Let's Go

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Our guards came in with caution in every step, "You knocked. Is there anything you need?"

They didn't seem to notice the dizzying smell, likely due to all the other toxic smells from the chemicals and metals we used.

I held a cup of tea up to the guard who had spoken, "We decided to make a drink for Master Keir. He's been a bit...harsh on us lately." The second guard gives a subtle nod, it wouldn't be the first time someone had done something nice for the Master to get back in his good graces. "So we were wondering if you could try it out for us? I've never been much of a tea person, and Lowen has never quite had tea, so..."

I hold the cup out, waiting for a response.

After a couple moments of contemplation, the second guard holds out a hand.

I hand it to him with much steadier hands than I had felt.

He takes a sip and his eyes brighten. He offers it to his partner, "This is delicious. You don't want to miss out do you?"

His partner looks at him with disdain before consenting and taking the cup from his hands.

He takes a swig and seems to take more time in making his decision. Finally he nods and holds out the cup for me to take.

I accept the cup and study the two guards before me.

The guard who had taken the tea first nods, "I think the Master will appreciate the drink very much. I wish you luck in getting his approval once again."

I smile through my disappointment. My hopes are gone within a matter of seconds. That is until I see the first guard who spoke sway.

He supports himself on the wall with one arm before glaring at me, "What was in that drink?"

Confused the guard who had originally accepted my drink watches his partner collapse; he whirls around and staggers at the sudden movement. Not long after he joins his comrade on the floor.

With trembling hands I relieve them of their keys and weapons.

I tug their cloaks off of them. They wouldn't have us being mistaken for guards, but from a distance they could buy us time.

"Lowen, bring the rope."

Promptly Lowen appears with the coils of rope in hand. He works quickly as he binds the guards' hands and arms together.

Obi comes out of the room moments after Lowen finishes his job.

I toss him a cloak and some knives. All of which he catches with precision.

I wrap a cloak around myself and pull the hood low over my head after strapping weapons to my figure.

I unlock the door and open the door. Once the door is open and I see the person on the other side, I freeze.

"And what exactly do you think you're doing, Vela."


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