Personal assistant || TBS-part 1

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Being Thomas' Sangster personal assistant was getting harder and harder. I've been working for him for almost 5 years now and it was like his career has changed over night, once he portrayed the character of Jojen Reed in Game of Thrones and now Newt in The Maze Runner series.

Suddenly there were fans everywhere, shouting his name and chasing him for an autograph. And he loved each and every one of his fans, being so greatful for their love and support. Of course, sometimes he would feel overwhelmed but he would continue to smile and put some good words for everybody.

Interviews, meetings, press conferences and tv appearances almost every day, followed by a protocolar dinner for his staff. Luckly, Thomas wasn't the guy who would wear a suit for every event, he would prefer a more casual outfit so that saved me many times from useless shopping in each city he would have to go.

But of course I would have to take care of everything else; starting with the location of a fancy dinner, guests list, dress code, food and drinks, renting cars, hotel reservations, plane tickets, VIP pass cards and of course, his personal agenda.

And even if I worked for him for such a long time, he never forgot to be a gentleman. He would always be polite in asking something, always thanking for anything, smiling and complimenting everybody. It was so easy to get along with him that sometimes I would feel that our relationship was more like a friendship than a formal one.

When my agency first told me about him, I was at the beginning of my career. I've been studying and practicing a lot, making sure I was ready for my first assignment. I haven't heard of Thomas Sangster until that day and he wasn't used to have a personal assistant; he was in touch only with Alice, his agent.

I've stayed by his side along good times and bad times; good critics or bad ones, successful or failed auditions, through relationships and break-ups, happy tears or sad ones.

Thomas has always been so focused on his work, paying attention to details and knowing exactly what he wants.

But unfortunately that has changed lately. He has changed; his behavior, attitude, his way of talking and acting. I could tell he gained more confidence in himself after his major roles in Game of Thrones and The Maze Runner series and I couldn't be happier for him. But in the same time he became careless; not paying attention to what I was telling him, being always on his phone, forgetting things.

I found out after a while that he had a girlfriend. It didn't bother me at first, because he had every right to keep his life private; but it bothered me when their relationship started to affect his career. It was my responsibility to make him aware of that, if he didn't want to lose everything he achieved.

That night he was on the phone like usually, typing fervently and not paying attention to me, as I was telling him about the event he was going to attend in less than an hour. He suddenly threw his phone on the other side of the couch and ran a hand through his hair, looking annoyed. I stopped talking, watching him with concern. That was definitely not a good moment to be in a bad mood, especially at a press conference.

"Is this about that Jasmine girl again?" I asked him folding my arms.

"Yeah, sometimes I feel like she doesn't understand my job", he sighed shaking his head.

I've never told him what to do, because Thomas was always down-to-earth and capable of taking good decisions, but lately I just wasn't pleased with his behavior.

"My advise is to forget about her", I simply told him.

"Excuse me?", he asked furrowing a brow at me.

"How well do you know this girl?"

"I think it's none of your business, Y/N. This is my personal life we're talking about", he defended her.

"Not when it affects your business one."

He frowned at me and stood up, coming closer and looking pissed about my suggestion.

"I don't recall to ask for your opinion in this as a matter of fact."

"You don't have to ask, Thomas. I'm paid to look after your career and make sure nothing stands between you and your goals."

"You mean you're paid by me", he raised his voice slightly.

I wasn't going to back down now that the subject has been brought into discussion. Thomas and I have never had a fight; of course we've had our arguments but every time we've managed to solve them.

"And you pay me for my job, Thomas! I wouldn't be here anymore if you weren't satisfied with it!"

I looked at him angrily, raising my voice too.

"This girl pulls you back, distracts you from your job!", I told him. "Just look at how angry you are and you've been seeing her for only six months now!"

"Seven!", he corrects me.

"My point is Thomas...she doesn't have a job."

"She's looking for something!"

"She spreads all your pictures all over the Internet! What about your privacy then?!"

"She told me she's proud of me and she's proud of being my girlfriend! Why it bothers you so much?!"

"It bothers me because it affects your public image and you could lose important contracts because of it!" Our discussion has degenerated in a heavy argument, shouting at each other. "Nobody wants to see a drunk Thomas or pictures of you kissing random girls!"

"She's not random! And I suggest you stop this right now before going any further and regret it."

His voice was lower now, almost like he was threatening me. His hands were clenched into fists, making me gulp looking at his angry red face. But we've gone too far for any of us to stop talking now.

"If you're not able to see the truth behind this relationship, then YOU're going to be the one who will regret it in the end!"

He was looking at me deadly in the eyes, his lips a firm line of angriness. Without warning, he turned his face from me and took his phone from the table, dialing a number. He then turned around to face me, while talking to the other person on the other line.

"Yes, this is Thomas Sangster", he said. "I will have to let you know I will not need Y/N's services anymore."

Saying that, a devilish smile crossed his lips as he continued talking. My eyes suddenly went wide open, hearing his words.

"Don't do that, Thomas. Please, stop!", I asked him being suddenly panicked.

He didn't seem to pay attention to my words, as he said "And no, I won't recommend anyone her services. That's all for now, thank you very much!"

He hung up the phone and looked at me with a satisfied grin.

"I think it's time for you to start packing", he simply announced me with a furrowed eyebrow.

My mouth went agape as waves of shock ran through my body. My eyes filled with tears as I suddenly realized I was unemployed.

"Thomas, please don't do that", I tried again but my voice sounded so week. "Call them back and tell them there was only a misunderstanding", I begged.

I was feeling desperate, but he didn't seem to care, as he took a seat on the couch again and pour some red wine from the bottle into his glass. He took his phone and searched something for a couple of seconds and I felt relieved, thinking that maybe he would call back and cancelled his decision. But then he showed me the screen of it as he simply said:

"If you hurry, you will catch the last flight for London. I already booked you a ticket. Don't worry, it's on me."

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