The Decision Was Never Yours

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"Go to Maura, stay and die, go to Maura, stay and die, go to Maura, stay and die," the last petal flutters to my feet. I let the stem of the flower I had destroyed fall to the ground as well.

Leaning against the fence to Gypsy's paddock, I sigh. The little finn horse trots over to me and presses her muzzle in my hand, searching for treats.

"Well it's decided, Gyps. I'm going to take my chances and stay." I stroke Gypsy's neck, "There really is no other option. Going back to Maura..." I shake my head.

I can't continue to lead killers to their targets. I can't be the reason others die. I cannot continue to go through the hell that was my home.

Yet there was a small tugging question I had. Why come for me now? Surely they had already found me. Mauranians were one of the best trackers in the world. So why come for me now?


I set out the next day exhausted. I had spent the night worrying and finishing weapons that had been requested. Between the two activities, there hadn't been much room for sleep.

I inhale the cool morning air and listen to Gypsy's hooves on the dirt road to the marketplace. A place I was not too excited to go back to after yesterday.

In the marketplace I tug Gypsy to my tent to unload the items in her saddle bags. As I am tying Gypsy to a shaded area I see someone duck into my tent.

I stroll over already knowing who it is. Only one person would be so early.

Ronan is looking around at all the weapons and trinkets displayed, "Have I ever told you what an amazing inventor you are?" He holds up a small running horse made of gears, wires, and metal. He twists the little key in the side of it's platform and the horse comes to life. Music sounds and the horse moves it's small legs to the beat.

"A girl truly before her time," Ronan says as he places the horse back into it's original spot.

"Well aren't you the flatterer," I walk to a table at the back of a tent and unlatch the bottom to pull out a sheathed dagger. I turn to him, holding it out.

He takes it and looks at me before unsheathing it.

"As per your request, a dagger that no one else has ever seen or made. It's as deadly as the black plague," I fold my arms and continue, "Its virtually unbreakable, the blades heat to unbearable measures when in contact with human skin," courtesy of the Pyran mites.

"A wound from that blade will not be closed in time, and it can cut through stone. Regular maintenance is still recommended, so bring it to me as you would a regular dagger." I smile at the look of awe in Ronan's face.

He finally unsheathes the dagger to reveal three black blades spiraling to a tip at the end. It looks as impressive as it sounds.

He resheathes it and pulls out a tinkling pouch, dropping it on my table, "Three thousand silver pieces like we agreed."

I grab the coins and nod, "Always a pleasure."

The other few who requested items come to get them before the market gets too crowded.

I spend the rest of my time making sure nothing is taken from my tent without being paid for.

My tent is popular because of the unique items it holds. No matter the expense people always want something others don't have.

I am seeing a customer off when someone taps my shoulder. I turn and come face to face with a familiar pair of golden eyes.

My breath catches when the stranger examines my left cheek. It hadn't bruised. Keane hadn't hit me hard enough, but this stranger's gaze had me on edge.

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