A Warning

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Mites, mites, mites.

I slowly weave through the throng of people in the market. My gaze sweeps over the goods in the tents, seeing everything but pyran mites. I'm just about to leave until I see a red glow.

Is that?

I guide my horse closer.

Pyran mites. Just what I needed. I nudge Gypsy in the direction.

"How much for the mites?" I ask sliding off my horse.

The seller looks up, "That would be thirty copper pieces."

I drop the coins and grab two jars of mites slipping them into my bag.

"Would that be all? Surely a girl like yourself would want something besides mites."

I smile, "No, that would be quite alright. Thank you."

I grab Gypsy's reins and tug her though the crowds. Now that I finally have the mites I can-

A hand grabs me and pulls me into an uncrowded tent. Gypsy's head follows so the tent flap never fully closes.

I open my mouth to yell, but the hooded stranger puts a finger to my lips. His voice stops any sound from coming out.

"Now, now, Vela. Screaming is no way to greet your brother," the stranger shifts his head enough for me to see his face. Keane.

I push him away, "Well neither is yanking your little sister into a tent." I fold my arms, "What do you want?"

"I have a message."

"I don't want it," anything from Maura was always bad, whether it be a gift or an arrow through your windpipe.

"'Come home or there will be consequences to be dealt,'" Keane drops his voice so low, I have to lean forward to him.

Prickles run up and down my spine. "That sounds more like a threat than an invitation," I mumble.

"Glad you know the difference. Hopefully that will make your decision easier." Keane looks down at me, "Please come home. I don't want to have to kill my own sister."

I scoff, "Oh yes you would. You would love to plunge a knife through my heart. You were always jealous of Master Keir's attentiveness towards me. Getting rid of me would-"

My head snaps to the side, and a warm sting coats my cheek. I slowly turn my head towards Keane. He looks ready to do more than just slap me across the face.

I sweep my gaze around the tent to see eyes drifting our way.

I let my gaze rest back on Keane, "You have attracted too much attention with that temper of yours. I wouldn't try anything else if I were you."

The muscle of his jaw tenses, "Come home, Vela. We will give you two days. No more. If you-"

This time I cut him off, "You have made yourself very clear. Go tell your Master that the job is done and that I understand."

I brush past Keane and walk back to Gypsy whose head is still between tent flaps. I almost miss what Keane says in my rush to leave.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing, Little Sister."

I stop and glance at him, "This isn't a game and I'm no longer your sister."

I push the tent flap open and glimpse a pair of golden eyes. As soon as I see those eyes I know he had seen what had happened.

I look away and climb back on my horse, flicking the reins to leave both the golden eyes and Keane behind.

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