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Just a bit sad honestly but there is a bit of graphic content at the start but if you can get past that you may enjoy this story quite a bit. 


 It was such a nice day out; the summer breeze was as warm on my cheek as I walked through the park with Yoosung. While we were home he had suggested going out for the day, I was reluctant at first but it was such a nice day I just didn't want to let it go to waste. Yoosung had told me that there was a fair going on at the park and he wanted to go with me, I agreed to his offer and we made our way downtown to the park. We spent most of the day just checking out the vendors that were set up all throughout the park; we rode on some rides and just enjoyed each other's company. After a while we decided maybe we should go home to cook dinner, on the way we spot an ice cream truck and Yoosung decided that it would be nice to have some. He told me to wait for him while he got some ice cream; while I waited I could see a small little boy maybe about 4 year's old running out into the street.

As I looked down the road I could see a truck coming full speed, there was just no time the truck driver didn't look like he was paying attention I had to do something. My body moved on its own as I reached out and with all my strength I threw the little boy out of the way, I could hear cracking sounds followed by excruciating pain. After that all I could see was the orange and red sky as the sun was setting, pain shot all throughout my body as I attempted to move my arms. I heard a voice calling my name it belonged to Yoosung and he sounded so scared, I tried hard and managed one small sentence "I'm sorry." Yoosung's face came into view, his beautiful blond hair and kind purple eyes made the orange and red sky look even more beautiful than it already was, I couldn't move even though all I wanted to do was hold him then everything began to fade into darkness as I heard him call out my name.

I woke to the sounds of the siren of the ambulance and I could barely manage to open my eyes, but when I did I could see Yoosung he looked so sad and broken sitting beside me tears in his eyes. I'm so sorry Yoosung; I kept repeating this thought in my head until I once again lost consciousness.

I recall my wedding day, Yoosung looked as handsome as he waited for me to walk down the aisle, he had the biggest smile with a tear in his eye Yoosung looked so happy. I watched my wedding from above and it made me feel even more love for Yoosung being able to see his face up close, I love this man. but with this view all I could think was that this was the end for me, is this what I am leaving behind, this wonderful man that brought light and happiness into my life, I don't want it to be the end. I watched my wedding and then the reception came, I watched as all the smiling faces looked at me and my love as we danced our first dance together. All I could do was cry as I recalled just how happy we were in that moment, and I just didn't want to leave him yet I can't. everything went white and I was in our apartment now, watching us go through our daily lives playing games, paying bills, enjoying our lives together why do I need to see this, please don't let this be it for us. again things turned white and then I saw us out at the park, I knew what I would see next our happy faces as we enjoyed the fair together, I wish I could do something to stop this from happening. I feel as though I need to see this, I need to watch as Yoosung cries out to me while I lay on the ground he is so desperate for me to open my eyes again constantly checking my pulse to be sure I'm still with him.

this time when I see nothing but white I feel it is the last time, but instead I see Yoosung and Saeyoung sitting in a waiting room at the hospital both discussing what had happened and I decide to just listen to them as they talk "Yoosung what the hell happened." shouted Saeyoung with an angry but sad look on his face. "She ran out to save a small boy from being hit by the truck, but she couldn't get out of the way." Saeran who had been standing silently behind Saeyoung spoke up "typical girl, putting the care of others before herself" both Yoosung and Saeyoung looked at him with sad expressions and just nod their heads agreeing to what he had said "that does seem to be her strongest trait" Yoosung answered as his tears began to stream down his cheeks. Yoosung continued "this is my fault, if I hadn't suggested we go out today she would be safe, if I hadn't left her side she would be fine now." he began to cry out even more and Saeyoung pulled him into a hug to try comforting him saying "you can't go back in time all we can do is hope for the best and be here for her when she is better." everything began to fade to black this time and I was left with the sound of Yoosung crying as his heart tore at the thought of me being injured because of him.

A tear slid down my cheek as I woke up in a hospital bed as the sun peeked in through the window, as I looked around the room I spotted someone sleeping in the chair beside my bed. He looked so calm and adorable sleeping hunched over in the chair, though it did look comfortable I did not wish to wake him, who knows how long he stayed up thanks to me. As I was staring at his beautiful face he began to wake up, I continued to stare at him as his eyes filled with tears of joy from me finally waking up. Yoosung went to hug me then stopped suddenly remembering my injuries, I looked up at him and he asked "would it be alright if I gave you a hug now." I nod in reply and tell him "just be careful, I still hurt everywhere" once again tears flooded his eyes and he held me gently as he continually apologized to me over and over.

Every day the rest of the RFA members came to visit me and Yoosung in the hospital joking and making a fuss over me, especially Yoosung he was constantly calming everyone in the room reminding them of my condition. The doctors said that I may not be able to walk again, and I could tell just by looking into Yoosung's eyes that he was blaming himself for what had happened. I decided that I will do my best to get better even if it takes all I have, I don't want him to feel this was his fault I am the one who jumped out into the street to save the child I am the one who put myself into this situation. Finally I was released from the hospital and Jumin had a car sent over to bring me and Yoosung home, it was a silent car ride and I had noticed that he hadn't been smiling the whole time I had been in the hospital even when everyone else was there joking and poking fun at him. I need to get better for his sake.

As the days went on at home I got used to my wheelchair but there was still that sadness in Yoosung's eyes as he looked at me, when he would take off for work I would do small little exercises to help my legs recover. on one of the days Yoosung had to work a little late so I decided that today was the day I would finally stand on my own, I had done so much to get my legs in the right condition to do this, constantly forcing myself out of my chair I would use the wall to support myself and now I believe I could do it without the wall. I want Yoosung to come home to find me walking in the kitchen preparing dinner. As I stood from my chair my legs feeling much stronger than before I began to take small steps while holding on to my wheelchair for support, there was only a small amount of pain but it was bearable so I continued onward. I made my way into the kitchen and began to prepare dinner. I could hear keys at the door I pushed my wheelchair away and used the counter for support now, the door opened slowly and the anticipation was killing me I needed him to see I was ok, and that I would be from here onward, maybe then he could forgive himself and smile again. the second Yoosung walked through the door I saw the shock on his face as he just stared at me with wide eyes and said "are you ok to be doing that right now!?" I sighed and replied "I have been exercising my legs so that you could see that I'm going to be ok." he looked at me tears in his eyes and a warm smile on his face he said "thank you, but you shouldn't be up yet." I shot him a nice happy smile and told him "welcome home love, everything will be fine now I promise."

As days past my physical therapy was going well, I no longer needed a wheelchair just a cane and son I wouldn't even need that, Yoosung's smile began to return but he was so scared that it would happen again that he never left my side whenever we left the house. Yoosung gradually got his smile back and I got better I had good and bad days where I would have nightmares of the wreck, but he was always there late at night to hold me close and comfort me till I went back to sleep. I still feel bad about it, the fact that I put him in that state but if I hadn't done it, there would be a mother crying now for the child she lost. I don't regret saving the child, and I'm happy to be here still with the love of my life Yoosung Kim.

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