Love Struck

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Some more Yoosung X Reader I hope you enjoy the cute little oneshot I have here for you ^.^


I had been planning our next RFA party at the apartment when there was a knock on the door, as I checked the new security cameras I had asked Saeyoung to put in for me I saw the love of my life Yoosung standing there trying to hide some beautiful roses behind his back. As I made my way to the door, way too excited for my own good, I called to him "coming love!" I could not hide the huge smile on my face as I opened the door, and once I opened it and looked into his beautiful purple eyes it was as though I had fallen in love with him all over again.

I welcomed him in and put the roses in a nice vase before returning to my computer to finish my work, Saeyoung had done a good job with the new security system no bombs this time too. I had grown used to this apartment and it was no longer a secret where I lived so I got plenty of visitors, mostly though it would be Yoosung coming to spend time with me. I loved it when he would come to help me with planning the party, and answer emails all while cuddling with me at the desk.

After we are finished with my work we play a little LOLOL, Yoosung can't play for too long because he has work in the morning. I really love it when Yoosung stays with me, it can get quite lonely in this apartment by myself. One day hopefully I can live with Yoosung, and then we would never have to part ways. I woke up a little earlier than Yoosung so that I could prepare a nice breakfast for him; I love to cook for him it makes me feel as though I am helping him through the day. After I finish with breakfast I start working on the party for the RFA, there is still quite a lot to do and the party is in a couple of days.

When Yoosung wakes up to get ready for work he is once again amazed that I managed to get up before him to cook, me and him sit down and have breakfast but something seems to be off with him, he isn't as talkative as usual. Before I can ask what was wrong he was rushing to work, and I am left to worry about what could be bothering him. Is Yoosung mad at me, maybe there is something going on at work or with the others, or maybe I'm just overthinking it. I decide to hop on the messenger to ask the others if they knew anything.

MC has entered the chatroom

Saeyoung: It's MC the great!

Zen: hey MC what's up?

Saeran: hi

MC: hey everybody I had a quick question to ask you all

Zen: yeah what's going on?

MC: well Yoosung has been acting weird I was wondering if you knew why.

Saeyoung: Hey Zen how's your movie shoot going anyhow?

Zen: it's been going well, almost done filming actually

MC: guys did you forget about me?

Saeran has left the chatroom

Saeyoung: sorry guys I gotta get back to work, Saeyoung out!

Saeyoung has left the chat room

MC: Zen will you be leaving too?

Zen: unfortunately yes the director is calling for me

Zen: have a good day MC and don't worry too much.

Zen has left the chatroom

It felt as if they were trying to avoid me, I wonder what's going on. As I sat in my apartment thinking of all the possibilities my mind just continued to think only of the bad, Yoosung never came by that day after work. He texted me a simple "Love you, will see you at the party." And that was all he didn't reply back when I answered, I was beginning to get even more scared than I had been before. Maybe he doesn't want to be with me anymore, maybe I did something wrong, perhaps he found someone else. The only person who would talk to me was Jaehee but she had no idea what was going on with Yoosung and the others when she would ask them they would always change the subject, Jaehee comforted you and helped with the final preparations for the party it was only a day away and I needed the help.

The day of the party had arrived and everyone was excited, more so than normal which was a little odd to me and Jaehee was. As the party was almost half way through I still hadn't seen Yoosung the whole time when suddenly Saeyoung and Saeran had appeared behind me and dragged me to the front of the stage as Yoosung stepped up and began to give the announcement that the auction was starting.

"Hello everyone and thank you for coming to our found raising party, we will be starting the photo auction in a few minutes at the other stage to the left. Thank you all for your support if you would like, in the ballroom there is food being served, and dances taking place." As he finished I went to walk away but was held in place by an overly excited Saeyoung and an uninterested Saeran, Yoosung made his way over to me with a nervous smile on his face.

On the ballroom floor Yoosung held me close as we danced to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata such a sad song, I began to forget my worries as we slowly moved across the ballroom. When did Yoosung learn to dance? He was never this good before, did he take lessons perhaps. At the end of our dance he looked me right in the eyes "MC you are probably the best thing to ever happen to me, you make everyday a good one and I need to ask you something." As he said that he got down on one knee and asked "will you be mine and only mine for the rest of time." I was so shocked I didn't even notice that everyone had stopped dancing and was watching us, I was too happy to care. As I nod my head he closed the gap between us and kissed me gently as he place the ring he had been holding onto my hand.

After the party we stayed together all the time, finally I had to ask "was this the reason you were acting so weird." His face grew red and with a shy smile on his face he said "was I that noticeable." We laughed and began to plan the wedding and our future together. 

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