walk up to him and start a conversation, just wave from the distance. He shook it off, probably it was because his family didn't even care about him. "Okay, leave her alone! Maka and BlackStar need to settle down, so I'll take them upstairs." Hana said, as she grabbed Maka's arm and took her upstairs, along with BlackStar. "You'll be staying in your room, right?" she asked his son, as he nodded, Maka noticing something was bothering him. "Well, then I'll show you were you're gonna sleep." the woman said, opening a door that was next to BlackStar's room. It was a small room with its own bathroom, as Maka smiled at Hana. "Thank you very much for letting me stay here, really." she said truthfully, as the woman put her hand on her cheek lovingly. "Anything for you, dear. Thanks to you I'm starting to feel like my son is back." she said, as Maka hugged her.

In his room, BlackStar was staring deeply at a wall. That wall he had hit uncountable times before, out of anger. He could see some paintings hanging on the wall, covering the holes he had created from punching the wall. Now that he was thinking about that, he couldn't remember why he did that. He couldn't remember what had made him so mad that it made him punch the wall so hard that his knuckles bled, and that bothered him. Maybe it was when his mother told him about his 'anger problems', maybe because his parents didn't understand him... maybe because of Tsubaki. He shook her out of his head, the last thing he needed now was to think about her. He sat on his bed, thinking about everything and anything at the same time. "Woah" he heard, as he turned to meet a certain green-eyed girl. "What?" he asked, seeing her surprised expression. "I remember this room full of toys and footballs, and a lot messier than this." she chuckled, walking in and closing the door behind him. "You have a really good memory, I can't even remember where I left my bag." he said, as Maka laughed, sitting on the bed next to him. "BlackStar" she called, as he looked up at her. "If you feel bad about anything... or if you need to talk, I'm here, okay?" she smiled, putting his hand on his arm. He sighed, knowing he had been caught. He still didn't know how Maka always managed to know when he was feeling bad, even if he didn't say a word, she could tell by the look on his face. "Well... it's just they way my family acted downstairs. They were so happy to see you and everything. And- I mean- don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're happy and all that stuff but- it's just... I..." he tried to explain. "You noticed that they were less outgoing with you?" she finished, as BlackStar sighed. "Yeah. But that's okay, it was because they don't care about me, I'm used to that." he assured, but Maka frowned. "It's not like that at all, BlackStar I can promise you." she said, as he looked down, confused. "They act like that because they are being gingerly. They don't want to say anything that could make you mad at them. It's not that they don't care about you. In fact," she said, putting her hand under his chin to make him look up at her. "they care about you a lot more than you think. I can assure you that." she smiled. He didn't know why, but he has gotten used to believe everything that Maka said, because every word that left her lips made so much sense, and the way she talked was just something that could convince anybody. Now that he remembered, the past few weeks before he went to Death City, his relationship with his family hadn't been the best one. In fact, he used to spend all the time in his room or going out, not bothering talking to them. So it wasn't really their fault if it was awkward for them. They were still his family. "What am I supposed to do then?" he asked. "Just talk to them. Ask them about their lifes and everything, it should be easy. You'll see, they'll be very happy to talk to you." she assured him. "If you say so. I'll try, but I'm awkward as fuck." he laughed, as Maka did as well. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Once they finished their conversation, they walked downstairs where all the people were, and when Hana saw them, she immediately walked towards them. "Oh, young ones! I need you." she said. "Me and my sister are going to the super to buy some things for tonight, maybe you two could come as well." she said, as Maka frowned. "What happens tonight?" she asked, a little lost. "Nothing in particular. Just a little reunion we decided to have, just because." she said, grabbing her purse. "Rina's getting the car, let's go!" she said, grabbing Maka's arm again. "Actually" they heard, as they turned around, that voice belonging to BlackStar. "I'd like to stay here, to help dad and everything... you know." he said, as Maka smiled. She knew that BlackStar's mother, Hana, was trying to keep him and Maka together all the time so he wouldn't get mad, but BlackStar wanted to prove that he could have a normal conversation with his father, not only to Maka and to his mother, but to himself. 


Hi! how's your day going? everything alright? I hope so!

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