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Questions, questions, questions. Questions that I had answered repeatedly. That's all I had been asked.

Who is after you?

Master Keir.

Who is Master Keir?

The closest thing to a king in Maura.

Why is he after you?

Likely to make some machine for him.

Why had you never told this to us before?

You would have rejected me.

They continued to ask questions. Questions about my loyalty. Questions about my skills. Questions about Maura. They asked the same questions repeatedly, waiting for me to slip up. It was exhausting.

I sit against the wall and trace the healing injury on my arm. Shirayuki had removed the stitches. It was still puckered, but it no longer bothered me.

I look down at my scarring skin. It would stand out against my dark skin. Yet another scar to add to my collection.

The door unlocks and I stay where I am sitting, expecting Izana.

Obi's head pokes in.

I blink, "Obi?"

"Hey," Obi quietly closes the door behind him.

I stand and fold my arms across my chest, "Why the sudden visit? You certainly haven't attempted to stay in touch."

Obi walks around the bed, "I'm sorry. They've kept me...busy."

"Yeah, busy looking for Mauranians. Mauranians you've been looking for on your own accord I might add." Obi gives me a shocked look, "I can hear the guards when they talk."

"I figure the sooner we catch them, the sooner you get out of here," Obi tries to explain.

"No, I understand that. What I don't understand is why you're here now."

Obi gives me a mischievous smile, "I'm here to take you on a little field trip." He holds out a cloak, "What do you say?"

I watch him with skepticism before allowing a smile of my own to spread on my face, "I was thinking you'd never ask."


Obi steadies me outside the castle walls. His plan had mainly relied on my manipulation of shadows; something I hadn't done in a long time apparently. The sudden and excessive use of my gift left me fatigued.

"Are you alright?"

I nod, "Just a little dizzy. Give me a minute."

Obi holds onto me a moment longer until I can stand on my own.

"Well your room can't be that secure if we both got out unnoticed. You would have been better off with me," Obi smiles down at me.

"I couldn't agree more," I return the smile.

I follow him to a pair of horses hidden deeper in the woods. One of the horses whinny when they see me.

"Gypsy? Hey girl. How are you?"

Gypsy sniffs and noses at me in greeting.

"She missed you while you were away."

I look up at Obi, "How long was I in there?" During the sunless time I had lost track of time.

"About two weeks."

Two weeks. Two weeks and they hadn't found anything.

I shake it off and climb onto Gypsy. Obi does the same on his own horse.

"Where to?"


"Are we there yet?"

We had been riding for quite some time and my legs were getting sore.


"You said that ten minutes ago," I mutter to myself.

I see Obi's shoulders shake in silent laughter.

Great, now he's laughing at me.

Obi turns his horse off the trail and I follow, trusting him to not lead me astray.

I hear the stream before we reach it.

Obi stops and slips off his horse. I do the same.

Obi pulls the saddle bag off his horse and lays a blanket on the ground.

I sit on the blanket and look up at Obi, batting my eyelashes, "How romantic."

He gives a sly smirk and lowers himself onto the blanket, "Isn't it?"

"So why did you bring me here? I mean it's a beautiful view, but it doesn't seem like you would sneak me out just for the view."

He smiles, "You're right. I wouldn't."

"Then why-"

He holds a hand to his lips still smiling, "Just wait."

A flash near the stream catches my eye. I turn to it instinctively. It flashes again.

What in the- Wait. Is that?

I stand slowly and walk towards the water. The soft glow comes and fades from the small animals flying.

Fireflies. They were just like father had said they would be. Something tickles my cheek. I bring my hand to my face to find it wet. I was crying?

"I remember you saying you had never seen any before," Obi's voice comes from close behind me.

I turn to him, "Thank you, Obi. Thank you for bringing me here."

Obi looks stunned when he sees my tears, "I didn't mean- Why are you-? Did I-?" Obi stumbles over his words, not knowing how to respond.

I laugh. Really laugh for the first time in two weeks.

"I'm not upset, Obi. I'm happy. You have no idea how much this means to me," I giggle again. Obi really had no idea what to do with tears.

Obi's expression turns to a wistful smile. He places a hand on my head, "I'm glad you liked it."

I look at Obi with a wistful expression of my own. He had given me what my father hadn't been able to. My father who had gone missing.

Obi drops his hand from my head, "We should get going."

We ride back in a comfortable silence.


Yeah okay so first day of school for me right? Guess what I do? I trip and fall down a flight of stairs and nearly died of embarrassment. Go me!

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now