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Maka woke up slowly, taking her time to open her eyes and stretch, then realization hit her. She was in her room. 'But I fell asleep in the couch downstairs. What the hell?' She though, standing up making her way downstairs. She glanced at the living room where Black Star was sitting on the couch watching TV, just as she remembered before she fell asleep. He turned to her, then to the TV again. Maka noticed the frown on his face, he was angry for some reason. She preferred to stay quiet though, if he wanted to talk about it she would wait. 'He must have taken me upstairs.." she thought. Black Star is not as bad as his mom told her by phone, but she couldn't say anything yet, since he's only been here for two days. "What time is it?" she asked him, a Black Star looked at her and turned off the TV, getting up from the couch. "Almost eight. I'll just go to bed, I'm tired." he said, not even looking at her. "Good night." Maka murmured, but BlackStar was long gone by then. 'Well this guy is a little bipolar.' she walked towards the couch, but noticed something resting on it, a phone. BlackStar's phone. Maka grabbed, thinking about going upstairs and giving it to him, but then it started to ring. The name Tsubaki appeared on the screen as Maka frowned. She panicked, as the first thing that came to her mind was... answer it. She took the phone to her ear. "Um... hi?" she said, as a girl's voice started to yell from the other line. "What the hell! Why is a girl answering BlackStar's phone? Is this what he left for? to go out and hook up with the first girl he found? I can't believe this! he will hear me!" and with that, the girl hung up. Maka frowned at the phone. "Hey!" she heard, as she turned around and found Black Star standing behind her. "What on earth are you doing with my phone?" he said, as Maka could hear the anger on his voice. "You left it here, I was just-" before she could finish, BlackStar grabbed the phone out of her hands harshly, making Maka stand back a little. He seemed to notice, then he sighed. "Don't ever touch my phone again. Ever." he said more relaxed, then went upstairs. Maka just watched as he left, then she sat down, sighing.

BlackStar closed the door behind him, just as he received a message. He glanced at it, it was from Tsubaki. 'I know we are not together anymore, but I thought since you said all those things to me, it'd take you a little longer to move on. You're already hooking up with some random girl, I should've expected.' the message read, as BlackStar sighed in annoyance. 'Fucking Maka must've took a call from Tsubaki. What the hell in wrong with her, taking my calls?' he cursed silently. After gathering all of his strength to ignore Tsubaki's message, he thought about going downstairs and asking Maka why the fuck did she do that, but he preferred to stay. He had already snapped at her, and she probably didn't mean to do that, so he just went to bed, trying to forget about all of this.

Once again, Maka yawned as she looked at BlackStar eating pancakes. They haven't shared a word since last night and it was starting to be uncomfortable. Maka decided to speak to him. "When I had your phone... a girl called, and-" she started, as BlackStar inturrupted. "And you took it, I know. It's okay though, maybe that way she'll leave me alone. It's fine as long as you don't touch my phone ever again." he said honestly, earning a huge smile from Maka. "I'm sorry for taking your phone. By the way, there's this movie that I wanted to see today. Maybe you could come with me?" she said slowly, as BlackStar stared at her. 'Watching a movie chosen by this girl doesn't seem so fun. Then again I had a great time yesterday... and I don't want to stay here alone all day.' he thought, as Maka waited for his response. "Sure, why not." he said. "It's in the afternoon though, at three. I have to go buy some groceries so I'll be leaving now." she said, drying the last plate and putting it down. She walked towards the front door but BlackStar's voice stopped her. "Maka" he said, as she turned around. "Yes?" she asked, as he scratched the back of his head, as if it was hard for him to say something. "Maybe I could... you know, go with you. I mean, I don't know what to do here alone." he admitted, a hint of flush on his cheeks. "You can come if you want to." she said, as BlackStar nodded and followed her outside the house. Once they arrived at the super Maka grabbed some things and put them on a small bag, BlackStar following. The trip to the super wasn't as boring as he thought, and once they left he offered to carry the bag back to the house, surprising Maka. She found herself staring at BlackStar on the way back, she didn't realy know why, she just did. It kinda hurt her that BlackStar couldn't remember her, but what could she do? It was almost nine years ago, she couldn't blame him. "What?" the guy's voice mad ecome back to reality, as she realized she was staring at him. Maka blushed hard, as she looked down. "Nothing... I was just thinking." she responded, as BlackStar's phone started to ring. The thought that it could be that Tsubaki girl hurt her a little, as the blue-haired guy glanced at the screen. "It's my mum." he stated, as Maka looked up at him. "I better answer, I haven't talked to her since I'm here." he said, bringing the phone to his ear.

"BlackStar?" a woman's voice said.

"Yes mum... hi." he said annoyingly, as he heard Maka giggling.

"How's everything there? Are you causing too much trouble to Maka?" he frowned at that last question.

"Everything's fine and no, I'm not causing any trouble, What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, as Maka glanced at him.

"Nothing son, I'm just asking. I'm glad to hear that you're okay, remember to help her as much as you can." she said, as BlackStar sighed annoyingly.

"Okay mum. Bye." he said, hanging up and sighing. "You sigh a lot, you know." Maka opined, opening the front door of her house. "I do not." he answered, entering the house. "Do too!" she laughed. "Do not." he left the bag on the kitchen counter. They started with the game for a couple of seconds, but then something came into BlackStar's game. "Woah." he exclaimed, as Maka frowned. "Are you okay?" she asked him. "Yeah... I just got this weird deja vu. Like, we have fought about this before, but I can't put my finger on it, you know?" he said, sitting on the couch, followed by Maka. She looked down and smiled. "We used to fight about you sighing a lot, when we were kids." she responded, as he tried to remember. "Really? I don't sigh that much, do I?" he asked. "You do, all the time." Maka laughed. "I'm not having this conversation with you." he said, standing up from the couch and sighing. "See! you did it again!" she laughed again, watching him go upstairs. "Shut up." he said before going to his room, closing the door behind him. He found himself smiling like an idiot, as he sighed.


'Strength' is such a weird word, I find it difficult to write. Strenghtuhgsafsdjh whatever.

Hi! how are you guys today? I have a question, why do parents want you to make the bed if it's going to be unmade by the night? what's with that? oh well. Okay, I have to tell you something. Tomorrow I'm going to my brother's and I won't be back until Thursday or Friday, so I'll update today again, sorry! I'll try to be back on Thursday and update, but I'm not sure. Anyways, I hope you have a great day and don't forget to follow me on twitter! It's @asrockvato :3 see ya later!

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