One is the loneliest number.

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Silence filled the whole house. Neither Maka or BlackStar talked, for their own different reasons. Maka had just told him something that she wanted to forget about, something she wanted to erase from her memory forever, and she just couldn't talk. Not even when he sat down in front of her on the floor, looking somewhere else. Her heart was hurting, remembering the fear she had felt back when the kishin was attacking her, cutting her forearm open, feeling a sharp pain running through her body not just from the injury but from the betrayal. She noticed BlackStar's knuckles almost white, as she realized: he was holding back his anger. It was true, it was taking all his strenght not to stand up and go look for Izaya to punch him in the throat. He knew that if he did that, Maka would stay here alone and sad, and he didn't want that. By the way she was telling him the story, he could see that it was very hard for her. The sadness that was hidden in every word she said made him angrier by the second, and all he could do was dig his nails on his palm to the point where they almost bled. Then, she did something he was not expecting; Maka rested her hand on top of his, carefully. "It's okay now though, it's all over with him." she assured him in a sweet voice, making him sigh deeply, and surprising Maka, she felt him calming down. "Why is he all the time in front of your house, though?" he asked, as Maka shuggered. "I don't know. He has tried to talk to me before but I would always just wave him off. Anyways, let's just... forget about him, okay?" she pleaded, as BlackStar nodded and stood up, helping her. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to eat for lunch?" she asked sweetly, as BlackStar sighed, walking upstairs after saying. "I'm not really hungry."

 It wasn't his intention to make Maka feel bad ot anything, but he needed time for himself to calm down, like every time he was in his house and got angry, he would run to his room, trying to forget about all the stupid people that were outside. That didn't work out now though, he felt... alone, which was weird, because he used to spend a lot of time alone before he came here with Maka. Then realization hit him. Everything about him has changed since he's in Death City, but he wondered why. A light knock on his door was heard, as Maka's soft voice called his name. She opened the door, seeing him sitting on the bed, a worried expression on her face as she asked him if she could come in. "Yeah, sure." he let her, as Maka close the door behind her. "I... I need to talk to you about something." she confessed him, as BlackStar sighed. "I don't wanna know about that Izaya guy, really." he interrupted her. "It's not about him. It's about you..." she said slowly, capturing his attention. Then, he started to wonder. Was she going to complain about his attitude like everyone else? Was she going to tell him he had 'problems' and treat him like a baby like everyone before her? Maka sat next to him on the bed, laying on her leg and facing him. "BlackStar, are you okay?" she said sincerely. That caught him off guard, as he frowned. "Why are you asking that?" he asked. Maka thought it was a good opportunity to talk to him about last night, and the nights before. "Ever since you came here, your screams have been waking me up in the middle of the night, like you're having nightmares. I don't know how long you've been having them but it worries me and I want to know if you're really okay." she explained, as BlackStar seemed surprised. 'Why is she worrying about me? Maybe it's because it bothers her that I wake her up at night... or maybe is that she cares about me." he took a better look at her expression. 'Woah... Maka actually does care about me. But why?' he was confused, and all he could think about was being honest with her. "Well, it's been a couple of months  since I have them, but I think they're going away. Last night I could sleep normally even after I had the nightmare. I don't know exactly why, but I could go back to sleep." he explained, trying to make her feel better, but the frown didn't leave her face. "You really don't remember." Maka stated. "Remember what?" he asked, confused. "BlackStar, last night when you woke me up I came to see if you were alright... I woke you up because your screams were worrying me, and..." she looked down. "you asked me to stay with you." she finished softly. BlackStar's eyes widened, trying to remember. "Did I?" he asked, as Maka nodded. "I left the room before you woke up though, I don't know how you'd react if you woke up and saw me sleeping next to you." she chuckled sadly. "Really... that's weird..." he said and immedaitely regretted it, as Maka looked at him. "I-I mean, not in a bad way... I just- you know, I... well-" he tried, but didn't find the right words. "It's okay BlackStar. I was just concerned, but if you say you're fine, then forget I said anything. It's fine, really." she assured him, standing up. "But-" he tried to talk, but Maka interrupted him. "I know. It's okay, I promise." she smiled, leaving the room. BlackStar wanted to punch himself for not being able to talk to her, as he laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling. "I'm such and idiot. I'm the biggest idiot on the world." he said out loud. What could he do now? he was not goood at dealing with sad people, even more if they were sad because of him. Normally, he wouldn't care, but this was Maka. For some reason, it bothered him that she was sad, and he stood up, having an idea. He left his room and went downstairs silently, careful not to bump into Maka. She seemed to be on her room or something, as BlackStar succesfully left the house without being seen.

Maka, in her room, was walking back and forth, trying to think. 'Why did I think that telling him about last night would be a good idea? Now everything is gonna be very awkward between us.' she told herself, hearing the front door closing. 'Did he leave?' she asked herself, opening the door slowly. It had been almost an hour since they had talked, why would he leave now? she walked downstairs, not hearing a single sound. Something caught her eye, a box resting on the kitchen counter. She walked towards it, looking at a paper that read 'Maka'. It was for her, from... BlackStar? she opened it, a huge smile making its way to her face. It was chocolate! he had bought her chocolate! "I don't if you like them, though. I didn't know what to get you." she heard as she turned to the blue-haired guy, who had a light blush on his cheeks and tried not to look at her. "I guess it's a way to say sorry." he said, as Maka smiled sweetly. "Sorry for what?" she asked him. "For... making you worry about the whole nightmare stuff and waking you up in the middle of the night. If I could sleep last night it's because you helped me, thanks for that." he apologized, looking down. He didn't know how she would react at this present. It's been long since he gave a present, or even apologized to someone. But he felt like he had to do it for Maka. She's done a lot of things for him since he's here, and he appreciated that even if he didn't say it out loud. Next thing he felt was Maka's arms around his neck, she was hugging him. It took him a couple of seconds to snap out of his surprise, but when he did, he smiled lightly, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist, embracing her tightly.

"Thank you, BlackStar."


Helloooo! how's your day going? or your night? You may live on another part of the world, but in Spain it's daylight. Well, this is the second update, and the next one will probably be tomorrow! I'll also update know my other story 'Life and Death', if you haven't read it you can go take a look!

also, you can follow me on twitter *winks* @toxicitysar

Bye cuties!

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