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I am a BIG fan of Yooran, though they are amazing on their own I cant help but to think that they would be perfect for one another! and so here for my Fellow Yooran Lovers!!


I walked into an old room that was hidden away behind a stage, it was my first day of my freshman year and I was extremely excited to be in this club. I loved music like no other person ever could mainly because everyone in my family had some form of musical talent, and on that first day there was only one person I knew in the whole class. My friend was a tall man whose hair was long and white with bright red eyes, and he was friends with everyone else in class. His name was Zen and he was like my older brother, but he was very narcissistic because he had such a lovely voice and was quite beautiful all the girls loved him. Zen was the reason I even joined the music club in the first place he had told me "you are so good at playing the piano, why not share your talents and join the music club. It would be nice to see you get out of your shell a bit Yoosung." I didn't really like talking to new people very often, but maybe hanging out with Zen and his friends wouldn't be such a bad idea.

On my first day I went straight towards the piano that was tucked away in the corner and hidden from view by a curtain from the stage, and I soon began to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata one of my favorite songs. I was alone in the club room with Zen as he listened quietly as I played the song I knew so well, I could feel my lips slowly form into a smile as my heart soared finally hearing the song played on a real piano. I only had the electronic piano that my parents had given me it wasn't even a full keyboard so I could not play the song the way it was intended, but with this piano I could play this wonderfully sad song the way it was sent to be played.

After I had finished playing the song I loved so much I turned to look at Zen who I knew was there only to find that there were four others standing beside him watching me, and my face grew hot with embarrassment knowing that so many had just heard something that only Zen and my family had been allowed to hear. Soon the room was filled with the sound of all the men clapping for me and my performance, and I noticed in that moment that I was the shortest person there. Zen pulled me into a hug as he said to the others "this is Yoosung guys, and I asked him to join our club/band as a pianist!" As I looked around at the other club members to try and memorize my new club mates faces my eyes were instantly drawn to a man with white hair and a hint of pink at the tips, his nearly glowing mint colored eyes peeked out from behind his hair that beautifully covered his face. Soon the clubs advisor who was my English teacher Mr. Jumin Han came forward and took the opportunity to introduce the other club members to me seeing as Zen already introduced me to them. "Yoosung let me introduce you to all our club members. OK so the only woman here that is standing by Zen is MC and she plays the Bass, the man there with red hair is Saeyoung and he plays the drums, and the man there with the bleached hair is Saeyoung's twin brother Saeran and he plays the guitar. I assume you already know me since you had my class third period, but welcome to the music club Yoosung."

Through our club meetings we would all go off to practice our songs that we individually would want to learn, but toward the end of each week we would have group meetings to discuss things that we would be doing as a group in the future. The first event was going to be the halftime of our school's homecoming game, and everyone had wanted to do a song that would involve us all. The only problem was finding a song that would involve a piano, but I was not sure I could play in front of a crowd just yet. we couldn't think of anything in class that day, which I honestly didn't mind mainly because I really wasn't ready to perform in front of a crowd. Saeyoung and his brother were good with computers and they created an app for us all to use in order for us all to use for discuss things involving classes or the club, but mostly they all used it to talk to one another.

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