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I should have known something was wrong. There was no laughing coming from inside the bakery. The door was open only a crack.

My parents always left the door wide open. They let the sweet smell of pastries waft through the air, letting it attract customers.

I pushed the door open, "Mom, Da..." The words died on my lips. I forgot what I was even going to say.

I should have known something was wrong. I should've known something was going to happen.

If I had, then I wouldn't have seen my parents on the floor. Each in a pool of their own blood.

A figure stood over them both. Shadows flickered around him. He looked like a monster come to life.

He looked at me and I couldn't do anything but whimper like the helpless, useless child I was. He glided over to me, shadows and all.

In one swift motion with his blade, he cut my face. I didn't move a muscle, terrified. His eyes had been black. Blacker than a night without a moon.

"Let this be a reminder to you. Never defy your superiors. If you spark their anger..."

Nothing else had to be said. I understood.

In a single breath he was gone. The only sign of him being there were my lifeless parents and a blood soaked knife.

With trembling fingers I lifted it from the red. On it was a shadowed moon. A new moon. My hand clenched around the crest. The crest of a Mauranian.

Not So Invisible (Obi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now