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He didn't. He couldn't have. A slow heat spreads throughout my body.

I lunge at him and he barely dodges my blade aimed for his face.

"Very nice form, quick footed. You would make a fine edition to the Elites."

His comments only make me angrier, "You could have killed her!" This time my knife makes contact. Blood bubbles from the cut on his arm, which he used to block the dagger.

"I could have, but I didn't. As a Mauranian, I have been trained to know the exact force of the impact needed to render a person unconscious with only slight damage. Don't you worry she'll be fine."

Then he made his move and my hand was smarting from the impact of his foot. I dart away before he can do more.

"Besides, she is the one who sparked her superiors anger. She has been asking for this for a long time. Believe me, what I did was nothing compared to what she deserves."

"Let this be a reminder to you. Never defy your superiors. If you spark their anger..." My parents were in a pool of their own blood.

A slow realization dawns on me.


A wicked smile spreads across Keir's face, "Ah, so you have finally recognized me. I have to say I was surprised to see you, but it soon became a little game. A game to see how you would react when you found out-"

He barely got the last word in before I was on him again.

I didn't relent, I attacked again and again.

It was a game of wits. Who would make the first mistake and let the other land their hit?

I was the one to make the first slip up. I recovered from the strike to my cheek and yanked on the fist that had landed the punch.

Keir was off balance and I had the advantage. I didn't waste time in jamming my dagger into his ribs.

He froze. I yank my dagger out and shove him to the floor.

He gags and drops of blood color his lips.

"That was for Vela and the hell you put her through, and this," I raise the dagger once again and press it into his neck, "this one's for my parents."

With one swift slash it was over.

With the rush of anger and adrenaline gone, I feel the painful aching in my abdomen. I glance down to see red dotting the fabric of my shirt.

It would have to wait.

I turn to see Vela's crumpled form. Lown sits next to her, clutching her cloak.

I walk over and lift her into my arms. Although she was much lighter than the first time I had lifted her from the months spent in Maura, my open injury screamed in protest.

I grit my teeth, "Lowen take us to the Shriekers. We have to get out of here."

He hesitates, staring at Vela in my arms, before hurrying ahead.


I stare uneasily at the contraption in front of me. The smell was foul and it looked unsafe.

Lowen did not pause and quickly scrambled onto the front, "Get on behind me and lean when I tell you to."

The usually timid boy barked the orders and I couldn't help but let myself smirk. He wasn't so meek after all.

I quickly follow suit and am almost thrown off the thing when it lurches forward.

I grip the seat of it with one hand and clutch Vela to me with the other.

"We're almost there Vela, you're almost out."

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now