Changed Subject

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In the bathroom of my room I transfer the bark in my pocket to a leather pouch I keep around my neck under my clothes.

It could come in handy later now that I knew how to prepare it. One to two teaspoons of ground bark, boiled for fifteen minutes could have someone asleep in only twenty minutes. A pretty useful plant if you ask me.

I walk out of the bathroom and smack into a chest. I blink up at Obi.


"Why did you take that bark?"

"Why didn't you tell anybody?" I fire back.

He pauses for a minute, "I don't think you'll do anything you'll regret with it. Regardless of that though, I want to know what exactly you want with it."

I walk around Obi and drop on my bed, "I want to have it in case of any emergencies."

Half true.

"Emergencies like?"

Obi leans against the bathroom doorway.

I stare at him for a moment.

"If you don't trust me and you don't like my kind, why did you save me?"

"Excuse me?" the question had caught him off guard. "You're changing the subject."

"I asked a valid question." While at the same time changing the subject.

"If you don't answer my question, then I see no reason to answer yours." He fold his arms.

I nod, "Fair point."

I lay back on the bed with my hands folded on my abdomen, waiting.

I hear Obi sigh. There it is. I feel my lips twitch upwards.

"I may not like your kind, but there were innocent people there. It was obvious they wanted you, so taking you out of the equation would lead them away from the marketplace."

I sit up slowly, "So your quick thinking saved a lot more from getting injured or killed."

"Possibly," Obi stares at the ground.

This Cat saved me from much more guilt I already felt whenever I thought of those who were injured or killed in the marketplace.

"Thank you."

Obi looks up confused, "Did you hear what I had said? I didn't do it for you. I-"

"Did it to save the innocent people there. I know I heard."

Obi looks at me with that same surprised look on his face.

I laugh quietly, "I've become fairly familiar with that look of yours."

Obi's look of shock turns to one of annoyance, "What look?"

I smile softly, "You always seem so surprised I'm not the monster you made me out to be."

His glare turns soft and he walks to the balcony, once again perching on the railing with his back to me.

I watch him curiously, then decide to try my luck with another question I had been wondering.

"You like Shirayuki don't you?"

Obi's relaxed position goes stiff.

"So you do," lay on my stomach and look at Obi with my head leaning on my uninjured arm. "I noticed how you looked at her even if she didn't. You seem to be quite fond of her."

"It wouldn't matter if I liked her or not."

"It wouldn't, would it? Because she likes Zen and Zen likes her. Watching people has always been a specialty of mine, but you don't need to know a thing about people to know those two love each other."

"I never realized you were so intrusive," Obi makes no effort to hide his irritation. "Is this what you meant when you told Mitsuhide you could be too much at times?"

I smirk, "Perhaps, but is being inquisitive really so bad?"

"That inquisitive nature of yours could get you hurt."

Obi unwittingly stabs at a painful memory. I touch my shoulder lightly, "I'm well aware of that."

Obi turns fully towards me and I drop my hand from my shoulder. He opens his mouth to ask a question, but is interrupted.


He looks back down over the castle grounds.

"Why hello Miss Kiki, Mitsuhide. What brings you here this fine day?"

Wow. He seemed to light up whenever Zen, Shirayuki, Kiki, or Mitsuhide were present. Was I really such a burden?

"Is Vela up there?"

I roll off my bed and walk over to look down at the two. I wave, "Right here!"

Mitsuhide holds up a box, "We brought something for you."

"For me? How thoughtful."

"Don't sound so disappointed. You haven't seen it yet!"

"Oh, but I can see it, Mitsuhide. It's a box."

Kiki's laughter drifts up to us. I smile. It was as if the whole Mauranian incident never happened.

"We'll be up there in a minute."


I walk away from the balcony and plop on my bed. I cross my legs and stare at the door.

"You seem anxious to get those boxes. Do you know what it is?"

I give Obi a sideways glance, "I have an idea."

He walks over to stand next to me, "Well?"

"You'll see."


Did u know conversation music was a thing?

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