Summertide Dance

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Idk how to feel 'bout this music...


I steal through the rather dark and empty palace courtyard. The shadows surrounding me acting as a cover.

Having already convinced Obi that I had gone to bed, I crouch near the gates waiting for an opportunity to leave.

Soon enough a young maid is let out by the guards with me hiding in her shadow. It was difficult to hold the illusion, but the guards didn't notice a thing.

I catch a ride with the maid, deftly leaping on top of the carriage heading towards town.

I watch the castle grow small. I wouldn't be gone long. Just for tonight for the festival of Summertide; to welcome summer and bid farewell to spring.


I remove my cloak and let my traditional festival outfit show. The thin backless dress stops just above my ankles and has a neckline that allows the traditional gold painted flowers that trail from my collarbone to my left shoulder to show.

I had left my curls alone.

I traverse through the crowd and move to the center of town to get closest to the lively music.

The lights and smells are refreshing.

As I near the town center a gentle hand lands in my shoulder.

"Where did you disappear off to?"

I turn to come face to chest with Ronan.

"Ronan! Right, sorry about that. I ran into...a little problem."

Ronan chuckles, "I've heard of your little problem. It caused quite a commotion."

"Right." Guilt creeps through me once again.

"I see you let your hair down for once," Ronan senses my change in mood and changes the subject.

"And I see yours is still long," I flick a long strand of blond hair off his shoulder. His hair fell a couple inches below his shoulders. He had a half up - half down do.

"Always," he answers, his chocolate eyes dancing in the firelight.

A lively song starts to play and Ronan offers his heavily tattooed arm to me.

"Would you care to dance?"

I place my hand in the nook of his arm, "I'd love to."

"You look stunning by the way," Ronan comments as he spins me.

"I'm still too young for you," I joke. He was six years my senior yet flirted like he was only two.

He laughs and somehow amongst the laughter, music, and lights I see a pair of gold eyes. Eyes that look none too amused.

Ronan hands me off to a new partner, unwittingly moving me farther from Obi.

Obi joins the dance and we go like this for a while longer. Him advancing and me retreating; going from partner to partner.

Finally I reach the end of the crowd and slip away. I duck into a tavern and ask for a water. The bartender gives me a look but does as I ask. I take the water while looking around for Obi.

Not seeing him, I move to a crowded area of the bar. While looking for Obi, I don't pay attention and bump into a man. His drink spills on his shirt.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention"

The man cuts me off with a good natured smile, "It's fine. I don't mind a pretty girl like yourself bumping into me."

The man's eyes sweep over me with a slow, steady gaze.

Oh. Oh. Oooh.

"Though if you feel bad about it, how about you let me buy you a drink," he eyes the barely sipped water in my hand.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. That's fine-I-"

"Please, I insist," the man puts a hand on my back and moves his fingers along my bare skin. He begins pushing me to the bar.

With the place so crowded I can't pull away.

An arm grabs my bicep and pulls me away from the man guiding me to the bar.

"There you are, Princess. I was worried when I couldn't find you." The arm wraps around my waist and pulls me close.

I go rigid at the voice. I glance up to see Obi calmly appraising the man in front of him.

He was well built and tall, though he fell a few centimeters below Obi.

The man stared back challengingly with confident hazel eyes, "The little lady never mentioned being with anyone."

I lean into Obi.

"It didn't seem like you gave her a chance. Now if you don't mind, we'll be on our way," Obi guides me to the exit.

We stop at a secluded area. Obi turns to me with a controlled expression, "What were you thinking, leaving like that?"

I stare at the cup of water I had never put down, "I think we should return this."

"Are you listening to what I'm saying? Do you realize how much trouble either one if us could have gotten into?"

I continue to look at the cup in my hand, "This is probably considered theft."

"Vela, forget about the cup!"

Obi takes the cup from my hand and dumps its contents in the ground.

I blink slowly and look up at Obi, "That's the first time you've said my name so plainly. No 'Miss.'"

Obi places the cup down and grips both my shoulders with a gentle yet firm touch, "You do realize that they could've have come after you, don't you?"

I swallow hard. It was true, and I would have been helpless.

"I know," my voice is barely audible.

"Then why did you do it?" Obi looks at me with concern. Had this person who had so blatantly let me know how much they hated me honestly been worried that I had gone missing?

"I'm sorry if I worried you, but I had to get out. So I thought, hey what better time to get a breath of fresh air than the Summertide Festival?"

Obi sighs then smiles. Something he had started to do more often around me.

"Fine, since we're here, why don't we both take a breather?"

I smile cautiously, "So, you won't tell Zen?"

He shakes his head and grasps my hand, "It'll be our secret."

Then he pulls me back to the town square for a dance.

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