I'm Sorry

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"Oh, and what happened here?" I crouch near an unconscious guard. Putting a hand to his neck, I can feel a pulse.

Still alive.

I pull away and look around. Another guard lays motionless around the corner. I follow the trail of unconscious guards.

When I realize where they're heading I feel my blood run cold.


I break into a sprint.

No. This wasn't real. This wasn't happening.

I skid to a stop at her door.

It was open.

"Vela?" I call quietly to the dark of the room.

"Vela?" I say her name more desperately.

I press myself outside her door while gripping tightly to a blade. When I dart inside...no one's there. The empty bed and room.

She was gone.

I bolt out the door, "Vela! Vela, where are you!"

No one answers, though it's not like I really expected it.

I burst out a pair of doors and out onto the open walkway. My gaze quickly sweeps across the castle grounds until I spot an inconsistency. The shadows were darker near a certain spot. She had to be there.

I vault over the railing and drop quietly to the ground.

Low and fast.

I dart between the trees.

Low and-

"It's rude to follow unannounced, you know."

The playful voice stops me in my tracks.

The shadows disperse enough for me to see the silhouettes in front of me. Vela lies limply in one of the intruder's arms.

"Oh don't you worry now. She won't be harmed," the one holding her does little to reassure me. "As long as she does as she is told, all will be well."

I grip the blade in my hand tightly.

"All will be well, when she's back safely in the palace," I glare at the shadowed figures face.

"You're a persistent one, aren't you?" The figure holding Vela shakes his head, "It's a shame we have to do this really."

"Wha-?" I grunt and block the dagger aimed for me.

"Fast reflexes," my attacker comments.

Her moves are swift and graceful. Slash, dodge, jab, leap away. We fell into this dance, neither one of us backing down.

Slash dodge, jab, leap away, slash dodge, jab-


My eyes dart to Vela. Her eyes flutter ever so slightly and she shifts.

A sudden pain in my gut tears my attention away from her.

"I'm afraid that's checkmate. How disappointing. I thought I would have more fun," my attacker yanks her knife from my abdomen and follows the first intruder as he walks away.

"Truly, I'm sorry about this," then they're both gone, having vanished into the shadows.

My vision blurs and I drop to my knees. Dull pain pulses in my stomach and my face is suddenly pressed against the grass.

Dark shadows start to edge into my vision.

I'm sorry, Vela. I'm so sorry.


Y'know high school is harder than I'd thought...

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