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BlackStar's P.O.V

This was a terrible idea. What the hell am I supposed to say when I get there? It was all clear seconds ago, when I left my house and everything but now, now that the train has arrived and everyone is entering, I'm at the entrance, trying to decide if it's really a good idea going there or not. "Excuse me young one, could you let me pass?" I heard an English accent, as I apologized and turned around. I didn't see anyone at first, but then I looked down, and my eyes widened. A white penguin (I think it was a penguin) stood there, it had big eyes and was wearing a white jacket, a white tall hat and was holding some kind of white walking stick. "What the hell? Who are you?" I grouched at his level, as he pointed his stick at me. "Fool! How dare you, I am the Holy Sword, Excalibur!" he introduced himself. "The Holy Sword... I've heard about you, but I never thought you'd be so... tiny." I opined, as he hit me with the stick on the face. I'm starting to dislike this guy. "Fool! I am perfect in every way, it's your problem for not seeing it." He said, as I stood up. "Whatever, dude." I waved him off. "I know it is not my business, but you look quite indecisive about going in that train. Do you have, perhaps, something in Death City that you don't want to face?" he asked, leaning against his stick. How did he know? "Well... yeah, I don't think-" "FOOL!" He interrupted me, pointing at me with his stick again. "What? But-" I started off, but he interrupted me again. "That reminds me of a woman I met years ago. Her name was Brandy, she was... oh so beautiful. She left the city months after we had started our relationship, and you know what I did?" he asked me. "... maybe you'd-" "FOOL!" fucking penguin, he keeps interrupting me. "I went after her, which is what you should do now. I am going to Death City as well, so we can be travel partners!" he exclaimed, as I frowned. "But I don't even know if-" this time it wasn't Excalibur who interrupted me, but a man who talked by megaphone. "Attention, the train for Death City is about to depart, please stand back while the doors are closing." he said, as I felt someone grabbing my hand and practically throwing me into the train, just seconds before the doors closed. I looked up to see Excalibur doing some weird dance. Fucking penguin. Guess I am going to Death City. I stood up, looking for a seat, as I found one and sat down. Of course, there was an empty seat next to mine, which was taken by Excalibur. "Why are you following m-" "Fool!" I swear, if he keeps pointing that thing at me, I'll eat the fucking penguin. "Calm down, BlackStar" I whispered to myself. "This is all for Maka, remember that." I sighed, as Excalibur talked. "Just so you know, in order to ensure that any potential wielder meets me, I invoke a covenant between myself and the prospective applicant, which contains a total of 1000 required errands." he explained, as I frowned. "But I'm not your wielder-" "Task number one! My mornings start off with a cup of coffee with cream."  oh man, this is gonna be the longest trip of my life.

"Task number nine hundred and ninety-eight: When you order a package for home delivery, you must always use cash on delivery." Excalibur said, as we got out of the train station of Death City. "Task number nine hundred-" "Shut up! Just shut up already! Man, fucking penguin!" I exclaimed, tired of him. Next thing I felt was something hard hitting the back of my head, as I fell on the floor with my face. "Fool! You forgot task number six hundred and sixty-seven: you must praise Excalibur at all times." he stated, as I sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry. But please don't hit me anymore." I asked. "You sigh a lot, you know." he said, as I clenched my fist. FUCKING PENGUIN. "What are you doing here anyway? We're already here, so there's no need for us to be 'travel buddies' anymore. Go home." I told him, scratching the back of my head. "Fool!" he just said, as I sighed annonyingly. I stood up and stretched, but just to be knocked down again by some guy who was running. "You have to be kidding me." I looked at the guy who ran into me, he was panting heavily and blood was dripping off his head. I recognized him immediately. "Izaya?" I said, frowning. He looked at me, and for a moment he looked happy to see me. "Wait, you're the dude that was in Maka's house." He said, as his sight rested on Excalibur. "You got a penguin?" he asked. "Nevermind the penguin- What happened?" I asked him. "Oh man, it's Roy, my partner. You know him, right? well he's gone fucking crazy. He's been eating human souls behind my back for like, fuck man, I don't now for how long. About half an hour ago I went to his house, and I just found him turned into a kishin. He attacked me and, holy shit, thank god I escaped. He would've killed me." he stood up, as I did as well. "I heard him calling Maka's name before I ran off." he stated, as my eyes widened. Maka's name? "What?! He's gone after Maka and you didn't do anything?" I yelled, grabbing him by the shirt. "Fuck, what was I supposed to do?! He's fucking huge!" I threw him on the floor, trying my best not to break his face. I immediatey turned around and ran towards Maka's house, hearing Excalibur saying "Fool!" at Izaya. Thank god her house is close to the station, maybe I'm not too late. I ran as fast as I could, until I saw Maka's house, but I didn't see what I expected. The door was wide open, but the house was dead silent. "MAKA!" I yelled, calling her. "The girl you're looking for isn't here," I heard, as I turned to see the fucking pengui- I mean, Excalibur. "I don't sense her soul wavelength around here." I almost gasped at what he said, as I grouched to his level again. "You can sense soul wavelengths? Excalibur, please help me find her!" I begged him. "Well, since you listened to my one thousand provisions, I guess I can help you. Follow me, young one!" he exclaimed, running down the street, as I followed him.
We walked for about ten minutes, until we arrived at the basketball court were I taught Maka how to play basketball. As I expected, the kishin was there, but it was way bigger than I thought. He had Maka in a corner (she didn't look injured, thankfully), but a tree had fallen in front of her, so the kishin was currently trying to get the tree out of its way. I smirked. I really missed fighting kishins, it's been long. "How are you gonna fight it, exactly?" Excalibur asked, as I looked down at my empty hands. "Crap." I said, realizing I didn't have a weapon with me. "As I thought. Look closely, you're gonna witness the transformation of the Holy Sword." he stated. "You're gonna help me?" I said, hopefully. "No, I'm gonna help the girl. The hero always saves the ladies, task number three hundred and fifty-two. Now be careful when you hold me." he said, as he started to glow. It took him seconds before he landed on my hands, as a white sword. "You don't look much of a fucking penguin now." I said sassily as I swung him. "Fool." his voice sounded, as I frowned. The kishin had grabbed the tree with its huge hand and threw it away, earning a scream from Maka, who was sitting on the floor, crying. I jumped into the court and ran towards the kishin, with Excalibur on my hand. "BLACKSTAR..." I put my hand on its back. "BIG WAVE!" I hit him, as the kishin growled and turned to me, after quickly recovering from my hit. He smashed his hand on the ground trying to hit me, but I dodged it and started to run fastly up his arm. I jumped, dodging his tries of hitting me, and I landed on its head, shoving Excalibur in the middle of its skull. As I landed on the floor, it started transforming until it was nothing more than a red soul. "That was good, for a beginner." fucking penguin complimented, as I panted and turned around, running towards Maka. She was still sitting on the floor and crying, hugging her knees. "Maka," I called her. "Are you okay?" she looked up at me, as her cries stopped. She looked at me in the eyes for seconds. "BlackStar..." she whispered, hugging me tightly and breaking down like a kid. I hugged her back, thanking that she was okay. "Why do you have a penguin with you?" she sobbed, as I looked back at Excalibur.

"Fools." he said.


I have to admit, I laughed a lot while writing this. I love Excalibur! What do you think about his appearance?
This isn't the end of the story, there's one chapter left! only one!!!
I'm so excited for you to read the end, I just hope you like it as well as this chapter.
Tell me what you think and everything, I really appreciate the comments. You are all so kawaii :'D

Love you!

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