Even Though I'm Gone

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WARNING: This chapter will have some sad parts along with Death so if you feel uncomfortable with these things I suggest you do not read this.


  There was so much that was going on with the bomb and mint eye that Saeyoung and I didn't really have a chance to talk about my background, and that was a topic I feared the most knowing how bad it was and the fact that Saeyoung knew all about it was the most terrifying thing. After things had calmed down with Saeran and the matter of where I would be staying from that moment on was decided, I had decided to ask Saeyoung to talk in private. After the two of us make our way into our shared bedroom he asks "MC what's wrong, is everything ok?" my nerves were getting the better of you as you stood there attempting to build the courage to talk to him about the dangers of my past. The silence that filled the room was weighing heavily on me as I looked at the ground thinking of a way that I could talk about this with Saeyoung. I loved him so much and I know he can take care of himself but the ghosts of my past where brutal, and the last thing I wanted was for him to get hurt because of me. 

 After what seemed like hours of silence Saeyoung was the first to speak once he realized what it was that was bothering me "MC is this about your past? If so I think it will all be ok, according to the police reports your ex-boyfriend hasn't been seen around here in years" his voice was calm and relaxing making all of my worries melt away finally allowing me to speak "Saeyoung, you read the police reports right? So you know what he did to me right? Those scars are still there and I am just scared he will come back to finish what he started. I don't want you to get hurt because of me." I did my best to keep my voice from trembling but to no avail. I was soon wrapped in a warm embrace as Saeyoung held me tightly to his chest and spoke in a low whisper "There is no way that he would be able to hurt me, and besides I am God Seven-Zero-Seven! There is nothing you need to fear with me here to protect you." Soon we lay down in bed for the night and I am asleep almost immediately as I am wrapped in Saeyoung's comforting embrace.

  In the morning I wake to hear loud noises coming from the kitchen, and when I get there I see two red haired men attempting to cook breakfast. It was my birthday today and I had completely forgotten until Saeran had said something as I walked into the kitchen, and I was soon forced into an awkward hug from him for the first time ever. His actions shocked both me and Saeyoung, and once he had pulled away from the hug he said in a shy manor "T-Thank you for always being there for me, a-and happy birthday MC." My heart was filled with joy knowing that Saeran had become so affectionate for once, but the moment was over quickly when Saeyoung pulled us both into a tight hug causing Saeran to yell at him with anger. The three of us have our breakfast that is surprisingly not too bad considering the twins do not cook, and soon they are leading me to one of my favorite of Saeyoung's cars. (Sorry this is totally my dream car feel free to imagine something else)The pure black 67' Chevy impala with light brown leather seats that Saeyoung had as a collector's item really, sat in front of us with all its glory, and Saeyoung turned to me and gave me a kind smile as he handed me the keys.  

  Once our trio arrived in town the twins lead me around taking me all over the place, and we stopped at almost every single one of my favorite shops. the sun began to set a we all sat in the park on a soft blanket lay down on the grass, and Saeran had gone off to get some snacks leaving me and Saeyoung alone at last. It was not as though I did not enjoy Saeran's presence, it was more like I was happy to have Saeyoung all to myself. The two of us just sat there in silence watching the sun set, and then I remembered that there was something important that I needed to tell Saeyoung. Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak I could hear a familiar and terrifying voice call out my name "MC! What the hell are you doing with that man, I thought I told you we would be forever!" my whole body shook with fear just remembering all the pain this man had put me through.  

  While I was deep in thought remembering the scars that my ex-boyfriend had left me with Saeyoung had stood up, and he stood in front of me shielding me from the sight of the man as he held out a Gun that I did not notice until now. And I was scared for Saeyoung knowing that that man that once hurt me so much would not hesitate to shoot. I could only watch in fear as my Ex pointed the gun at Saeyoung with anger in his eyes, and then it was as though time froze the moment I heard a loud bang. I reached out to Saeyoung as he fell to the ground, and I swear that you could hear the sound of my heart breaking into a million pieces at the sight of the love of my life covered in blood in my arms choking on his own blood.  

  I could not see my ex-boyfriend anywhere, but there was a crowd forming around us one man had called an ambulance while the rest just watched as I spoke to the love of my life for the last time. "Saeyoung please don't leave me! I need you with me!" I could not stop my tears from falling, but honestly I didn't care. I was about to lose the most important person in my life, and there was nothing I could do about it, "MC it's okay, I will always be with you. Even if I am no longer here in this world, I will always be with you." his voice was low and raspy as blood dripped from his lips. "Saeyoung I-I have something...Something I need to tell you." My heart was breaking into a million pieces but I needed to tell him two more things before he left me forever. "S-Saeyoung...I-I" the words would not come out, my body relaxed immediately once I felt his cold had reach out and touch my cheek. "Saeyoung...I-I'm Pregnant with your child." A small smile flashed across his face at my words, and his hand that was on my cheek slowly made its way to my stomach where his hand stayed as he addressed our unborn child "I need you to take care of your mother, she is going to need you to help her smile since I won't be around. I love you little one, more than you could know."  

  Saeyoung took hold of my hand, I looked into his eye's that were slowly losing their color as he said to me "I Love you. Today, Tomorrow...Forever, and ever. Without you, I would never have had hope." he slowly closed his eyes and before I could answer his hand went limp in mine. I hadn't noticed that Saeran had returned until I felt him take Saeyoung's weight from me, and with us both screaming as we watched someone so precious to us leave unwillingly the people in the crowd began to cry with us. 

Eight months had passed since that day and I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and I was so happy to see that he looked so much like his father. Saeran is there for both me and Seojun every step of the way, and Saeran even helps me to take care of Saeyoung's toy shop occasionally he will make some new toys to sell as well. It is still lonely without Saeyoung with us and I wish he could meet our beautiful baby boy, but even though he is gone I still feel him here by my side. Some days it almost feels as though Saeyoung has been with us every step of the way watching over us, and sometimes I feel like that day never happened and he will come home with Saeran after work. I do not think I will ever fall in love again, and why would I in the first place. I have a beautiful son, a caring brother in-law, and when my time comes I have a loving husband waiting for me on the other side.   

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