The end.

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BlackStar walked towards Maka's house with the girl on his back, who was tired from running. Excalibur walked in front of them, happily swinging his stick as they arrived to the house. BlackStar laid her carefully on the sofa, making sure she wasn't injured. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?" he asked her, as she shook her head. "No... I'm fine, but I'm confused. What are you doing here?" she looked at him. "I believe I should let you two young ones to talk. I'll be around." They heard Excalibur's voice, as he walked to the kitchen and left them alone. Then, he looked down. "I came here for several reasons; first, because I wanted to apologize. I was an ass for doing that to you and for scare you like that. I shouldn't have done that, when you had such hope on me. I never wanted to hurt you, I swear it was never my intention." he explained. "I guess I owe you an apology too, for leaving. I just... I didn't want to go through that again." she said, as BlackStar frowned. "Why are you saying that?" he asked, confused. "Because I've been there... I've seen people lie, they misepresent themselves, they let each other down..." she said, her eyes watering again. "But I'm not like that, at least not anymore. I won't let you down, I'm not like Izaya." he said, understanding what Maka meant. She was scared that he would hurt her like Izaya did, but he wasn't like him, at all. "I have never felt anything like this, not even with Tsubaki. I was scared of telling you because... well, I always end up hurting the people I love and I didn't want to hurt you." he stated, as Maka looked up at him, frowning. "Yes, I just said I love you, I know that. That's the other reason I came here." he held her hand, and looked at her deeply in the eyes. "You've helped me a lot through this past weeks, but I've grown so used to see you everyday, that this past days have been hell for me. I don't want to live that way, I want to be with you." he said, his nose touching hers. "I'm sorry I gave up on us, when you never did." he finsihed, as Maka just frowned sadly, pressing her forehead against his but looking down. "I want that too, really..." she said, a hint of impotence in her voice. "Then what's wrong? Is it because of what happened the other night? I know we didn't have a chance to talk about that, but it meant a lot to me." he assured her. "So that explains it." he turned to see Excalibur, leaning on his stick. "It explains what?" BlackStar asked, confused, as Maka just kept looking down. "Back when we found her at the basketball court, I noticed something. I thought it was nothing, but it's been quite bothering me. I was searching for her soul wavelength, and I ended up finding hers, and somone else's, emerging from her body." the Holy Sword explained, as the blue-haired guy heard Maka's sobs. "It looked weird to me that Maka Albarn, the three-star meister and famous teacher at the DWMA, was running away and hiding from a kishin instead of fighting it. Now it is clear: she was protecting her unborn child, the other soul wavelength I found." he stated, earning a gasp from BlackStar. He turned to Maka, who was now fully crying. "I started feeling sick a couple of days ago, and when I came here and had more symptoms, I found out the state I was in. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you BlackStar, I was so scared..." she sobbed, putting her hand covering her mouth to stop the sobs, as he felt the blue-haired guy grabbing her arms, and pulling her against him. She felt his left hand resting on her head, and the other one on her back. "You're pregnant." BlackStar stated. "I... I am, yeah." she said, as he hugged her tightly. "Maka, you..." he pulled away, looking at her deeply. Maka frowned, scared of his reaction. "You just made me tha happiest human alive!" he exclaimed loudly, as Maka's eyes widened. "What?" she asked, as BlackSTar stood up from the sofa and ran towards Excalibur. "Did you hear that, fucking penguin? I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He said happily. Maka stood up as well, grabbing BlackStar by his shoulders to stop his jumping. "Wait, wait... you're happy about it? you're not mad, not even a little?" she said, as BlackStar hugged her waist and spun her around. "How could I be mad? I'm gonna have a baby with the girl I love, make a family with her! If... if she wants to, of course." he put her down, keeping his arms around her waist. "But... what about Tsubaki?" she asked. "Are you serious? she was the one who encouraged me to come here! we made up, and we're friends. That's it." he assured her, but Maka just sighed. "Look, I know I have a lot of issues and shit that I need to fix, but you always accepted me no matter what. All I'm asking is for you to do that, for the rest of our lives. Please Maka, pleeeeease." he pouted, earning a chuckle from the girl. "Fool. Give the guy an opportunity, he's earned it." Excalibur pressed. BlackStar looked back at Maka, who smiled. "Oh, what the hell." she laughed, leaning in. The blue-haired guy did as well, until he felt her warm, wet lips against his, as he smiled through the kiss.




Three years later.


"Granny!" a little boy screamed as he hugged his grandmother. "Oh my god, look at you! You've grown up a lot since I last saw you!" Hana smiled, ruffling his blue hair. "You saw me last week, Granny!" the boy giggled. Behind him came his two parents, each of them holding a bag. "How was the trip from Death City?" Hana asked, picking up his grandson. "Daddy slept the whole way, he's a sleepy-head!" he laughed, pointing at his father. "Oh, it wasn't only me who slept, you were snoring like crazy too!" BlackStar defended. "I did not! Mommy, tell him I wasn't sleeping!" he begged at his mother. "He wasn't sleeping, BlackStar, he was wide awake the whole time." Maka smiled, winking at her son, who winked back with his green eyes. Both Hana and Maka went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner while BlackStar and the boy went to say hi to WhiteStar. "I bet Jason has been really excited about coming here." Hana said. "Jason loves it here, he has a lot of people to play with." Maka chuckled. "Speaking of which, Rina is coming in a couple of hours with Goro and Soma, so we need to make more food." she adviced, as Maka laughed. "Goro eats like crazy, I don't know how he can be so skinny." she said, as the bell rang. "I'll get it." Maka said, walking towards the front door. As she opened it, she smiled. "Oh, hi Tsu! How are you?" she hugged her best friend Tsubaki. "I'm fine, Hana called me saying you were coming over so I thought I'd help you guys." she said sweetly. "That's awesome, let me call Jason so you can see him." Maka said, but Tsubaki stopped her. "Oh, no, he's playing in the backyard with BlackStar and WhiteStar, so I already said hi to them." she said. "Okay then, Hana's in the kitchen, you can go help her. I'll go check on the guys." Maka said, walking towards the backyard. There was BlackStar, playing footbal with his father and his son. Jason tried to take the ball away from his father, but he picked him up and pulled him over his shoulder, as the kid started laughing. "That's cheating, Daddy!" Jason exclaimed, as Maka smiled unknowingly. It was amazing all that she and BlackStar have been through, it hasn't been easy, but it was worth every time she looked at her child. She loved both of them with all her heart. "You guys, guess who came!" Hana's voice sounded as she came into the backyard with Tsubaki, someone following behind. BlackStar immediately put that particular face he made every time he saw him. "Fucking penguin." he whispered, so Jason wouldn't hear him. "FOOLS!" Excalibur exclaimed, as Jason laughed.

And they lived happily ever after.

The end.


That was all, folks! I really liked this story and I was so excited to finish it, because I love the end! I hope you liked it as well, not only this chapter but the whole story itself. You can take a look at my other stories if you want, just a recommendation!

I want to dedicate this chapter to souleater_girl_101 because she's so nice and because she's given me an idea! She mentioned she liked it when Maka and BlackStar were sister and brother, so maybe I'll start writing a fanfic about them being siblings! Tell me your opinion and if you like it, I'll do it!

Well, thanks for everything, and goodbye!

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