Soul Mate

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OK so my friend was not satisfied with my sad and tragic story of Zen and so I was asked to write a good "lovey dovey" story for Zen and so here you go something I made of my own free will with a smile on my face. No my friend did not force me to say this.....Enjoy


There is one person for everyone in the world and my parents say that when you meet your soulmate that the jewel on this necklace will glow, I can't take the necklace off I have been wearing it since I can remember. My mother told me that everyone gets one when they are born, I hope that I get to meet my soul mate soon I'm so lonely and I wonder if he is too.

There was a time I thought that I may have met him but my jewel didn't glow and neither did his, but he still wanted us to be together so I just accepted it. He found his soulmate and then left me saying "it was fun" and never speaking to me again, I was heartbroken I wished to meet my one and only soon so that I wouldn't have to go through this again.

After I had gone through so many heart breaks I was just ready to give up on searching for him, but I was also so lonely wanting him to appear to me soon so that we can begin our life together. It's scary knowing that you had fallen in love with someone but they are not the one you will be with for the rest of your life, maybe someday soon he will find me and I won't have to suffer so much.

One day a friend of mine had told me about this play that was going on at the theatre down the street that she really wanted to go to, she didn't want to go alone so I decided to join her. I can't remember what the play was called but apparently there was a really handsome guy who would be playing the lead, on the way to the play I decided to stop and get some coffee i had been up all night studying for exams that were coming up next week.

At the coffee shop I saw a very beautiful man sitting in my usual spot in the cafe, he had long silky silver hair and Alluring red eyes. I couldn't help but stare as I waited for my coffee; he must have noticed me staring at him because he was making his way over to me. I was hoping that my necklace would light up but it didn't, once he reached me he had the warmest smile as he said "Never seen you here before, what is such a beautiful woman like you doing this fine evening." I felt my cheeks grow hot as I realized that this beautiful man had just called me beautiful. "I am waiting for my friend, we are going to a play this evening and we are to meet here." he smiled as if satisfied with my answer.

Once I had grabbed my coffee he asked if I would mind his company, I of course didn't mind but I felt as though I was falling for him. We talked for a long time I had planned on doing some homework at the cafe so I arrived early, but he ended up taking up my time and I didn't even mind that he did. As time went on we eventually had to part ways, he had to go to work and I needed to do some homework before my friend arrived. We said our goodbyes and he left the café.

After my friend finally arrived we made our way to the theatre, she was so excited I didn't really go to too many plays but maybe this one would be a good one. We had arrived at least an hour early, but even though we were early there were a lot of people already there. We took our seats in the theatre and got comfortable as we waited for the show to begin, there where so many women here and even some young girls and my friend quickly made friends with the girl beside her I don't even believe it was necessary for me to even join her.

Finally the curtains rose on the stage and the crowd of women slowly quieted themselves as the director took the stage, as he announced the title of this play and set the scene for the upcoming show. I was at least happy that for this play they were doing a remake of one of my personal favorite stories, they were doing a remake of Romeo and Juliet. I had read the play many times I could not resist the beautiful and tragic love story, and this one would hopefully reach my expectations as well as the book. There was a short silence as the curtain rose revealing the first set, a lovely young woman stood there in the midst of a group of people dancing with masks over their faces.

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