Love at First Sight

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I hope you like this, and yes almost all my Jumin Writing is a part of my first writing. I started with Jumin when I started writing mainly because I felt that I could write for him better. I hope you like it, and I am sorry for any errors.


It was just an ordinary day for me except that today I was to start my intern ship for the C&R Company, I am in my 4th year of college and I am also in need of money and experience for the future. After y classes where over I made my way over to the C&R building and changed into some nicer clothes for work, I was told by my supervisor Jaehee Kang the Chief secretary in the department I was to intern in that I needed to dress formally for this job. My job was fairly easy I just needed to make sure that all the documents handed to me where without error and that they were in order so that our boss Mr. Jumin Han could sign them, occasionally I would join Jaehee in preparing the meetings, and she was constantly praising me for always being on time and accurate with my work. I had never met our boss, he was always in his office before I would arrive and would stay late constantly he must really enjoy his work.

One day while at work Jaehee had to leave early to attend to some work that Mr. Han had asked her to do, she left me with instructions to look over and bring the documents that I received in to Jumin Han. Slowly the documents began to pile up and I worked as hard and fast as I possibly could to get them done, I read through each document carefully and soon I had them all done. As I slowly approached the large wooden door that led to the main office of my department, a room that I had never had to go into, my imagination was running wild trying to imagine what Mr. Han looked like, how he acted, and what his office would look. My mind managed to picture this 40 year old married man who would have wrinkles and bags under his eyes from working so hard, and maybe he had kids too so his office could have pictures of them in it. This door it is so intimidating to me, so large and unfamiliar to me.

I built up the courage to knock on the door as I did he answered in a husky low tone of voice I heard him say "you may enter." As I opened the door I realized that all my fantasizing was way off from the real thing. Sitting behind a large oak desk was a handsome man who looked to be in his late twenties, his fine black striped vest with a red tie, his beautiful medium length black hair, his calm and focused demeanor he was far from the man I had just pictured moments ago. On his desk was a beautiful picture of an elegant white cat, I was in shock my heart began to race as I drew closer to the desk with the documents he needed to sign in hand. I was too focused on him as he sipped on a glass of red wine that I didn't even notice the fold in the rug before it was too late and I was falling to the ground. Before I could even lift myself up I could see a large hand in front of me "are you alright" he said in that low voice that sent shivers up my spine. My heart was beating so loud I wondered if he could hear it, I couldn't find out why he was making me so nervous yes he was handsome but I had met many handsome men in my life.

As I stood up from the ground I apologized constantly to which he replied "It is alright so long as you are not injured and the documents are fine then there is no need for apology." My heart rate once again speeds out of control at his words and I could feel my face grow hot, it was difficult to look into his beautiful silver eyes. There was a long lasting awkward silence before I finally spoke up "here are the documents that require your signature" he replied in a calming voice "thank you, I don't recall seeing you around here. Are you new to the department?" I looked into his eyes and answered as confidently as I could "yes I am an intern here working under your assistant Jaehee Kang." He smiled as he looked you up and down then after some time examining you he finally answered in a half amused tone "you are rather beautiful you know." I was sure that my face was as red as a strawberry in that moment "w-what? D-did you call me b-beautiful?" my words where shaky from embarrassment.

The feelings I had the moment that I looked at him where very peculiar, is this what you would call Love at first sight? After a small amount of time talking to Mr. Jumin about the documents he began asking about my personal life turning it into a game he would ask one question and then I would ask another, before I knew it I knew so many things about him. I was so happy to get the opportunity to talk with him, soon he declared that we should be friends and get coffee some time for lunch. I was all too happy to have him as a friend but somewhere deep within I wanted our relationship to be so much more, I wonder if this is what love feels like.

As time went on and many lunches and coffee's later I needed to tell him how I felt, my internship was almost over and that would be the perfect opportunity to tell him. The day was quickly approaching and I grew even more nervous than the first day I laid eyes on him, it wasn't just his looks that attracted me to him anymore, it was him all of him, the way he talks, walks, that smile, his dedication to his work all of it that is what I truly loved about him. On my last day of work I went into Jumin's office I was nervous but I needed to tell him, I needed him to know my feelings for him.

As I opened the large doors that started it all I peeked in asking if he was busy to which he replied "Not at the moment, is there something you need?" I took a deep breath as I entered the room and began my confession of love "Jumin, I can tell you anything right." He looked up from the papers he had been reading and looked at me with a serious yet worried expression as he asked me "what is the matter, is there something wrong?" I shook my head and began to tell him how I felt "You know Jumin; today is my last day working here. I am worried we won't get to see each other often anymore." He looked at me with a smile "just because you do not work here, that does not mean we cannot still be friends." At those words I gained more confidence as I continued "Jumin I am going to tell you something that I have been wanting to tell you from the day I met you." He looked puzzled and asked "what would that be?" in that moment I let all my emotions flood out "Jumin, I have loved you from the first day that we met, and the more I got to know you the more love I felt for you. I know that is a lot to take in but even if you do not love me in the same way I don't want this to keep us from being friends." After I confessed I could feel my face burning with embarrassment. Shortly after I was finished speaking Jumin rose from his chair, slowly making his way over to me. All I could think was that this was the end of our friendship when suddenly his face was so close to mine as he whispered into my ear "I have felt the same way about you since the first day you walked into this office."

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