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It was familiarly quiet. The halls of the palace. Moving through them swiftly and without interruption, I was almost hopeful.

This was going smoothly. It seemed almost too easy. We had run into a handful of guards, all subdued with some difficulty. Yet, it all seemed so easy. Too easy.

A cold suddenly spreads through me. Something was wrong. I slow and hold Lowen to me. He hadn't spoken a word throughout the whole ordeal. He had stayed quiet and close. He was hopeful, as was I. Yet now...now not so much.

I open my mouth to call for Obi to stop, when a light breeze blows the hood of my cloak off and a strong yank takes Lowen from my arms.


I lunge for him but a knife flashes dangerously close to his throat and I freeze.

My eyes travel up to the face of the assailant, "Keir," I snarl.

He gives a cold smile, "Going out for a walk, are we?"

"Let him go," I growl.

Keir shifts on his feet and tugs Lowen a bit. Lowen whimpers.

"I have had quite enough of your acting out, Vela. I made such a generous offer, and what do you do? You try to leave and take my newest tool with you." As he continues to talk his voice becomes lower. "And you know what? I've decided to change my terms."


His eyes flash dangerously and a cruel smile turns up the corners of his mouth, "I don't want Lowen anymore, I want you."

I was moving before he had finished. We both grapple on the ground, one trying to get the advantage.

The surprise advantage I have quickly disappears.

I'm under him with my face in the ground. My arm is twisted painfully in Keir's grip. One move and he could snap the bone, I hold still with clenched teeth.

"Now, now. I wouldn't try anything. You wouldn't want our dear Vela to get injured, would you?"

"You wouldn't lift a finger to your precious prodigy."

Obi. I attempt to lift my head, a feat at which I fail miserably at.

I pray that Obi doesn't try anything.

Take Lowen and leave. Take Lowen and leave.

I know immediately that my silent prayer goes unheard. The weight from my back and pain in my arm disappears.

"I'm sorry my pet," a rough hand yanks my hair back and slams my head back toward the floor.

The crack of my skull on the hard floor echoes in my ears. I still hear the ringing even when my eyes no longer see anything.

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now