But You Came

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"Very good," I lean over Lowen and adjust his grip on the heated needle he holds. "Now be careful during this part. One slip up and-"

The door opens roughly and I jerk, startled. Lowen drops the hot needle on the floor.

"Sorry to interrupt you, my pets," Master Keir walks in first. Two guards follow with a limp man in between them.

"We found this man trying to sneak in," Keir turns towards me, "does he look familiar, Vela?"

Master Keir tilts the man's head up. For a moment their eyes flicker open before fluttering back closed.

My eyes widen.


He looked badly injured in his barely conscious state and bruised face.

Keir assesses my reaction and nods thoughtfully, "I've decided to leave him in your care. I'll send medical attention soon enough." Keir waves a hand towards the guards and they drop Obi where he was and leave.

Keir turns to follow them, "Don't disappoint me, Vela."

He closes the door and locks it with a click.

I rush over to Obi and drop onto my knees, "Obi. Obi wake up. Say something. Obi please wake up." I feel my throat tightening. His breathing was shallow and I have no doubt in my mind that they had hurt his ribs. It was one of their favorite places to attack.

I pull his head onto my lap lean my forehead against his.

Obi, please.

"I'm sorry."

I jerk up.

Obi was staring at me with tired eyes, "I'm sorry I let them take you. I'm sorry I treated you so horribly when I first found out who you were."

I shake my head and laugh, "No need for sorry. You came for me. No one's ever cared that much for me before."

He closes his eyes and clutches his abdomen.

I look at his hand to see blood soaking his shirt.

That's right. He had been stabbed that night.

I pull his arm over my shoulder and stand, struggling under his weight.

He grunts.

"I'm afraid you'll just have to bear with me for a minute." I look to Lowen, "Could you move the bedding around for me. Let Obi have the bed and we'll take the floor."

Lowen quickly rushes to the doorway to our bedroom. I carry Obi inside and place him on the mattress. Lowen hands me a blanket, "Thank you, Lowen."

I cover Obi and sit next to him.

Obi reaches up and moves the hair from my face, "You don't look too good."

I snort, "I'm assuming you haven't looked in a mirror recently." 

I lean into his touch.

"If I had tried harder you wouldn't have all those cuts and bruises on your face. If I-"

"Shh, it's okay. Just rest for now. If we're going to get out of here, I'm going to need you to get your strength back," I move Obi's hand back to his chest.

"I can't sleep," he says as his eyes begin to close. "Can you sing for me?"

I blink then smile.

I feel the bed dip behind me and I turn my head to see Lowen sitting behind me.

I shift so I can pull him to me, careful not to touch his back. I look back down at Obi and begin the lullaby.

"Silver light. She turned her face up to the starlit sky, and on this day began to wonder why. She knew that soon the day would come..."


Guys I'M GOING TO FLOOD!!! I don't know how to feel 'bout that...

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