I'd Go Anywhere With You

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Lowen and I sit under a tree enjoying the fresh air. He had become inseparable from me. In the few days back here at the palace I had gotten to know him. He had no other family. They were all killed when resisting Keir. He was a bright kid, very funny and inquisitive.

I glance down at him leaning into my side. He was also very loving. It was as if he was trying to make up for all the time he was alone.

"It's time for us to go."

I glance up, startled.

Obi stands next to us with a mischievous grin. I hadn't heard him coming.

Lowen and I stand, but Obi catches my arm before I could get far, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I stare into his golden eyes curiously.

I look to Lowen, "Go on ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

Lowen gives Obi a dirty look, upset at having to share me.

When he's out of earshot Obi releases my arm.

I look up at him expectantly.

"When I first approached you, I was only trying to see if you were alright. I just needed an excuse. I couldn't just ask if you were in an abusive relationship."

It takes me a moment to remember. Obi had seen Keane hit me. The next day he had asked to see a permit for selling weapons.

"You don't have to go back there, you know. You don't owe them anything." Obi's eyes are pleading with me.

"I know, but I want to. Maybe without Keir's influence things will be better. Besides I left Keane. I can't feel right knowing that I can do something for my brother and country and instead choose to ignore them."

Keane had once been loving and kind and patient. It was not his fault he was so warped now. Keir had done that to him.

"Then let me come with you. I know I can protect you, but I can't guarantee those guards of Zen's can."

"Obi, you know Zen wants you to stay here. He wants you to stay with Shirayuki while he's away."

Even though I know it shouldn't matter, a slight pang of jealousy goes through me. Why did Shirayuki get everything? The happy life, the prince, the beauty, Obi.

"You wouldn't want to disobey your master." The comment comes out with more bite than I had meant. "Obi, I'm sorry. I-"

He holds up a hand, "No, I get it. I heard Lowen call him Master Keir once. You used to too. You hated it."

"I'm sorry if I annoy you. I'm just worried."

I snort, "Yeah, I know. You say that quite a lot."

"No," Obi's voice comes out exasperated, "I don't think you get it, Vela. I'm worried because I care. I care about you, Vela."

My breath catches in my throat.

"I care about you more than you know." He says the last part in a low voice.

Dumbfounded by his claim, all I can do is stare.

Obi closes the distance between us and pulls my waist closer to him. He lowers his head and pauses, looking at me with those breathtaking golden eyes.

Finally, I move. I place one hand on his chest and lift the other to comb through his soft hair before pressing his mouth to mine.

Butterflies go into a frenzy in my stomach when he moves a hand to tangle in my hair. He presses closer to me and pushes me gently against the nearby tree.

My breath stutters at the way he grips my waist and it's all I can do to stay upright.

I'm enveloped in all of him. His pine scent, his rough lips, his soft hair.

I pull away overwhelmed and needing to breathe without breathing in him. I look up at him, short of breath. His whole demeanor is anxious. He was worried because I pushed him away.

I give a silent laugh and wrap my arms around his neck and press a gentle kiss to his lips. I pull away again and he leans his forehead on mine, much more relaxed.

"Will you come to Maura with me?"

His lips turn up at the sides, "I would go anywhere with you."

A sudden shout startles us both and we jump away.

"No, no! Could you guys have not waited just a week longer?" Mitsuhide rants at us.

Kiki stands next to him with a smirk on her face, "I won. Hand over the money Mitsuhide."

Then I get it. They had betted on how long it would take us to kiss. I giggle and whisper to Obi, "Is our bet still on, because I think I'm the clear winner. It has been far longer than two months. It's almost been five since we made that bet."

Obi hums, "I can't seem to recall making any bet."

I scoff and push his chest, "You sore loser, give up the money."

Obi catches my hand and pulls me closer again, "Since I'm your sore loser, take it. What's mine is yours."

He kisses me again and I blush when I hear Kiki and Mitsuhide's teasing. I pull away and look at the ground.

"We really should get going," I mumble.

Obi laughs and slips an arm around my waist, "Onto a new adventure."

I smile up at him.

Onto a new, brighter chapter of my life.

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