Love Letters

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another lovely Zen oneshot oh wait what are you doing to my cute story!


Our world was perfect I had my princess by my side and we were happy, until you received a call from your father. After the call ended you told me "I need to go home, I will probably never return." Tears streaming down your face as you spoke those words, there had to be something I could do to keep you with me. You told me there was no other way and that this was goodbye as you entered the taxi cab and we shared our last kiss, we promised to write to each other every week to keep in touch. The letters we would share where my greatest joy in life.

Dear MC,

It has been so long since you had to leave for home, I miss you so much. Some nights I can still feel your warmth beside me as I sleep, I wonder if you are feeling the same way. I got that new roll I been waiting for, I'm finally going to start acting in movies. It's a romance not unlike ours, the two are forced apart and told that their love cannot be but they write to each other and speak of their future.

Yours Always, Hyun Ryu

It had been a few months and you had not sent another letter for some time, I thought that maybe you had forgotten about me or possibly moved away. Then again if you were moving you would have told me in a previous letter, I still have no idea why you had to leave so suddenly. You never told me; all you said was that it was unavoidable.

Dear MC,

My love everything I have wished for is coming true except for one thing, you are not here with me. It's been awhile, I wonder if you are receiving my letters. It feels like my world is hollow, I no longer feel like you are here, I have started to wonder if you had even existed at all. I'm scared what if you never did exist, I feel empty without you by my side. I read your letters every night to help me to get to sleep; they smell like you and remind me that you were once here.

I will love you Always, Hyun Ryu

After almost a year of not receiving your letters, my life is a downward spiral. There was never another girl aloud to touch me the way you had, but I couldn't stop the depression. I began to drink again and smoke as well. I know you didn't like that I used to do it, but in the back of my mind I thought it might bring you back if only to scold me.

Dear MC,

I'm sorry to tell you that I couldn't help it; I began to drink and smoke once again. Everything is too hard without you here with me, I wish you were here. I wonder if your life is going the way you planned, I know you won't answer I mean you haven't written me back for a year now. It feels like you are still here when I write to you, still sitting on the sofa reading a book, or even watching a movie. There has to be a reason why you stopped writing back.

Your dearest, Hyun Ryu

I finally received a letter, but it wasn't from you it had the same address but it was from your mother. I slowly opened the letter scared of what I might find, but I was also a little excited. Maybe you were going to come back to me, maybe you were finally able to be with me once again. I opened the letter and slowly read the words your mother had written.

Dear Hyun,

This is MC's mother; I know she loved you so dearly. I did my best to convince her father to allow her to continue being with you, but he refused. She had an arranged marriage that had been planned since she was only five; I think you deserve an answer to why she has not written you this past year. She married the man her father had chosen for her, and looked beautiful during her wedding but there was sadness in her eyes as she walked down the aisle, and tears in her eyes as she kissed a man that was not you. I wish my daughter could have been happy, it still saddens me that the last moments of her life were so full of saddens. My daughter MC committed suicide a year ago on the same day I received your letter in the mail. I'm sorry Hyun, my husband had been hiding the letters that where from you. She loved you so much, and even thought of you in her last moments. I wish things could have ended differently for the two of you.

Sincerely MC's Mother

Tears filled my eyes after reading your mother's letter, I can't believe the love of my life was gone forever. I would never be able to hold you again, I would never get to hear your voice, and you were never coming back. My heart shattered into a million pieces that day, I stopped going to rehearsals, I stopped going outside. The other members of RFA would come by only to find me passed out drunk on the floor of my apartment that we once shared, the only thing I had to keep me going was the letters that you had written. The letters didn't smell like you anymore but they were still your words, words full of your love for me.

Dear MC,

My heart was shattered once I read your mother's letter; I wish that I would have fought harder for you, stood up for you, married you. Well even though you will never get my letters, I still write this final love letter to you. I love you MC and that will never change, your mother sent all my letters back to me so that I could keep them safe. I noticed within the stack where even some written by you to me. I wish I could have received those letters, maybe then you would still be a part of this world. This emptiness inside grows with each passing day; I wish you were here now to hold me close as you always used to do. Maybe I will see you again in another life; perhaps I should go to you. I imagine that you have been waiting long enough; a knight should never make the princess wait for him. I will see you soon my princess.

With Love, Hyun Ryu


*Enter the Angst Fairy*

Me: Why Would You Do This!! It was going so well!!

Angst Fairy: Muahahaha there will be no happiness when I am around!

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