Preconceived Notions

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"From the sky, she watched the life she'd known she'd leave behind. Said goodbye and gave her people life through her sacrifice."

I stare up at the night sky as Vela's song ended. It was strange how familiar the melody sounded. Like I had heard it a thousand times before.

I lean over the edge of the barn to see her already asleep with her horse. She was much more gentle than I had expected a Mauranian to be.

She had been kind to her horse and seemed to respect Zen. Her fear of needles had surprised me. Her life before had been around weapons and blood before, so seeing her afraid of such a small needle had been a shock.

I stare down at her with her words playing through my head.

"I don't know what preconceived notions you have of me or how you got them, but I do not appreciate your attitude towards me. If you have a problem with me, instead of pussy-footing around, why don't you tell me what I've done, yeah?"

Maybe she had a point.

I drop down from the barn roof and lift her from the ground.

Her horse looks up at me.

"Sorry, but she has to go. She will see you later," I walk back to the castle with Vela cradled in my arms.

In her room I place her on her bed. She rolls away and hugs a pillow to her chest.

I fold my arms and stare out the window, "Preconceived notions, huh?"


Finding music is almost as hard as running cc

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