Our Family

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Some cute Yoosung x Reader, Its just so easy for me to write cute things with him involved. I honestly just love Yoosung to death (even named my turtle after him) well I hope you enjoy this!


Yoosung and I had been talking about having a baby for some time now, I had no idea that it would happen so soon after talking about it I mean it had only been a month since we decided. When I told Yoosung he lit up with the excitement that he just couldn't hide, he became so much more affectionate and protective toward me after that though. It had only been a short time after telling him when he started doing research on all the things we would need to buy for our child, he was just too excited he wanted to go out and buy everything we would need right then. I just loved seeing him so excited over this; he was just too adorable as he was sitting on his computer doing his baby research making sure that he took care of me the right way. He had to be sure that he cooked the right foods and also not to cook certain things, it was difficult at first but he figured it out and even cooked some things he had never cooked before.

At the first ultrasound he was very happy he couldn't take his eyes off the screen, it was the first glimpse of our baby that we would see. Yoosung was so impatient he just wanted to know whether it was a girl or a boy, the nurse saved the gender reveal for the last thing she did just to tease him I think. He really wanted a boy and when he found out it was going to be a girl he wasn't necessarily disappointed but he was a bit bummed out, Yoosung was still very happy to be having a little girl he even said "I will protect my little princess with all I have."

He might just like the idea of being our mighty protector forever, he does his best to keep me happy but with my mood swings that can prove to be very difficult for him. I honestly feel like I have been a burden on him with all my random cravings and intense need for his attention, maybe it would just be best if I kept these thoughts to myself so that I don't worry him too much.

I spent most of my days with Yoosung at the Veterinary clinic helping with small tasks, or I was at home lounging around the house and relaxing. Yoosung would not let me do much, he was too worried that I would strain myself and hurt the baby if I was to lift something heavy or even bending over to pick something up. As I got further along in the pregnancy Yoosung started to buy more and more baby supplies for the house, Saeyoung even started bringing over gifts that he had made himself at his toy shop just for our daughter. All of the RFA members where always stopping by to check on me and Yoosung. They would bring over gifts for us and the baby including toys, clothes, and food for me. They were all so kind to us, even Saeran would stop by occasionally to see how I was doing.

Most of the time when I was home I would end up either talking to my baby as she grew, or most likely singing to her whenever she would move around inside my stomach. Saeyoung had read somewhere that when you are pregnant the baby can hear your every word so many other mothers talk to the child or even sing, and that's why I started to do this. She moved around a lot inside my stomach, I just decided that it was because she missed her father because once he would start talking she would not move for a bit.

As it got closer to the due date Yoosung refused to let me be home alone, it was always Saeyoung and Saeran who ended up staying with me because Saeyoung had his own car and Saeran just wanted the company I guess. Saeyoung and Saeran had no idea what to do for me so Yoosung just left them a list on the fridge to remind them of the plan for if I did have the baby while they were there, Saeyoung and Saeran where always tinkering with some kind of toy when they were here so I would just sing to myself while they were busy and somehow Saeyoung would always end up joining in. I was beginning to get impatient, I really wanted to see our baby and her beautiful eyes that I'm sure she will have, and hold her tiny fragile hands as she smiles up at me. Yoosung seemed to be getting nervous about becoming a father, but then again who wouldn't be nervous when it comes to having your first child.

The long awaited day had finally arrived, I was sitting on the couch singing to myself as Saeyoung and Saeran played on the computer when my water broke. These two boys where hopeless and they were freaking out even though there were instructions on the fridge, I had to remind them of the list and we finally got on track and headed to the hospital. On the way to the hospital I called Yoosung, he was freaking out as I heard him scramble around in his office over the phone. Once we got there Yoosung was already waiting for us. The Veterinary clinic was not too far away from the hospital so he was ready for us when we arrived.

It took nearly three hours to have our baby and I personally don't wish to remember those painful hours, but the moment she was born all of the pain that I had gone through and all the waiting that we did all disappeared as I heard the cries of our beautiful angel. There are no words to describe how we felt in that moment, and when I held her fragile body in my arms it was as though I had fallen in love for the first time all over again. Yoosung couldn't hold back his tears of joy, but he had no word as he held our precious child. He looked at her as if she was the brightest and most amazing star in the universe, he just couldn't take his eyes off of her. "What should we name her dear?" I asked Yoosung who was now sitting beside me with our daughter in his arms. "How about...Yoorin!" I could not help but to smile at his excitement as I nod my head in agreement.

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