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BlackStar walked angrily to his house, leaving Tsubaki behind calling for him. He couldn't think of anything else but to share a couple of words with his 'family'. What Tsubaki had told him was still repeating on his mind, every single word. "I was a little sad when your mother told me why she sent you away. She said it was because she was tired of your attitude. I don't mean to cause any trouble, but your parents don't really want anything to do with you." That and other things she'd tell him. Tsubaki said that Hana was really tired of him stumbling drunk into his house and breaking everything, and that thoughts made him even angrier as he approached his house, Tsubaki running behind him. He couldn't believe he fell for that 'I do it for you' crap. BlackStar knew it all along: the only reason his parents sent him to Death City was because they were tired of him. He was infuriated, as he opened the door with a loud bang, finding his father sitting on the couch, his head sanpped up to look at him. "BlackStar?" he asked, as his mother appeared on th eliving room, with Maka beside her. "Is everything okay, hun?" Hana asked, concerned. "I don't know, you tell me." he stated, clenching his fists. "Son, what are you-" "Don't call me that." BlackStar hissed at his father, as he frowned. "I can't fucking believe this. After what you did, you still treat me like a pet, and what's worse, for a while I actually believed you cared about me." he looked at his mother, as she took her hand to her chest. "What are talking about? Of course we care about you, we're your parents." she told him. "Don't give me that crap!" he yelled, making Hana jump, and Maka gasp. "BlackStar, calm down." his father said. "Don't tell me to calm down. You are pretty good actors, you know? Making me believe that the reason I went to Death City was because you cared for me, when in reality was because my parents didn't like the way I was!" he exclaimed, laughing sarcastically. "Don't look at me like that, mom. You know you really, really hate it when I do this!" he grabbed a plate that  was on the table, and threw it on the floor with all his strength, making it break into pieces. Hana yelped, as Maka walked to him, thinking this was going too far. "BlackStar, stop it!" she exclaimed, grabbing his arms. Her worst decision. BlackStar didn't hesitate to grab her arms and pin her against the nearest wall, hard. Maka felt a little pain in her head and in her arms from how hard he was holding her, which made her eyes fill with tears, as she opened them.

That's when BlackStar saw it.

 Her green orbs that he once thought were beautiful, now they were filled with tears, and something else. Fear. Maka was scared of him, of him hurting her. That made him snap into reality and look at the girl in front of him. The only girl that had believed in him all this time, the only girl he felt happy with, and he was hurting her. BlackStar thought he was the worst human being alive, because who in hell would hurt someone as nice and perfect as Maka? he would. Right in that moment, he felt the urge to hug her and apologize, but his body was numb. "BlackStar, let go of her." his father's voice sounded, as he did what he was told. He couldn't stand the way Maka was looking at him, the way she was fearing him. "Maka-" he tried to talk, but Maka closed her eyes and quickly ran away from him and out of the house, passing Tsubaki who was on the door, watching the whole scene. BlackStar sighed, realizing he just fucked everything up, big time.

Maka's P.O.V

Once I was away from that house, I stopped running and started walking. I can't believe what just happened, there's so many things I don't understand, I can only think of one thing: coming here was a complete mistake. No, taking BlackStar into my life in the first place was a mistake. I should've said no to Hana when I had my opportunity, now I wouldn't be in the street at night, cold and heartbroken. And a little dizzy. What was I thinking? that BlackStar would change into a loving, caring person? that he would stay with me? for a while I actually thought he would do just that. I'm so stupid. And it still hasn't finished; I need to go back to the house to get all my things to go back to my home. To stay in bed and cry, maybe call Liz or Patty so they can come and support me. Yeah, that's what I need. Should I go back now? it's starting to get cold and I'm not wearing a jacket. Just when I was about to turn around and go back, strong lights blinded me. Who was that?

No one's P.O.V

Right after Maka left and things 'calmed down' a little, BlackStar sat down at the couch, with Tsubaki beside him. BlackStar's father had gone out to try and find Maka, and Hana stayed home just in case she came back or called. He wanted to go out and look for her, but it was just too hard for him to face her after what he just did. He screwed up, and Maka probably never wanted to see him again. It's just too frustrating. "B-BlackStar?" Tsubaki called softly, as he didn't even look at her. "Don't talk to me." he just said, and everything went back to being silent. Tsubaki couldn't handle it, everything that had happened, Maka almost getting hurt, BlackStar's family being worried, it was all because of her, because of her selfishness of wanting the blue-haired guy to be hers and not anyone else's. The guilt was killing her, she needed to tell him. "Look, what I told you before... about your parents being tired of you... It was a lie. I was trying to make you stay here with me and I panicked, I'm sorry." she apologized, preparing herself for BlackStar exploding on her. It never came, though. She saw how her fists clenched so hard they were white, but what surprised her most was what she saw next. A little tear ran down his cheek, as she frowned. Was BlackStar... crying? "Maka's fine. Rina called saying that Soma found her walking on a street and took them to their home. She will be staying there tonight and come back tomorrow." Hana said, walking into the living room. "That's good to hear." Tsubaki said, standing up from the couch. "Yeah... you should really go home now, Tsubaki." Hana said, as politely as she could, and the girl nodded. She walked towards the door, glancing at the blue-haired guy again, as she forwned. "I'm really sorry, BlackStar." she whispered, before leaving the house.
BlackStar was still sitting on the couch, a little relieved that Maka was okay, but still sad. He had screwed everything up just because of a lie, a lie he had believed without hesitation. Why did he trust Tsubaki in the first place? why couldn't he just say no to her and go back home, and talk to Maka? he wanted to talk to her about last night, about what they did. He wanted to make clear to her that last night meant everything to him, that he wanted her to be with him. But now BlackStar can't do that, because Maka hates him, so much. Instead of punching and breaking everything, he walked to his room, sat on his bed and, for the first time in years, cried like a little baby.

He knew he had fucked everything up, big time.


I don't like to make Tsubaki look like the bad girl, she really cares about BlackStar! come and give me a hug, Tsubaki!
Sooooooo, the story is reaching its end? what do think will happen?
Will Maka go back to Death City by herself? Will BlackStar stop her? and what about Tsubaki? TOO MANY QUESTIONS! Don't forget to check my other story, Life and Death, if you ship SoMa as well as MaStar!

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