My Prince

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Finally some good non-angsty Jumin x Reader and I double checked the angst Fairy cage and ropes there should be no possible way for him to get out and ruin this story. I hope you enjoy this one! 


There was always a grand party held on my birthday, my father the king would always go all out for me. But this year was different, it was my sixteenth birthday and my father had an announcement for the whole kingdom. "I have called you all here on behalf of my daughter, she is now 16 years old. I have decided that she must be wed soon, so I leave the kingdom in her hands. For any man that she chooses shall become the king, but it is her decision who she weds." I was an only child and that being said I needed to marry the right man to be our king; my father wanted my happiness so he left this decision to me. I was just not expecting the reaction that I would get after my father's announcement.

After he made the announcement my days had become rather trying, men of all ages trying to flatter me and get to know me. I could see that there was a man who was just wondering around the castle paying no mind to the commotion that the other men were making, I approached him out of curiosity but just as I am closing in on him one of my guards comes between us to talk with me, it is Yoosung a short man with blonde hair and lilac colored eyes. He has had a crush on me for years so his behavior wasn't all too different from normal "finally, you were surrounded by so many men I couldn't manage to get to you, your father wanted to speak with you." Yoosung always had a smile in his face when he spoke to me, but this time there was no smile it made me worried.

At my father's chambers there were many guards standing there keeping some nobles out of the room as I walked to the door I could hear yelling as a tall white haired and red eyed man known as Zen head of my father's guard he told them to clear a path for me to get through. I was met with glares as the man known as Zen guided me to the door of my father's room. As I approached my father who lay ill in bed, he attempted to sit up but his attendant Jaehee told him to lie still. My father had been ill for some time and he was doing his best to take care of his duties so as to not leave me with a lot of work when he passed, he was almost always talking about the day he would pass but today was different.

"MC I do not think you should force yourself to talk with all of the men who surround you these days, if you wish it I will have Jaehee prepare a list of the better of the men in the country to help you." He said this in a weak and quiet tone, it almost sounded as though this could be the last night he would see. "I love you MC, and I hope that you do find the love of your life. Your beautiful eyes, they remind me of your mother you know. You are so much like her the way you just command the people around you to respect you, and how you don't hide how you feel from anyone." He began to cough heavily as he tried to talk more; I put my arms around him hugging him tight. "I love you too father. I will do my best to find a good husband who can help me to keep our kingdom healthy." With tears in my eyes as I left my father's chambers Jaehee wrote some things down that my father was telling her.

I went for a long walk around the castle, I had asked Zen to keep all the men away from me because I wanted to be alone at the moment. Zen respected my wishes keeping a guard that would walk a distance in front of me making sure that nobody would bother me, and Zen followed behind keeping men away so that I could walk alone. I made my way to the garden, it was always peaceful there, and Zen stood guard at the entrance keeping all people out as I wandered around the garden my father had built in memory of my mother. As I made my way over to the cherry tree I could hear a beautiful voice singing a sad song, as I drew closer to the voice I saw the man from earlier that day.

He stopped singing the minute he noticed that someone was there; I was captivated by those magnificent silver eyes and his smooth raven hair, he dresses rather nicely almost like royalty. He looked at me with a straight face and asked "why are you crying?" I had forgotten that I was crying, and that I was sad the minute I saw him. "No reason at all." I said trying my best to be strong. Ho looked at me questioningly before sighing deeply and saying "you are not a very good liar you know that." I almost broke down on the spot; tears began to fill my eyes as I explained that my father was dying.

As I finished telling him my feelings he asked politely if he could give you a hug, and then he spoke in a calm voice "you know I am trying to comfort you and I have yet to learn your name." I was shocked, all of the people in the castle knew who I was he must not know that I am the princess. I decided to play it off and pretend to be someone else, it would be nice to not be fussed over so I thought of a name "my name is Ayame, I am one of the princesses friends. What is your name by the way?" he looked at me with a pained look then replied "my name is Jumin."

After talking with Jumin for a while I felt refreshed but I hadn't noticed how late it had gotten, I returned to my room only to find Jaehee sitting on my couch. She looked as though she was crying earlier; I prepared myself for the worst as I went to sit in the chair opposite to her. Jaehee had a list of eligible candidates for marriage, she set them in front of me and said "your father does not have long, it would be wise for you to decide quickly on who you would like to spend your life with. All the men on this list are currently in the castle, I will set up dates with all of them tomorrow so your day will be fairly busy tomorrow." I looked to the list to find Jumin's name at the bottom of my schedule, a smile crept onto my face as I realized that I could choose him.

My day started at the first light of the day and went on forever; I just wanted to talk to Jumin again with that thought in my head I bearded with the constant chatter of the men who only wanted power. But there were a few on the schedule who genuinely wanted to be with me, like Zen and Yoosung, they had been on the list right next to each other. I told Zen about Jumin and he hated that your heart had already been stolen but he was genuinely happy for you, he simply just talked with you before handing you over to Yoosung. I told Yoosung about Jumin and he was genuinely happy and said that he had actually found someone, but when I asked who he only turned red and said "I will tell you another time."

Finally the time had come to see Jumin, as I made my way to the garden which was the meeting point for us. I could barely breath I wanted him to know who I really was I spent basically an entire night with him, my chest grew tight and my face was hot as I slowly approached Jumin from behind. As he turned to look at me with his beautiful eyes I smiled and simply said "hello Jumin, How are you this fine evening." After we finished the date I told Jaehee he was the one, and we spent the rest of the day talking and watched the sunset before going to tell my father the good news.

As we walked to my father's chambers there were no people in front of his door as there had been the past couple of days, instead the door was ajar and they were inside his room standing around him. As we walked in Zen was there and he took me to my father's side, he did not look very well. Zen ushered all of the people out of the room to give us more privacy as everyone could tell that these would be my father's final moments. Tears began to fill my eyes and Jumin put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me, my father opened his eyes at the sound of me crying and said in a very quiet tone "don't worry my girl, you will be fine. I have lived a wonderful life and have such a beautiful daughter to show for it." He coughed so loudly that I feared he could not breath, and as I took his hand I told him "I know Father, and now I have Jumin to help me, I have decided that I want him to be my husband and I know he will be of great help to me as I keep the kingdom healthy." Tears began streaming down my face as I try to make my father comfortable with leaving this world. "I am so happy to see that you have found someone so quickly, and I hope that he makes you happy as you both live in this wonderful world together."

Those were my father's final words he passed holding my hand and telling me to live happily, I did my best running the kingdom and with Jumin by my side it was significantly easier. We loved each other immensely and soon we would have a beautiful daughter as well, I plan to love her as my father loved me.

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