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"Are you sure?"

I sit on a stool in Shirayuki's small work space with my arm waiting to be sewn up. I was debating bolting, but decided against it.

"Positive. The cut is deeper than I first thought," Shirayuki threads the needle in her hand.

I feel myself go lightheaded. Why did I come again?

"You won't feel it too much. It'll be over before you know it," Shirayuki turns and holds my arm steady.

"Right, just get it over already." I drop my head onto the table and let my arm go limp.

"Don't tell me you're scared of a little needle."

I look up at Obi leaning against the doorway. His eyes were filled with smug amusement.

"As a matter of fact, I am terrified of needles. Something a big tough guy like you would never understand," I yelp at the first prick if the needle and drop my head back onto the table.


I shake my head, “Just keep going. Don’t mind me.”

By the next three stitches I’m about done.

A distraction. I needed a distraction.

“Little child, be not afraid,” I sing the first verse quietly to myself. “The rain pounds harsh against the glass, like an unwanted stranger. There’s no danger. I am here tonight.”

Shirayuki ties off the thread.

I lift my head, “Is it over?”

“The stitching part is over,” Shirayuki unravels some bandages.

I hold my arm out for her to bandage.

“You have a beautiful voice by the way,” Shirayuki never looks up from wrapping my arm.

I feel a slight warmth creep up my cheeks. My skin was too dark to see any evidence of the blush, but I could still feel it.

“Thanks,” is my simple answer.

Shirayuki ties off the bandage, “You can take the bandage off in a day or two. After the bandage is off you may rinse it, but no scrubbing.”

“Thank you, Shirayuki,” I pull my arm away. “Whenever you need help ask me, yeah? I still want to learn the basics of herbalism.”

“I will. I look forward to teaching you,” she tilts her head giving her sweet smile. The early sun glints off her hair making it look like fire.

I stand and slowly back towards the door, “Well I’m off to explore. See ya.” I move around Obi and walk towards the stables.

A rough hand catches my arm once I make it outside. I wince.

“Where do you think you’re going,” Obi doesn’t look to amused about my walking off without saying a word.

“I’m not going to try anything.”


“I’m going to see Gypsy, my horse. I haven’t seen her since I got here,” I tug on my arm, “If you wouldn’t mind, could you let go? My arm still kind of hurts.”

Obi blinks as if he’s surprised I have feelings and lets go.

“Thank you,” I pull my arm to my chest and hold it protectively.

We make it to the stables in uncomfortable silence. As soon as I see Gypsy I almost forget Obi’s even there.

“Hey there, Girl,” she nickers a greeting and shoves her muzzle into my hand. I giggle, “I don’t have any treats, I’m sorry.”

She snorts and nibbles at my ear. I laugh, “Hey stop that.” I lightly shove her head away.

Then I remember I’m not alone when I feel the burn of another person’s stare.

“You don’t have to stand guard,” I continue to stroke Gypsy’s neck. “I’m not going anywhere.”

An exasperated sigh is the only response I get, but I know he’s left me alone.

I give Gypsy my full attention once again, “That was Obi. He’s my supposed escort.” I scratch under Gypsy’s chin, “I’m pretty sure he’s more of my jailer though.”

Gypsy nibbles at her bridle outside her stall, signaling her want for a ride.

“Sorry, my head injury doesn't allow me to ride you for a bit.”

I reach for her halter next to her bridle, “That doesn't mean I can’t take you out to the paddocks though.” I slip on the halter, “They're much nicer than the one we had at home. Come on.”

I guide her out. I don't realize the sun going down until Gypsy comes behind me and lies down. I look down at her, “I swear you're more dog than horse.”

I lay down with my head resting on her stomach. As I start to doze off only then do I realize Obi had let me be as alone as he could. Whether it was for his sake of mine, I appreciated it.

Gypsy shoves on my shoulder, “Leave me alone.” I push her away.

She shoves my shoulder again.

“Fine, fine. I'll sing you a song you big baby.”

I take a slow breath, “Silver light. She turned her face up to the starlit sky, and on this day began to wonder why. She knew that soon the day would come…”

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now