The Park Bench

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WARNING: Extreme sadness and deaths, as I said before if you are not okay with this thing you can go on to the next oneshot. 

If this is your cup of tea (oh that sounds good Right now) then prepare for a sad story of MC/You and your love Yoosung


I sat there on the park bench where we had met all those summer's ago, and I watched as the children played on the playground. Is it wrong of me to be mad at the children with their loving parents who had brought them here, even though I know it's wrong of me to think such things I wanted to have a childhood as blissful and happy as they had. I had never been brought to the park as a child, because my parents were never there for me. I looked up to the sky thinking of my past, and though there was sadness in it there was also you. I remember the day I met you here in this park it was by far the best day of my life, and you looked so happy in that moment.

It had been several days since I had run away from home, I was only 16 years old then and you were 17 I think. I had been sitting in the park that night alone cold and sad, and you looked down at me as I sat there on that park bench crying alone into my hands. I had not noticed you standing there yet until you had spoken to me with such a kind voice "Hello miss, are you alright?" I jumped at the sudden noise and looked up to see you with your beautiful lilac colored eyes and hair a lovely shade of yellow that reminded me of the sun, and you smiled at me with the sweetest of smiles as you handed me a candy bar. I could not answer you then I was still so depressed knowing that my family did not care for me enough to find me in a park just down the road, but you stayed there with me until I did talk. Your presence alone was relaxing to me even though I did not know you.

Finally after a short time that felt like it lasted an eternity I looked up at you and spoke in a low voice "I-I am sorry, I just." It took me a while to regain some form of voice as I attempted to ask you "Why are you here, it's late won't your family get worried." He smiled to me before he pointed off to a little late night café that was in the park and said "my family is in there having coffee and cake to celebrate my grades." I looked back to see you smiling so happily at the pride you felt in that moment, and I couldn't help the tears that began to sting my eyes at the thought of my own family that would never do those things with me. Your smile immediately fell in the realization that I did not have a family, and at how your words had hurt me so much. Almost immediately you drew closer to comfort me taking my hand in yours as you sat down beside me, and that alone for some odd reason made me feel so safe and calm.

After I had finished crying for the second time in front of you another smile crossed your lips as you said to me "Well if you would like, I could ask my family if you could stay with us. My sister has moved out so there is a spare room there, hang on I will go and get them." Before I could protest you were already up and making your way back over to the café. Soon you returned with your parents and sister as you explained to them my situation that you had somehow managed to guess perfectly, and to my surprise they said that I could stay with you.

That was so long ago now and here I am sitting on that same bench where you had entered my life, and changed it for the better giving me a home and a new family that cared for me though I was not their own child. I stood from the bench and made my way down the road heading home, and then I spotted our old hangout spot there by the restaurant that your parents had taken us to when both our report cards came in with all A's. There was this cute little arcade that we always went to after school to hang out, as a matter of fact I think that was where you confessed your feelings for me.

I remember that day so well because of you that little arcade became such an important place for me, in that arcade when you were in your senior year of high school you had told me that you loved me more than anything in this world. We were there in that arcade as normal with all of our friends, and then suddenly after all of our friends had left you pulled me away from the crowd of people and whispered into my ear "MC I love you so much, if you feel the same way would you like to be my girlfriend" my face grew hot as my embarrassment began to show on my face, happiness filled my heart that day as I answered "Yoosung, you know that I have loved you since the day we met right?" it was his turn to be embarrassed, and before he could speak I took hold of his sweater and pulled him down to my level for a short but sweet kiss.

Yoosung you have always been my light in the times that I was at my lowest, and it was in that same park that I had been just moments ago where you had proposed to me only a year ago. I remember how anxious you where, it was so cute how you fumbled around trying to find the ring in your pockets. That was another of the happiest moments in my life, and I was so surprised when you had finally gotten the ring out of your pocket.

I continued on my walk back to our house knowing what memory would soon come into my mind upon arrival, and honestly I was terrified to be returning to our house that was once filled with such happiness until that day only two months ago. Me and Yoosung where cooking dinner together for the first time in a while, Yoosung had just taken time off from the veterinary clinic to help get the final preparations for our wedding together. It was so nice to cook with him again and just as we sat down for dinner there was a knock at the door. It was not odd for us to receive company at this hour, most of the time it was Saeyoung coming to play games with Yoosung or Zen stopping by to chat. This time was different though Yoosung made his way to the door, and as he unlocked it he was suddenly pushed back and two large men with guns burst through the door.

The men walk into our house and lock the door behind them, and soon Yoosung is backed into the dining room where I had been looking on in fear. Yoosung stood in front of me as the men pointed their guns at the two of us, and soon the sound of a loud bang rang throughout the room. I closed my eyes and covered my ears at the loud noise, but when I opened them I could see red on my clothes and when I looked down Yoosung was lying on the floor with a puddle of blood slowly forming beneath him. Tears began to fill my eyes as I sat beside my fiancé as he attempted to comfort me with the blood slowly dribbling out of his mouth, but it was nowhere near over as one of the men grabbed me by the hair and tossed me to the side the other was picking Yoosung up off the ground and tying him to our dinning chair.

Yoosung was still fighting as they tied him up even with the wound to his stomach he still wanted to protect me, but after they had finally gotten him tied down they turned to me with anger in their eyes. I had no idea why they were here or what they wanted from us, but the minute they had set their eyes on me I thought that it would be the end of me as the proceeded to beat me harshly while Yoosung was forced to watch. After they were done with me I could no longer move though I desperately wanted to when I saw them make their way over to Yoosung who had tears of anger in his eyes, all I could do was watch as they beat him mercilessly. A tear managed to escape my eyes as Yoosung looked up after they were finished and whispered "I love you MC, I always will." Suddenly I could hear that same loud bang that I had heard before, and when I looked to Yoosung there was a new blood spot on his chest right where his heart would be. The shock of it all made my mind go blank, and with a final kick to the face everything went black.

I finally wake up to find that I am in a hospital surrounded by Yoosung's family and our friends, and they all had tears in their eyes as they looked at me with pity. I knew what had happened already just by looking at them, the love of my life was gone killed by the men who had burst into our home.

I finally reached our home and walked inside for the first time since that day, and all the memories both good and bad filled my head as I made my way into the bathroom. My heart hurt so much knowing that I might never see him again, and those pills that sat there in the medicine cabinet looked so delicious to me. I feel as though I would never feel as happy as I had been with him in my life, I cannot imagine a life without him in it. My heart ached for him all that I wanted was to be in his arms once more, to feel his touch again and kiss him once more. I stayed there in our home with a bottle full of pills in one hand and a picture of us together in the park in the other, and then I made my decision.

It was dark out now as I made my way back to the park where we had met remembering all of the happiness that filled each location that passed me by, and soon I found myself standing there at the bench where you had entered my life. I took hold of the pills that were in my pocket and a bottle of water that I had bought from the convenience store down the street, and I devoured the entire contents of the pill bottle along with some water to help them go down. I took a seat on that park bench and began to cry as I had on that first day we had met, and soon my eyelids grew heavy as tears were still streaming down my face.

There you were once again there at that park bench smiling at me with that kind smile your yellow hair shilling like the sun as I looked into your lilac eyes, and I felt at peace as I took your outstretched hand you pulled me into a tight embrace. My teas would not stop as I cried tears of joy knowing that we could finally be together forever, and you kissed me on the forehead and said "I Will love you, no matter what happens. And from here onwards I will always be with you."

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