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Maka was just finishing breakfast when she heard footsteps down the stairs, as she turned around and saw a blue-haired guy entering the kitchen in a tank top and jeans. She saw as his muscled arms tightened as he yawned, his hair messed up and his tired eyes staring at her. BlackStar saw as Maka wore an apron that reached just at her skirt and a big smile on her face. "Good morning." Maka said happily, as BlackStar answered with a groan. "Looks like you're not a morning person." she teased. "I am a morning person, I'm just not a waking up person." he said, as Maka chuckled, handing him a plate with pancakes. "Here." she said, sitting in front of him. BlackStar ate as he started to realize how different this was from his house. Since he started having his 'anger management problems' his house changed completely. His parents treated him like a baby and he didn't feel god at his own house. That didn't happen here, in Maka's house. Even though it was only her, it wasn't so bad be here actually. There was no one to tell him to calm down or to treat him like a baby. He looked at Maka and blushed a little, before speaking again. "So, um..." Maka looked at him. "What are we doing today?" he asked. Maka kind of smiled at his question. "Well, I thought we could walk around the city, if you want to." she explained. "Yeah.. it's fine." BlackStar breathed. Once they finished their breakfast, Maka did the dishes while BlackStar tried to fix his messed up hair. It didn't end up very well, but he got tired of it and went downstairs, where Maka was waiting for him. She seemed to notice his hair as she got closer to him. "Let me help you." she said, fixing his hair a little. BlackStar felt like blushing being this close to her, but he shook that thought out of his head. Once she was done, she smiled at him and they left.

"What do you do for fun in this city?" he asked, walking down a street with Maka. "Well.. you can do lots of things, like go to the library and read something." she explained, as he sighed. "I said fun, do you even know what fun is?" he said. "Of course I know what fun is, but I guess we just have different ideas of fun." she said, as BlackStar glanced at a little basketball court near them. "What if we played basketball?" he said, since there was no one there. He looked at Maka, who smiled sadly and nodded. "You should know, I'm not very good at this." she admitted, as BlackStar grabbed the ball. "Okay, I'll teach you. Here." He said, giving her the ball and getting behind her. He put his hands on hers as Maka felt her cheeks getting redder. BlackStar didn't exactly know why he was doing that, he just wanted to teach her. He helped her as Maka threw the ball, scoring. "Great." he said, earning a giggle from Maka. He taught her a couple of things, then he asked her to play a little match against him. Maka agreed, as they started to play. At first it was hard for her to catch up with him, but since BlackStar found kind of cute how she was all the time sighing annoyingly, he ended up letting her win, but he slapped himself mentally for thinking that Maka was cute. By the time they finished, they were both sweaty and tired, as the sat on the floor. "You are a good teacher." Maka laughed, as she glanced at her watch. "Do you want to eat something?" she asked him. BlackStar stood up and took his hand out for her. Maka grabbed it and they both made their way to a little bar near the court. While they were eating, they were making jokes and even though BlackStar seemed a little annoyed at first, he found himself chuckling. It's been long since he smiled and he was actually having a good time. He didn't really know if it was because he was far from his native town, the center of all of his problems, because he was exploring new places, or just because he was with Maka. He shook that last thought of his head. 'I seriously need to stop thinking about Maka this way, or else this won't end up well.' he thought. "Hey Maka" he called, as Maka looked up at him. "I was just curious... how were we? I mean, when we were kids." he asked, as Maka felt her heart skip a beat at his question. "Well, we always played on my backyard after school. You would try to teach me to play football, and I'd just couldn't do it. You would get all frustrated on me and then we would end up watching a movie or something. That was pretty much our friendship." she explained with a smile. "When did we separate ways?" he asked. "When I turned thirteen. My dad became a death scythe so I moved with him here." she said. BlackStar nodded in understanding, as he tried to remember her. He tried to go back to his childhood and find a little girl with deep green eyes and pigtails. Nothing... he just couldn't remember her. After talking a little more about them, and showing BlackStar around, it was almost five. BlackStar was beyond surprised that he had actually spent the day with someone and didn't end up screaming or insulting that someone. He felt a little bad thinking about Maka being that someone. He imagined himself screaming horrible things at her, and Maka's eyes being full of fear. Just the thought of him hurting her, made him sick for an unknown reason. When they got home, Maka stretched her arms. "I'm so tired. I'll go take a bath." she said before going up to her room. BlackStar did the same as he went upstairs, straight to his own bathroom. The hot water made him feel relaxed and cleaned. Once he got out, he put on a plain black shirt and grey sweatpants. He walked downstairs to the living room, where Maka was laying on the sofa, watching a movie. "They're playing Donnie Darko, if want to see it." she smiled. If it was a complete different person, BlackStar would have snapped something like 'it's not like I have nothing better to do.' rudely, but it was Maka, and for some reason he couldn't be rude with Maka. Instead, he nodded and sat down. They watched the movie in complete silence, not an uncomfortable but a nice one. The atmosphere in this house itself was nice, warm... serene. BlackStar glanced over at Maka, who was fighting to keep her eyes open, but it didn't work. She was almost asleep by the end of the movie, and by the time BlackStar realized, Maka had her feet on his lap. She looked cute though, with light green socks, black leggins and a plain green shirt, matching her eyes. He quickly looked away and concentrated on the TV, but he didn't remove Maka's feet off his lap.


Helloooo! How's the weekend going? I really liked this chapter for some reason and yes, they were watching Donnie Darko. I saw it yesterday and I loved it. If you haven't watched it you should! I hope you liked the chapter, I love the comments, you're all so great with me:3 have a nice day!

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