Welcome Back

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I wake up with an aching temple. The room blurs before coming into focus, and I can't help but think of how familiar this situation is. My hand brushes against something soft and I turn to see Obi. He's asleep with his head resting on his arms on my bed.

I attempt to sit up without waking him, yet as soon as I shift he bolts upright.

A look of pain crosses his face and disappears. His stitches.

"You really should be more careful with your injury."

His eyes widen and his jaw drops open slightly.

I smile and reach out to close it, "Close your mouth. We wouldn't want any flies going in, yeah?"

Suddenly I'm pulled to him and am locked in an iron embrace.

"Woah there, was I really out for so long?" I laugh into his shirt.

"No, you were out for only a few hours. I was just worried about you," his breath tickles my head.

I pull away, "What happened? Keir-"

"Keir's dead," a dark mask falls over Obi's features.

I get an uneasy sense there's something more to the story but don't push. He would tell me when he would tell me.

I nod slowly slightly shocked. I couldn't tell if I was relieved or not.

"Maura will be in chaos."

Obi inclines his head in agreement, "Zen wants to take advantage of that. He's gathering a group of people to go and try to help them in an attempt to have peace. Of course in order to do that, he would like you as a representative or something."

I must look worried because he adds, "Of course that's up to you."

Before I am able to respond, the door opens. Mitsuhide, Zen, Kiki, and Shirayuki come through. Shirayuki practically throws herself at me, "I'm so happy you're okay. I brought you something to help with the headache."

I laugh and pat her on the back, "Thank you."

I quickly gulp down the concoction and thank her once again.

Kiki sets down a tray of food, "Welcome back."

I return her smile before turning to Mitsuhide, "Did you get any action while I was gone?"

Not even a blush. Mitsuhide stares at me with an unreadable expression, "How do you do that? How do you come back from that hell and stay happy? You act like nothing happened."

I blink. He was worried. He had been worried about me.

I give him a small smile, "I don't want to think about what happened, that's how and why. I'd rather focus on the good things and not the bad, so please, Mitsuhide, let me do that, yeah?"

He stares at me for a moment longer before turning away, "Fine. Welcome back."

Zen steps forward, "Don't mind him. He needs some time."

"I know." I say simply and I did. I understood.

"I know you just got back and you're recovering still, but-"

"I'll do it."

Zen stares in surprise before his eyes flicker to Obi and back to me. He nods.

"We'll go once you recover."

I nod.

A head pokes through the slightly ajar door. I smile, "Lowen, how are you?"

His eyes light up when he sees me and he hurries over to the bed and hugs me. I let him stay next to me. I was the only one he had a real connection to likely.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but is it okay if I just eat and go to sleep. I may have been asleep before but I'm still exhausted."

They all leave quickly and I scarf down my food before drifting into sleep.

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now