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Brantley's POV
After I watch security escort the guy out, I turn to the girl and when I see who it is, my jaw drops. I walk over to help PJ get her off the ground, and I see that her nose and mouth are bleeding. "You ok darlin'?" I ask when we get her in her feet. "Yeah, it's just another day. Thanks for helping me." She says wiping some blood off her lip. "I'm Brantley." "Oh trust me, I know who you are. I'm Maci." She says with a small smile. "It's none of my business, but may I ask what caused him to do this?" I ask as PJ and I are walking her to the bus to get cleaned up. "Honestly, this is just the same shit on a different day. He's never been that bad before. He got jealous because you were holding my hand and singing to me. Jake doesn't like it when I give someone other than him attention." Maci begins to cry as we are walking on the bus. "Shit, honey I'm sorry. I had no idea." I tell her instantly feeling bad. "We aren't heading out until tomorrow so you are welcome to stay here tonight." She simply nods and starts washing her face. I walk back to my room to get her some clothes to sleep in and take them up front. "Thank you Brantley." "You're welcome darlin'."

Maci's POV
I woke up this morning sore as hell. I'm glad I stayed with Brantley last night, but I will pay for it today. I sneak off the bus, so I don't wake Brantley, and start walking home. The closer I get to the house, the more nervous and scared I get. When I walk through the front door, I see that Jake is still asleep. There is beer and liquor bottles all over the place, so I start cleaning. I'm hoping if I clean up some, Jake won't be as angry. Suddenly, I'm regretting leaving Brantley's bus. I hear footsteps coming the hall and instantly brace myself for what's coming. "What the hell are you doing here? You think that you can spend the night away from home with another man and then think you're allowed back?" Jake says getting angrier with every word. "I was just giving you time to cool down. I tried to come home but they wouldn't let me." I lie, hoping that will calm him down. He walks up to me and slaps me, making my mouth bleed again. "Jake, I can't live like this anymore. I'm done!" I yell running back to our room to pack. Thank God, I got Brantley's number last night. I shoot him a text and tell him to come get me. I hope he gets it and shows up fast.

I have the bedroom door locked while I pack, and Jake has been trying to take it off the hinges. I'm wiping away tears when I get a text. "I'm on my way. I'm bringing PJ. Pack everything you can." I read his text and I let out a sigh of relief. I've got 4 bags packed full of clothes so I open the bedroom window and start tossing them in the yard. I climb out the window right when Brantley pulls up on his Harley. PJ pulls in behind him in a truck and he starts loading my bags while I'm telling Brantley what happened. Jake comes storming out of the house yelling at everyone and cussing up a storm. Brantley pulls me behind him protectively and PJ is standing between them. At this point, I have no idea what Jake is yelling at me because I have my eyes squeezed shut trying to block it all out. "I will come find you bitch!" Is all I hear Jake yell as PJ knocks him out.

Brantley's POV
"I will come find you bitch." Jake yells at Maci, who is still hiding behind me. "Over my dead body." I say in a low growl as I turn to face Maci. "I'm not going to let him any where near you. For now, you're coming in the road with me until we can figure something else out." I tell her and she nods before speaking. "Thank you. You don't know me and you certainly didn't have to help me. I promise that I won't be a bother for long." "You can stick around as long as you like. Hop on darlin'. We gotta get back to the bus."

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