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I pull the covers over my head, not wanting to get up. The dancing from the night before had tired me out.

A knock sounds at my door, "Miss, I'm coming in."

I stay under the covers when Obi comes in, "We're reverting back to calling me Miss?" My voice is muffled by the sheets.

"I have some news you might like to hear, Miss."

"Well that answers that question," I push the covers off my head enough to see Obi standing near my bed.

"Zen is having a meeting with the council regarding you."

I sit up, "Finally!" I hop out of bed, grab my clothes, and run to the bathroom.

I quickly bathe and dress. I go back to my room and drag Obi to the meeting room, "Why don't we take a little field trip, yeah?"


Our quiet breaths mingle as we press against the door to listen. The voices are muffled but understandable.

"People lurking around the castle you say?" I can immediately tell Zen's voice from the others.

Obi and I look at each other. People lurking around the castle?

"It would appear they have found her then," a voice I don't recognize voices his concern.

"Well, Little Brother, what would you say we do?"

I hold in a gasp. What in the heavens was Izana doing in there?

A few moments if silence pass before Zen speaks up, "I believe it would be in Vela's best interest to stay here. Then we can send out men to find these Mauranians looking for her."

"A wise choice, but you may want to move her to a more secured area."

Secured area? What was Izana getting at?

"Why would you say that, Lord Brother?"

"The suspicious persons have been seen inside the castle walls. Surely you know that means we can't let her wander anymore. If they were able to get their hands on her then that would spell disaster for everyone."

My hands clench then loosen on their own accord. He was right. I was a liability to them.

Obi places a hand on my shoulder and motions for us to go. He pulls me away gently by the wrist. I follow compliantly.


"I'm sorry."

I sit in my bed staring at my covers, "What's the sorry for? You aren't the one forcing me into a cage, besides it'll keep me away from them."

Obi starts to say something but is interrupted.

The door to my room opens.

I don't have to look to know who it is, "Hello, Zen. Have you come to announce the verdict?"

I look up to see an apologetic Zen, "Unfortunately."


I start school tomorrow :O I feel like crying. I'm going to be new and I just hope I don't die.

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now