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I am sorry if this is bad but I did my best to write something for my love Yoosung, He is too precious!!



I was never all that popular in high school, and honestly speaking I was bullied heavily all my life. Being the person that I am it is understandable that I had never dated anyone ever, but I had hope that one day I would meet my soul mate. There was a particular boy in one of my classes that I could not keep my eye off of, and almost every day I would always catch myself staring at him for almost the entire class. I was captivated by his beautiful lilac colored eye's and the way his soft blond hair that he held out of his face with two small hair clips, but I felt that it would be near impossible for me to talk to him even though he sat right in front of me in history class every day. He looked like he would be very popular with other women I mean he was so handsome, and there is no way he wouldn't have a girlfriend by now I mean we are in college.

I had only been able to make a single friend here at Sky University, but she was the only friend that I could ever need. Her name was Azalea her parents had named her after a beautiful flower and she was such a bright and happy person, almost the exact opposite of me who is insecure and depressed most of the time. I enjoy having Azalea with me she is always making me feel better about things, but the one thing she had difficulties with was convincing me to tell Yoosung how I felt about him.

One day during lunch I was having a hard time finding Azalea which on a normal day would be relatively easy for me, but she wasn't in the cafeteria like usual and I was beginning to worry as I sat down with my lunch box. Just as I was going to take a bite of my sandwich I felt familiar arms wrap around me as Azalea gave me a random hug as she often would, and before I could say anything she whispered into my ear "I did it!" I turned to look at her wondering what it was that she had done when she spoke again "I asked Yoosung if he would be your boyfriend. Don't look now but he is on his way over here to talk to you." I could not move, she had done what I didn't have the courage to do.

I was grateful to her for finally giving me the opportunity to talk with him, but I was so scared that he was going to reject me immediately. Before I could say a thing Azalea had gone to sit with some of Yoosung's friends, and all of them were looking from me to Yoosung who was now standing right beside me. "W-Would you mind if I sat with you t-today" he asked me quietly with a light blush on his cheek, and I was in total shock knowing that the person that I liked was standing right in front of me. I had nearly forgot to answer him before I said to him "s-sure, i-it's fine with me." I was too nervous to look at him at first but his sudden words caused me to look up into his beautiful eye's.

"I'm Yoosung Kim, and I believe that we are in history together... Your friend Azalea asked if I would go out with you." He seemed quite nervous as he spoke, and all I could do was nod at his words.

"Y-You know I-I had been wanting to ask you out for quite some time... but I wasn't even sure you knew that I existed... But I-I think that...well I-I would l-love to maybe, you know go out w-with you."

I was shocked at what he had just said to me to the point that I was literally speechless, and I was still processing what had been said when my mouth opened up to speak without me even realizing it. "Y-Yoosung, you know t-that I-I had been thinking the same of you right? I-I wasn't sure y-you knew I existed until now." his eyes grew wide after hearing what I had said, and we both began to laugh at our stupidity. "You know if we had both been more confident, maybe we would already be dating." I couldn't help but smile at his words knowing that it was all too true, but I did not regret this moment that we were sharing right now either. after we had finished laughing at ourselves he stood up from his chair and held out his hand before asking me in a more confident voice "So what would your answer be MC, would you like to go out with me?" I smiled happily as I looked him in the eyes and took his hand "I would love to Yoosung."

Somehow while me and Yoosung were enjoying one another's company through lunch, Azalea had managed to hook up with one of Yoosung's friends. I was not expecting her to hook up with any of them honestly, but not because of their looks I had thought that she was "Saving herself for Zen" as she had told me so many times when I would ask her about dating. I honestly had no idea who exactly Zen was, but she seemed to like him very much. As soon as we got out of school Yoosung and his friend found me and Azalea at the front gate waiting for them, and Azalea suggested we go out to eat in celebration for mine and Yoosung's success.

We made our way to a pizza place with an arcade that me and Azalea enjoyed spending time at, and to my surprise Yoosung was just as good at video games as I was or possibly better. While Azalea and her new Boyfriend sat at the table talking and waiting for our pizza, me and Yoosung played a few games together as we talked and laughed at one another's stories. Soon I came to realize that we were slowly getting closer as we played, but I honestly didn't mind one bit. I leaned on Yoosung's shoulder as he played his game and said to him in a very calm and quiet voice "Don't laugh at me, but I feel like I have been waiting for you my whole life Yoosung." he stopped playing immediately at my words and looked down at me as he spoke "You know MC I think that I feel the same way, it's almost as though we were made for each other."

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