You Chose Me?

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I wrote this for a friend of mine I hope you enjoy it!


It was a nice Saturday afternoon as I awoke in my bed alone; perhaps y/n was out shopping for the wedding. As I got dressed I could hear footsteps approaching my room slowly, but they were not y/n's perhaps it's Saeran. Once I stepped out into the hallway I was grabbed by my arms and dragged outside by my brother and Yoosung to a limo that sat by the curb. Once inside the limo I was met by all of my friends Jumin, Zen, Yoosung, and my brother all sat in silence as we went toward whatever our destination happened to be. Finally after so much silence I couldn't take it anymore "So where are we going, and why can't I have my phone, and also where is y/n what if she gets worried about where I went." For a moment it was silent but then "I took care of everything, Jaehee will be with y/n and I told her that we would be away for a week." Saeran said in his usual uninterested tone, though the fact that he went through all of this trouble to set this up "Wait! A week! What about y/n will she be joining us?" they all shook their heads "Nope Sorry man it's just us, I mean this is your bachelor party after all." Zen sounded so excited to spend time with all of us no women or worries. I wonder how taking a week off from work is affecting Zen and Jumin, I mean Jaehee is probably loving her small vacation.

It has been three days since I was taken to this hotel with my friends, we had spent a lot of the time in bars and shopping for some games with Yoosung in the town, but though I have been having so much fun with them all I do miss y/n quite a lot. I hadn't even realized how much I had gotten used to having her around all the time, and it's weird to wake up without her beside me. I walked out into the balcony of the hotel room Jumin had given me for the week and looked out at the busy streets below as I thought about y/n. I can remember all those times we spent together after Saeran had finally gotten better, and those memories are the one thing that could never be taken away from me.

I know that at first when we met she was so pure and innocent, and knowing that I just couldn't bring myself to show her how I truly felt knowing that the life I lived was not one I wanted her to be a part of. But she helped me to realize that I was never alone with her and the other RFA members at my side she showed me the light, and after so very long living a life of secrets and solitude I finally opened my heart to her. Y/n she even managed to be so very brave as we went to Mint Eye headquarters in search of my twin brother, never flinching at the possible dangers that may have come. I love her so much, I don't know where I would be without her.

After looking out at the town for quite some time I finally decide to go to sleep, and as I do I can't help but wonder if just maybe Y/n is thinking of me as well. "Y/n I hope we can meet within our dreams." And with those final words I drifted into a deep relaxing sleep.

After a week the long awaited day has arrived and I can finally see my love Y/n and today will also be the day that our two separate souls become one for the rest of eternity. I can't help but think about our future together and I just have so many questions that I cannot wait to get the answers to; when will we have children? How many will we have? Will we get a new house that is all our own? Will I make a good father? Thought I know Y/n will be a great mother, and finally I hope it's true but I hope that we can live long and happy lives together and I will do everything in my power to make sure we do.

We finally make our way to the church and the second we walk into the doors Jaehee is yelling orders at us, apparently Y/n and her had been up since the sun had risen (truthfully so was I.) Jaehee was a great Maid of Honor and the second we arrived Saeran immediately went to take care of some of his own tasks that Jaehee had given him, leaving me alone in a separate room with nobody to talk to and still no phone since my brother has yet to return mine. But with all the free time I now have seeing as I am already dressed and ready for the wedding I head to the altar feeling rather nervous, not out of fear that I was soon to be wed to Y/n but mainly at the thought that you could possibly have changed your mind within the week we had spent apart.

Soon new darker thoughts filled my head, is it possible you found someone better than me I mean it's not impossible I am still surprised you had even picked me out of everyone else in the RFA; Zen has the body of a god and care so much for everyone as though they were family, Yoosung is so cute and surprisingly very loyal and reliable, Jumin has all that money though that isn't all he has he also has Elly and he is a very strong person, and even my brother though he is rough around the edges and has a shady past he has gotten better and he has the biggest heart and even if he doesn't want to show it he loves all of us so much. And then there is me, the lowlife hacker that has nothing but secrets that he cannot share with anyone, now how is it that such a wonderful person like Y/n would chose me over all of the others who are much more stable than me.

As I was deep in thought I had not noticed my brother standing in front of me until he placed a hand on my shoulder forcing me out of my dark thoughts "Saeyoung are you OK?" I hadn't realized that I looked so depressed and though I was scared I decided to confide in my brother "I was just thinking...what if I can't make her happy. I imagine that any of the other RFA members would be a much better fit for Y/n than me." Saeran simply sighs at my stupid question as I imagine he would put it before he looks me directly in the eye and says "You are such an Idiot Saeyoung, if she wanted someone else why would she be here waiting on the other side of those doors for the signal to come in. Plus if you feel that worried about it why not ask her your stupid question later."

After my brother had finished talking with me he moved to the back of the church and stood beside the door as he said something to the people on the other side, and the minute he moved out the door the music played and my brother with Jaehee's hand in his walked towards me at the altar followed by the others. Finally once everyone was at the altar two little flower girls appeared and the music began soon my eyes caught the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, It was Y/n in the most beautiful white dress that I had ever seen and in that moment all my worries disappeared as she made her way into my arms. It was as though I had fallen in love with her all over again, and I know now that no matter what happens as long as she is smiling everything will be okay. Though I never did get to ask you that day but, why did you pick me Y/n?

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