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"Absolutely not." BlackStar said.

"Oh, come on, BlackStar! It's just for four days!" Maka tried to persuade him, since just the mention about his home made him go on a stage of complete denial. "I don't care. I wouldn't go even if it was for four hours. I'm not going." he said, as Maka sighed annoyingly. "But it's your birthday, don't you wanna spend it with your family?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "I don't have the best relationships with my parents, you know that." he said, sitting down on the sofa. "Okay, maybe that's true, but still. If you don't do it for your own sake, do it for your mother's! She misses you so much and she's really excited about this, you should've listened to her!" Maka explained. "If she misses me, why would she send me here in the first place?" he asked, trying to defend himself. "It's something called being worried." Maka looked at him annoyingly, as he looked away. "I call it a waste of time. Going there would only mean problems, I know that. If I go, it'll be no different from before, and I didn't like it. Why would I wanna go?" BlackStar looked back at her. "I can give you several answers for that. Because it's your birthday, because you haven't been home for more than a week, your family is missing you, and what's more important;" she smiled. "you won't be alone. I'll go as well, so you don't have to worry about that. It'll be different this time, I promise." smiled at him sweetly, as BlackStar found himself re-considering the offer.

"Just four days?" he asked.

"Four days."

"And then we can come back here?

"Of course, this is my house, you know." Maka smiled at the thought that BlackStar liked to be here, at least more than his own house. BlackStar sighed, giving up. "Okay. I'll go, but just because I don't wanna hear you whining about all the time." he said, as Maka smiled widely. "It'll be fine, really. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning." she assured him.

And so, both of them spent that night packing a few things for the few days they were gonna spend on BlackStar's house, after calling his mother and telling her that he had agreed to go there, earning a huge thank you from her that brought warmth to Maka's heart. She had adviced them that now it was really cold in there, that it was snowing almost every day but it was still okay. Maka was kind of confused, because she knew BlackStar was very talented at hiding his own feelings, so she never really knew what was his opinion about most of things. Right now for example, she wasn' completely sure if it was an actual torture for him to go back there, or if he was silently missing his hometown as well. But she shook that off, Maka was still happy that he had agreed to come, she didn't want to ruin it. After she packed a few winter clothes she had, she put on her pajamas and got into bed.

BlackStar, on the other hand, was already packed but he couldn't sleep. He was unsure about his feelings, he didn't knwo if he was happy to go back home or if he was annoyed. Because, it'd be nice to come back to his city, with its cold weather and everything, he liked it. However, there were a lot of reasons why he didn't like the idea. His family would start judging him again, complaining about his behavior and all that shit. But then, he remembered Maka's words. She was kinda right, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. She was coming with him, and that made him feel better, somehow. He finally went to sleep, thinking that it wasn't actually that bad of an idea.

The next day, Maka woke up and took a shower, then put on black leggins, a white tank top that had The Offsprings on it and her favorite boots; which where brown and reached her knees. She grabbed a sweater that was at least two sizes bigger than hers, but she liked it anyway. She let her hair fall free down her shoulders, and then waited for BlackStar to finish getting ready. He came out of his room wearing vans, jeans and a white hoodie. After deciding they would eat something later since it was just eight o'clock, they left towards the train station. They walked all the way there, which took about fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes of BlackStar yawning and Maka laughing at him, and by the time they got there, they had to wait a couple of minutes before the train arrived. Maka could see that BlackStar was really sleepy, he usually woke up about ten in the morning, so she understood why he like that. She was used to wake up early, from when she was a teacher in the academy, she had to wake up early every day. When the train came, they got in and sat down, next to each other. "We have to stay on the train for two hours, so if you wanna get some sleep then go ahead, I'll wake you up when we get to the station." she told him, as he yawned again. "Aren't you tired?" she shook her head. "Are you even human? what the hell." he complained, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. And so the trip started. The first half an hour was normal, the train lightly packed, and BlackStar light snores sounding low so only Maka was the one hearing them. Buth then, she felt him moving, and without his own permission, he rested his head on her shoulder. Maka looked at him, he was still asleep so he didn't know he was resting on her. Maka smiled, a light blush making its presence, as she didn't even try to move him. She noticed an old woman sitting in front of them, smiling at the picture in front of her. By what she was seeing, she probably thought they were a couple. Maka wished they were.

"BlackStar, wake up." he heard, opening his eyes slowly, until he was fully awake. "Uh- What- Are we there yet?" he asked, as Maka shook her head, chuckling adorably. "We still have about forty minutes left. I got us some food, are you hungry?" she asked him, as he realized they were still on the train. He took the food and thanked her, starting to eat. The train stopped, but this wasn't their station. Maka noticed the old woman that was smiling at them stood up, making their way to the exit, which was next to BlackStar and Maka. "You two are a really cute couple" she smiled, leaving the train. Maka smiled nervously, a BlackStar frowned. "Couple? what was that about?" he asked, as she just shruggered. The rest of the time they had left was spent by BlackStar sleeping and Maka reading a book when she was not staring at the guy's sleeping face. They arrived at the city at around ten, as they left the train after waking him up, again. BlackStar stretched as a very cold wind ran through Maka's body, making her sneeze and put her sweater on. "It's really cold in here!" she complained, as BlackStar laughed. "I'll admit it, I missed this." he said, as Maka looked at him angrily. 'How can he bear all this cold! it's just impossible!' they heard someone calling their names, as they both turned around. BlackStar's mother waved at them, walking towards the duo. Maka felt the blue-haired guy tense, as she turned to him. "It's okay, just relax, BlackStar." she assured him, as he smiled lightly. "Well, hello there mister, how are you?" BlackStar's mother said, as he smiled at her. "Yeah... hi mom." Maka could see that the woman was very cautious with her words, like she was afraid of saying something wrong. I kind of saddened her. Then, she turned at Maka. "Oh my godness, look at you." she said, surprise in her voice. "Last time I saw you, you were a little thirteen-year-old girl, and now... oh, Maka." she hugged her tightly, as Maka hugged her back, smiling. "You've grown up to be such a beautiful woman. Look at you." she said. "Thank you... it's nice to see you too." Maka greeted, as the woman pulled away, tears on the corners of her eyes. "Oh! let's not waste any more time, there are a lot of people back at home that want to see both of you!" she said happily, grabbing Maka's arm and walking. The girl turned to BlackStar, who just shruggered. Deep down, he was kinda happy to see his mother again. To be back here.

He was starting to see things differently.


Well, well, well! let's see what happens in this days! I have a few surprises in this story, I'm sure you'll love it. Please comment about what you think, I'd really like to know your opinion!

Well, bye! have a nice day!

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