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Time For some Jumin X Reader I love him so and I hope we don t have anymore incidents with a certain Fairy on a wonderful love story!


It was a dark and stormy night, the thunder cracked through the night skies the rain hitting the windows of Jumin's penthouse. After a day full of meetings and paperwork that he needed to sign, he arrived home where his beautiful cat Elizabeth the third had been waiting for him, as he walked into his home Elizabeth quickly made her way to Jumin and meowed as she rubbed against his leg. He walks into the kitchen to get Elizabeth some dinner before he called in his personal chef they prepare his.

He had never noticed how quiet his home had been until now, though he had Elizabeth he still felt lonely Jumin had never thought of women until he realized that that was what he wanted. Jumin wanted someone he could share his worries with, someone to welcome him when he came home from a long day at work, what Jumin desired was love. He had never had the time to think about how lonely he had become, but with all this free time now after all the work he had finished he was realizing just how lonely it had become for him.

After a few days had gone by since his realization he was looking out the large window of his office building as he was doing his quarterly reports, it looked to be a warm afternoon so he decided that now would be a good time to take a stroll through the park across the street. He made his way to the ground level of C&R, as he walked through the large glass doors alone leaving his guards behind he made his way to the park. Out of nowhere he hears a bright and cheery voice calling to him from behind, he turned to see a very beautiful girl wearing a bright pink bandana in her hair with a lovely purple dress with a white apron over it.

"You look like you could use some color for your suit." She very delicately place a beautiful yellow rose that was surrounded by a small amount of baby's breath onto my chest and then smiled brightly "there, that's better." He looked to her puzzled that was a first for him. He looked into her beautiful (E/C) eyes and asked "what might your name be miss." She looked up from the flowers she had been arranging and said with another smile "My name is MC, and yours?" he may have answered just a bit too quickly "My name is Jumin Han...would you care to take a walk with me."

Jumin had never been this nervous before, he always had a level head but there was something about MC that made him loose his cool and act differently. They went to a nearby café to have some lunch, and they talked away the time before he knew it his lunch had ended and so had hers. They went their separate ways and made a promise to meet in the same spot at the same time tomorrow, with a smile on his face Jumin made his way back to the office.

The next day Jumin couldn't focus on a thing as he tried to fill out the documents that covered his desk, he couldn't get the image of MC out of his head. The time was not moving as fast as he wanted it to, so he took a short break to clear his head and went to buy a single red rose for MC. After his short break he was able to focus a little more but he wasn't moving at the normal pace which worried his assistant Jaehee immensely.

Finally the hour of promise, Jumin nearly jumped from his chair and made his way down to the ground level rose in hand he approached MC from behind. He didn't mean to but he scared her just a bit as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, he looked at her and smiled ever so slightly and offered up the rose "would a beautiful woman like you care to join me for lunch today?" she giggle covering her beautiful smile and nod her head in acceptance. They made their way to the café that they had visited the day prior and sat down.

After they had ordered their food they began to talk about many things, apparently MC owned her own flower shop just down the road from the park. Jumin found eyes constantly wandering around her face memorizing every little detail of it, he could not look away from her she was just so beautiful to him. At the end of their lunch Jumin gathered the courage to ask MC one final thing before they parted ways. "MC, would you care to have dinner with me tonight?" she was a bit shocked to hear the question but she agreed and they decided to meet at the park after work around 7:30pm.

Jumin showed up a bit early with a nice Bouquet of roses that he had hoped she would love, he could see her approaching from down the street, just watching her as she walked so elegantly towards him made his heart skip a beat. Jumin was in love and nothing he nor would anyone else did could change the way he felt in that moment. Once she reached him they made their way to the restraint that Jumin had made reservations for just that morning, he guided her to their table by the window. This particular restaurant had a riverside view and he was sure to get the far window that overlooked the river, MC was impressed by the sight of the beautiful waterfall as it shone lightly with the moons light.

As the dinner went on they grew even closer, and Jumin wanted to tell her how he felt about her but he was interrupted by his cell phone ringing in his pocket. Excusing himself from the table Jumin answered the phone; it was his father he wanted him to leave right that second to go on a business trip to see the Oil Prince. That deal was very important to the company, but he was torn between his work and his feelings for a single person. After he agreed to his father's demand he made his way back to the table where MC was waiting for him, he looked into her beautiful eyes and with a sad tone he said to her "I am truly sorry but I need to leave for a business trip, would you mind if I accompanied you home."

She nodded happily in response and they left the restraint, Jumin didn't waste a single second of their walk he told her how he felt and that he hoped to see her upon his return from his business trip. All she did was smile slightly, she admitted that she too loved him but after that she had no more words. Jumin left her with a single kiss as he made his way to the car he had called for on the way to her apartment; he said one final goodbye and made his way to his private helicopter to make it to his meeting with the Oil Prince. Little did Jumin know that this night was the last time he would see MC for what she did not say, was that she was dying but she wanted this to be a happy time. MC cried knowing that she would never get to know what a life with Jumin would ever be like, but she did have the memory of the short time they where able to spend together and that was alright.


Me: Why Angst Fairy must you ruin a beautiful story with one of my loves in it!!

Fairy: Hahaha 

Me: that does it you are done here! 

*ties fairy up with rope chains and throws into a cage*

Me: now dont come out until I need you!  

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